Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Husband of the Month

It's Valentine's Day. Another day of jacked up prices and desperate consumerism. It's not a day that Mr. C and I usually fuss over, which is fine with me because... How do I say this nicely?

Mr. C and I, in the past, have had a tough go at it in the gift giving department.

No. That was too nice. We suck at presents. Big time.

My husband is horrible to buy for. I think men in general are difficult to get gifts for, but Mr. C is particularly picky. And expensive. As much as I would like to, I just don't have the cash to buy him a flat screen television. Which is what he asks for every holiday. Sorry, hon. How about a nice card?

As for my husband buying me gifts, I have to be very careful what I ask for. If I so much as mention that I like something, just once, it might show up under the Christmas tree or wrapped in birthday wrapping paper. Or, if I happen to say that he shouldn't make a fuss over Mother's Day... He won't.

That was not a good day.

He's getting better at gift giving but I will never let him forget the year he went out and bought a $300 massage table as a gift for me. I'm not a masseuse. But his thinking was why spend the money on massage appointments? He can give me massages and we'll save money! It will be great!


But this year he finally hit his stride. Yesterday morning he got up with Chicky, he fed her breakfast and then woke me with a kiss and a card that said I had an appointment at a spa in a couple of hours. He had gone ahead and scheduled a facial and massage at a posh spa for me, and he took the whole day off from work so he could look after Chicky for the day while I relaxed. He even took her to her music class.

Since he's still making up for that little heating fiasco, he's out of contention for Husband of the Year. But I can safely say that this was one of the best presents he's ever given me. Much better than the early version of the Palm Pilot with the music card that held no more than 12 songs.

As for me, I got Mr. C a card. Oh, he's getting sex too. But I don't know how to wrap that.

I don't know if it's better than a flat screen television but it's going to have to do for now.

Happy Valentine's Day, honey!


  1. I'm not crazy about Valentine's Day, but I love what your husband did for you! What a great guy you have!

  2. Good man!! Definite make-up points for the "heating" incident.

  3. That is a wonderfull gift. As for wrapping sex...maybe a stop at Victoria's Secret or better yet, Fredericks of Hollywood, for a little "wrapping". Tee, hee!

  4. You're cute.

    That's a nice post about the husband that almost didn't survive the winter.

    Have fun giving your gift. I think the unwrapping is the most fun for that one...

  5. Oh, looks like you and me will be doing the same thing tonight. Wink, wink.

    As for my man,he made up for his month long absence by surprising me with a very expensive bracelet I have been oogling as of late.

    Then he announced he was leaving for another two months as of Friday.

    I'm thinking of moving in with you.

    When your hubs forgets to keep you and the chicklet warm, we can always huddle together with our pooches and keep warm that way.

    Whadda ya think?

  6. a massage table? for cost effectiveness? that's hilarious.

    he seems like a dead nice guy, have to say. be gentle with him tonight...;-)

  7. Ummmmm, this may be a bit too personal Mrs. C, but is he getting the sex on the massage table? And you failed to mention who he's getting it with.

    That's all I need to know for now. Thank you.

  8. I hate to admit it but from a guys perspective we usually have absolulty no clue on gifts for women. The massage thing he gave you sounds like he hit a homerun. Gee I may have to make a quick stop on the way home tonight at the massage place. Oh and your present works just fine, and if he's like me, no wrapping necessary.
    PS:Flat Screens are nice also!

  9. What a great gift. I tried hinting long ago thats what I wanted but still never got it (the spa day).

    Have a great Valentine's and I hope you enjoyed your gift.

  10. That's a pretty good gift, especially compared to the others.

    Aaron and I are doing nothing for Valentine's Day. The snow and sick child kept us, the procrastinators, from shopping, so we decided to call the whole thing off this year. Romantic, eh?

  11. They're always happen with sex as a reciprocal gift. Always. You can never go wrong with giving it up!

    And it's way cheaper and easier than anything else. I'm such a slut, I'll exchange sex for take-out Chinese ...

  12. Way to go hubby! I hope you enjoyed your gift to the fullest.

    Happy Valentines Day!

  13. What a great husband! Aw. (And I bet he'll like the sex better than the TV anyway.)

  14. Your hubby's getting more than mine is this year...figures, I'm on the rag.

  15. Good Boy Mr. C.! At least you know he can learn, right??

  16. I know how to wrap sex. Saran Wrap. With a jaunty bow.

  17. Happy Valentines Day (your gift sounds awesome!).

  18. Wow, the hubs came THROUGH this year. Awesome. Enjoy the spa time. You deserve it!

  19. Girlfriend, I am so damn jealous.

    My Valentine's day is the Hub aka Dr. Psyche spending the night at the hospital. On call. Again.

    Glad your Mr. Chicky came through for you!

    As for the difficult wrapping...I find a bow works pretty well. Or bows. Whatever.

  20. Kyle came home and gave me a kiss. Not only did we save money, but I saved calories as well.

    Although I have suggested that a weekly massage (by a professional) might be in order now that I'm more stressed out at home than I ever was at work.

    Happy happy to you and Mr. Chicky!!

  21. I hope you enjoyed! You deserve it! And was there wine involved later? ;)

  22. A $300 massage table????? That is wild! My husband isn't great with the gifts either (he'd probably say the same about me). You should see his little mess-up from yesterday & the card he gave me! I posted about it as well.

    Hope the sex was good :)

  23. Great gift! The massage table is hilarious. Where is it now? I'd be on it every day asking my kids to rub my back.

  24. good one, mr. c! hope that spa day was as delicious as it sounds.

    we don't do v-day after our first disasterous year together, when i dressed in sexy lingerie, poured champagne and waited on the couch for him to come home - grumpy, with an ill-fitting, used jean jacket for me. niiiice.

  25. Glad he is getting better at the gift giving. That one was perfect!

    V-day is very low key around here. I gave my man new underwear (because, yeah, he needed them) and a love coupon. The coupon didn't even get used last night.

  26. Nicely done, husband! See, just goes to show you, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Great blog, btw.

  27. He took the day off so you could have a lovely surprise trip to the spa? Oh, what a lovely, lovely man you have there.

    Might even be worth overlooking the little heating fiasco he created.... ;-)

  28. Hmmm...massage table or a trip to the spa??? Tough to say which is the better gift *LOL*

    Hope you enjoyed yourself, Mrs. C!

  29. wow. that was heroic! perhaps he could do some podcast seminars and I could play them to mine when he's asleep, see if we can't get the messages in there somehow

  30. Ohhh...RIGHT ON, MR. C!! NICE, very nice...

    Why not tie a big red velvet bow around your waist? your naked waist...seriously.

  31. Way to go Mr. C!! Yup, I think you've earned your stripes back after that heating incident.

    And I'm with Kevin on the tying a red bow around you. Better yet, come home from the spa with nothing on underneath an overcoat! ;-)

  32. Ha ha! See, they can learn! :-)

    As for the wrapping of your gift to him, I find silky underthings work nicely.

  33. Oh I'm late to the party but I just needed to say that this is a great start at making up for the heating incident. A very good start (can he talk to my husband please?).

  34. The massage table is hysterical. Supreme effort, miserable execution. Thanks for the laugh, and happy belated v-day.
