Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Open Letter to the...


Do you know what a difference your mild flirtation meant to me, that smelly mini-van, tantruming-child filled morning? With my lipstick wasted on the under five set, you calling me “Miss” and smiling broadly after I ordered my vanilla latte made my morning so inordinately exciting, I called my friend in Rhode Island just to report that an under-30 had flirted with me. I frequented your coffee stand for weeks, just for a glimpse of your smile.


I remember the tired Sunday afternoon when, arms loaded with squirming youngsters and frozen pizzas, you offered to help me. Cheerfully ignoring my tears, you loaded the groceries as I fastened the unwilling babies into car seats and tried to avoid snorky sobs. I welcomed your friendly conversation as a talisman from the normal world –a reminder that daily life was continuing outside the struggles and angst of my new motherhood. You wished me a lovely evening and as I drove away, I watched you in the rearview mirror like someone descending on a hell elevator gazes after a departing angel.


And for that moment of eye contact, when you thanked me for the job and the opportunity, I saw in your gratitude that my presence on this planet wasn’t just a mistake of genetics and random molecules. I felt for that moment that my weary efforts did matter and that for others, like me, days are often made or ruined on the promise of the kindness of strangers.


CrankMama, Rachael, is an aspiring hippie mama in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She's raising her 3 young daughters with her 2nd husband, simultaneously trying not to lose her sassy edge.

Come visit Chicky Chicky Baby over here today.

Click the button to check out the other open letters this month, and to get more info on the blog exchange.


  1. it's those little things.

    I hear ya.

  2. Ah. The sweet, sweet joy of being called MISS.

  3. I still get all excited when im carded for buying alcohol

  4. I get all excited when the young stud at the gas station smiles and asks if he can do my windows....

  5. Wow. What an excellent sampling of the moments of motherhood. Excellent letter.

  6. goodness, that was sweet. i'm teary eyed

  7. Girl, I really do dig me some barista love...


  8. Those little gestures really do make a difference! Great open letters. :)

  9. That's so nice!

    And "miss" is so much better than "ma'am!"

  10. Ooh, I really like this post. I should write one like it to thank people for their little niceties that have changed my life.

  11. I love it when that happens! If it so happens to be directed from a cute boy who makes me coffee- it's all the better.

  12. I love it when that happens! If it so happens to be directed from a cute boy who makes me coffee- it's all the better.

  13. M'am does carry such a sting to it, doesn't it! (hell, at work I get called Sir sometimes) I really enjoyed this post!

  14. I am a fraction less cynical for having read your post. Thanks!

  15. That post made me smile. It is true, sometimes just a simple act of kindness by a stranger can make your day.

  16. thank you for reminding me that we never know the impact we have on others, no matter how slight our interactions.

  17. What an interesting idea - I'll have to try

    Thanks 'Miss'!

  18. Nothing beats being called "Miss". Wish it happened more.

