Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Guess who's going as a spineless jellyfish for Halloween?

No, not her...

Because, obviously, she's a chicken. Doing one killer version of the chicken dance. I'm only sorry you can't witness it yourself.

Me. I'm the spineless jellyfish. I caved into the peer pressure to get my kid a costume.

But I have a good reason! Chicky Baby and I attend music class on Tuesday mornings and since this Tuesday is Halloween (which is today for those of you just crawling out from under your rocks) our teacher said we were going to have a party and all the kids could come dressed in costume. Well, I didn't want to be the only mother whose kid wasn't in costume. How much would that suck? It would be like 6th grade all over again...

Oh. My. Gawd. You wore green on Thursday? What a loser. Everyone knows you don't wear green on Thursday. No one is going to be your friend 'cause you wore green on Thursday and no one wants to be friends with the loser who wore green on Thursday.

(Did you catch that it was socially prohibitive to wear any shade of green on Thursdays? It took me years to be able to wear the color sage for fear of forgetting what day of the week it was and wearing it ON THURSDAY.)

So there I was, at Old Navy, buying my kid a t-shirt that says "Little Devil" on it. I had no plans to buy her a costume even though I would probably end up being a playgroup pariah. I figured I could dress up the t-shirt with a pair of devil's horns and tape a picture of Chicky Baby's latest tantrum onto her back and call it a day. But there in the checkout line was this costume, hanging all by itself, in her size. I figured it was Serendipity stepping in and saving me from myself and my Scrooge-like ways.

(but really it was the 50% off tag. $9.95! Score!)

The costume was a huge hit. I wish I could share the pictures with you all from the party but that would require me getting permission from the other mothers. Which would require me telling them about my blog. Which would require me shutting down this blog, leaving town and changing my name.

I'm still not taking her Trick or Treating. A girl has got to have some convictions, even if she is a bleating sheep follower of the crowd.

Happy Halloween to you and all your little chicky's (and the big ones too!).


Today over at Dog Gone Blog - the best grooming brush for dogs (and cats too!) that I have ever found. And later today - Dog of the Week.


  1. We moms will resist peer pressure for ourselves, but all we have to do is visualize our kid feeling left out and it's all over.
    She does look cute. A baby chicky!

  2. I love that I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-my-arms-I'm-so-excited look! What an adorable Chicky Chicky Chicken. I can't help but think you did the right thing :)

  3. Had to delurk just to say, "Oh my God! Then it wasn't just MY school where you were weird/a geek/a loser/whatever if you wore green on Thurday!?!"

    And, by the way, just WHY was that?

    Oh, and Happy Halloween!

  4. She looks totally cute in that costume! It was worth the 10 bucks for sure.

    Coincidentally, I was supposed to dress Little Guy up in costume for his gym class yesterday, but he ended up being the only one NOT in costume. I was late getting over there and it was impossible for me to get him dressed in time so he arrived in a sweatsuit instead. Oh well. We took the group picture anyway. We're SUCH rebels. When he's older, I'll tell him he went as Richard Simmons. He's got the hair for it. :)

  5. And I was feeling bad b/c we took the kid to a pumpkin patch this morning ... I thought I had sold out! Ha! You get the honors!!!

    Seriously, if we had someplace to go, we would have decked the kid out, too.

  6. Aw. No Sexy Raggedy Ann? C'mon!


    That was our second choice... Dragon won out!

  7. I think what's important here is that it looks like she loves wearing the costume. So therefore you did the right thing (for less than 10 bucks how could it not be the right thing?!).

    Happy Halloween.

  8. Well, it's adorable. I love the chicken dance...

    Hope you had fun!

  9. WAAYYY too cute. Chicky baby was a Chickey! I think she borders on the "freaking adorable" to be frank. Plus, for $10, you totally win the deal of the week award.

  10. Oh, I don't blame you. You just HAD to get that costume. She looks adorable!

  11. Very cute! Happy halloween.

  12. I read your blog occasionally, but this is I think the first time commenting...
    I loved the part about keeping the blog a secret! Everyone I know reads my blog and it keeps me pretty censored. Maybe I need a "secret" blog, too.

  13. I love that costume! We bought Leah a princess costume (or should I say she demanded it lol) and took her for a walk around my mom's neighborhood. We literally hit maybe 5 houses and she basically said hi and we talked with the neighbors. they were giving out pretty crappy candy so I wasn't very happy lol. What with me being the one who is gonna be eating it. LOL.

  14. That little Chicky Chicken is the best! It was so meant to be. Besides I'm not messing with a dangerous jellyfish.

  15. jellyfish can sting. when i cave, i call it being a lemming. i'm still trying to determine exactly what noise a lemming makes anyway. kind of a squeaking, i assume.

    at any rate, the chicken is very cute. my best friend's daughter was a bunny. i found the costume in june at a yard sale. and people laugh at my hoarding ways...

    and what the hell is it with green and thursdays? when i was in high school, we would almost come to blows over who got to eat the green m&m's on thursdays. i still have NO idea why.

    well, at any rate, happy halloween!

  16. Really now, how could you resist that costume - it was karma AND a deal.

    She looks so darn good that it was worth being a bit spineless, wasn't it? Not that I'm saying you're spineless (gah, I just dug myself a hole didn't I?)

  17. It seems like it was meant to be.

  18. Bah, ha ha!
    I totally scored this year - she wore jens and a fleece vest we already owned with a hardhat and tools and tool belt that she loves to play with and already owned. Free. Can't beat free.

  19. Awwwwww Mrs. C~~~
    If you had to cave to public opinion, at least you caved in a very cute way. That picture made me laugh right out loud! Very cute.

  20. that is one cute chicky chicky baby.

    (glad you gave into the pressure - halloween is at least good for the photo op)

  21. Of course! A chick! What a little cutie. A chicky chicky baby!
