Saturday, November 25, 2006

I want to put it all between two slices of bread

(Weeeeee! Pictures!)

It's over.

The Thanksgiving hoopla, ballyhoo, and conviviality has come to an end for another year. Mr. C's turkey dinner was a great success, the cheesecake was heralded as restaurant quality (thank you, BA, for that incredible recipe!) and amazingly enough, though we blended two families under one roof, no one insulted anyone else's delicate sensibilities. I thank the liberal amount of wine that was poured for the later and much research and great recipes for the former two.

The amount of wine is proportionate to the happy moments a family experiences during the holidays.

It came as no surprise that my father decided that any joke worth making once was worth repeating 25 more times. Because as anyone knows a joke gets funnier the more times you tell it. And a horse becomes more dead the more times you beat it.

In this case it was our decision to use a laptop to work off of instead of a recipe book.

Alton Brown, eat your heart out.

(As a quick aside, can I just tell you how great it is to be married to a guy who is 50% geek and 50% renaissance man? Not only can he fix a computer but he makes a mean sage, sausage and apple dressing and cranberry compote. How cool is that? But I digress.)

These are a few of my favorite things.

Not only did my father comment on the laptop next to the stove at least 18 different times he also could not wrap his brain around the fact that I made a cheesecake from scratch and prepared some of the side dishes with my own two hands.

Say cheese....CAKE!

"You can cook? No. That's not possible. You can't cook anything that doesn't come from a can. Har Har Hardee Har."

Did I say no one was insulted? I lied a little.

No bother, I'm used to it.

We all did have a very good time and I'll spare you the rest of the details, because our details are probably a lot like your details; We ate a lot, we drank a lot, we talked and laughed a lot, we got frustrated with each other at times and there are leftovers for days. Sound familiar?

This pumpkin bread is great mom, don't pay any attention to what Pappy says.

The turkey looked good, too, but these graham crackers are better.

I hope you and your's ate enough turkey to sedate a moose. I hope you ingested your weight in pie. I hope you watched more football than you ever wanted to see in your whole life. I hope you enjoyed a leftover turkey sandwich half as good as the one that my husband just lovingly prepared for me. And I hope you have someone in your life who will willingly put down the other tasty sandwich they so lovingly prepared for themselves before even taking a bite to kill a hornet because they know you won't. A hornet that they fear above all other things.

Chivalrous and he can cook. I told you that husband of mine, he's a renaissance man.


  1. He's a keeper...

    And what's with fathers teasing their daughters? It's funny (the first 400 times) but then the cheer. It wears off.

  2. My father's scared of me now ... no more teasing with unfunny shit. Is that wrong?

  3. I'm so glad the cheesecake went over well. You'll have to share your stuffing and cranberry compote recipes with me. They sound delish. The rest...yeah, typical Thanksgiving stuff.

  4. "50% geek and 50% renaissance man" - that's a wonderful description of my hubby too. (And he is, as I type, combining the functions of DJ and cook, keeping the children entertained with songs while he gets the supper ready: Indonesian chicken satay.)

  5. Turkey eaten, moose sedated, offended by family members?

    Check, check and check.


  6. more alcohol ingested than the law allows? check. more food ingested than your stomach can handle? check. more family time than your nerves can take? check.

    glad the precursor to the holiday season is over.

  7. More leftovers than we know what to do with? Yep. A turkey sandwich lovingly prepared by my husband the renaissance man? Yep. A family member who said something so completely offensive I'm still in shock? Yep. Glad it's over, ready to focus on Christmas? Double yep.

  8. Mmmm... I'm so jealous that you have leftovers because it sounds so good, so very very good. And family members who don't know when to stop talking? I've got so many that I've become an iron lady.

  9. Congrats on a great Thanksgiving. It sounds like you all had a wonderful day. And see I told you that you wouldn't poison anyone.

    Happy Belated Thanksgiving - Mrs. Chicky.

  10. May I please have that dressing recipe? Sounds insanely good.

    I made cheesecake too - Izzy's recipe. I have consumed entirely too much cheese in various forms over the past three days.

  11. Oh that baby is cute. CUTE! Her hair looks lovely.

  12. It sounds like you had a lovely day. I got hungry just reading about all the food. Yum! Is it too late for me to make a Thanksgiving cheescake?

  13. Wow! You did you good my friend!

    My family drinks a lot of wine so we too have much happiness through the holidays. However the more that is sipped, the greater number of insults that start flying.

  14. My first visit to your blog. You made me laugh!! Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  15. Yum. Congrats on the dinner...Your wine collection looks a lot like ours on the table!!!!

  16. Oh my god, look at that Chicky Toddler! She is a DOLL!

  17. Like MGM I'm totally distracted by your gorgeous daughter -- God her hair is sooooo cute.

    Who cares about turkey when you've got chicky baby?

  18. Awwww, that baby of yours is adorable. The food looks absolutely delicious! Next year, I need to make sure to include wine with the dinner (no one else ever brings a bottle, so it's gotta be up to me). I have to admit, we used google to find a lot of recipe and tips for meal also.

  19. your daughter stole the show, however, i am feeling strangely hungry now.

    lucky you, on all accounts.

  20. Your daughter is absolutely lovely!

    And I'm lucky at this end as well: my husand maintains the computers and cooks beautifully. And today he vacuumed the whole house. Woo hoo.

  21. So glad it all went well. I was thinking of you!

  22. Chicky Baby is too cute for words.

    Congratulations on making it thru another Thanksgiving. It sounds like it was fun and would you be so kind as to email me the cheesecake recipe? I'm all about the cheesecake.

  23. chicky baby keeps getting cuter and cuter.

    the dinner sounds fantastic.
    and the wine...mmmm.
    glad to hear you had a fun thanksgiving.

  24. Your table looked beautiful! I can only hope to decorate that nicely one day ;) My table looks like a mishmash of different bowls and plates handed down from like 1000 people, lol.

    Your daughter is JUST TOO ADORABLE!

  25. It all looks fantastic! Well done you. I agree with Mothergoosemouse. You might need to post your dressing recipe.

  26. Looks like Thanksgiving was a hit! Hooray!

    I did a photoblog about turkey day, too. But my pics suck because I was drunk.

    Your little girl is so darn adorable!

  27. That table looks bee-you-tee-ful! Nicely done for everyone. Lean back and rest on your leftovers.

  28. The only hornets left around here are the ones trapped in windowsills, dying a slow death - they'd be no match for your husband!!!

    Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! That cheesecake (and everything else) looks divine!


  29. Ok, so I'm crushing on your hub just a bit right now. And your daughter is delicious. Come to think of it, don't be surprised if I get all single white female on you, show up at your door, and start to assume your identity. Just as long as there's still some of that cheesecake left.
