Tuesday, November 21, 2006

For these things I am thankful

This will probably be the last time I'll have a chance to sit down and write until after all the Thanksgiving hoopla has died down - which should be sometime in March by my estimation. I cannot, however, let this opportunity go by without recording for posterity what I am truly thankful for in 2006.

First and foremost, and it is no huge surprise, I am thankful for the Toddler Tornado, Miss Behaving, Miss Chief, the incomparable Chicky Baby herself... My daughter. The eskimo kisses make up for most of the tantrums you have everyday. Most, babe. Not all. But you find other ways to make up for the other ones, like when you graciously share your cheddar bunny crackers with me. You take such pleasure in feeding me these coveted little treats that even if my stomach was bursting I would still eat every cracker you fed me. Happily.

I am thankful that, starting today, Mr. C is on vacation for almost two weeks. Finally, someone else to share the responsibility of picking up a boneless, thrashing Chicky Baby off the floor before an 80lb dog steps on her. Of course I'm happy you'll be around for the simple fact that I'll see you more, my love, but please let's not have another silly fight about Christmas presents like we had earlier today. M'kay?

I'm thankful for my sister. She who I love as a best friend and a treasured sibling. Who keeps a steady supply of wine coming to my home. Who feeds us on those rare occasions that we brave the Sagamore Bridge traffic to go visit, and who someday soon (coughhaveadamnbabyalreadycough) will give me the niece or nephew I so badly want and will finally take some of the pressure off of me to have a second child.

I'm thankful for the three women in my mothers group that I can stand the sight of that still call and email me for play dates and walks even though I'm the crappiest friend. Ever. (note to self: Include in your New Years Resolution to be a better friend and be the first one to call instead of waiting for others to send you multiple emails inquiring whether or not you're dead.)

I'm thankful for each and every comment and email I get from my blog friends. We are an odd social group, you and I, but your encouraging words mean a lot to a hermit like myself.

(I should have struck those last three words but, really, why bother? Hermits need love too. )

And above all, I am thankful to People magazine for their Sexiest Man of the Year issue. Yes, because of this:

Um, is it hot in here or is it just him?

And also for this:

I'm really enjoying the new, manly Leo.

But especially for this:

People magazine, you have no idea the nasty dreams involving a certain Office worker that I have nightly because of this picture.

Um, Mr. C? I am also thankful that you won't mind if I go camp out in Newton because there is a slight possibility that he will come home for Thanksgiving. Oh yes, there is a possibility. And then, Wham! The poor guy will never know what hit him.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to you Canucks - Happy Thursday!


  1. Happy happy, Mrs. Chicky.

    Those boneless children - how nice it is to have someone else around to catch a left hook now and then.

    And I think I'm officially addicted to The Office.

  2. I love George Clooney.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I'd do George Clooney. Yeah, I would. Sober.

  4. Oh Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for those wonderful mouth-watering, eye-candy photos. Mmmmm.... yummy looking men.... drool...

    Bumper and I will have a Happy Thursday - thanks again.

  5. Ah -- I have made the note to think of you this Thursday... Mostly because my son is always hungry and so am I; save me a drumstick, kay.

    Thanks for thinking of us.

  6. nicely done. i love thankfulness.

    and hot men. yep. both.

  7. Geeeeeoooooooorrrrrrrgggggggeeeeee. *droooool* Oh, how I love that man. Did you see last month's Vanity Fair? Oh, it is to die.

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Mrs. Chicky!

  8. I'll be thinking of you while you are cooking up a storm. Best of luck and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Why is that when you celebrate this holiday, I always want to cook another Turkey and eat pie? Ok I always want to eat pie so I guess that is moot.

  9. Have a wonderful Turkey day!!!!

    I am now thankful for you for posting that list!!!Yum. Better than stuffing!

  10. i just had the same kind of post, as i sit and cry because everyone in the US is celebrating thanksgiving...and i get to go to work tomorrow!

  11. I would NEVER kick George Clooney out of bed. What a hottie!

    Happy gobble-gobble day!

  12. Never was a fan of Leonardo's. Looked too much like a boy for my taste. Then, just last night, I saw him in his flick, The Departed.

    Hubba Hubba. Talk about a boy morphing into a man.

    Sorry dear Boo, but tonight, I might not be thinking of you...

    Happy Bird Day. May you and all your chicky family enjoy it!

  13. I loved your thankful list. I only like one of the guys you showed. The other two don't do it for me so you can keep them all to yourself...well along with all the other women in the world that want them too. Hope everything goes well with your Thanksgiving and that it is all stress free!

  14. This was the best thankful list ever. And I thank YOU for those pics.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and good luck with hosting!

  15. I'm thankful Mrs. Chicky is thankful. Here's to hoping Chicky baby sleeps long and watches many many videos on your Turkey Day...Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Ummm...who is that delicious male specimen in the last picture? LOL!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. I agree with Sunshine Scribe and thank YOU for posting the yummy pix! I thought I was the only one who thought that Office worker was hot...

    Question, if you feel like answering it and it's not too personal. Who's pressuring you to have a second and why/how do you resist? Just wondering because we are comtemplating a second ourselves and everyone around me seems to KNOW that they want a second and I am trying to understand why I am so ambivalent.

  18. unfortunately, i'm in the middle of a post series right now that i am unwilling to interrupt for thanksgiving (i'm so anal about sticking to my original schedule). but maybe sunday, when said series is done, i'll post a belated thankful list. i certainly have a lot for which to be thankful these days...

    happy turkey day to you and the whole chicky clan! :)

  19. I've always enjoyed watching George Clooney, well, in anything!

    So, um, who's the last pic of? Don't think I recognize him.

  20. Great list, especially the ones w/ pics! Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Ewe Are Here: That's John Krasinski, he's on the American version of The Office. He's yummalicious and I want to do dirty things to him.

  22. Agreed... John is my new heart-throb as well. Loving him on the Office... I can't miss watching him every Thursday. And they say Steve Carell is the main character? HA!

  23. I used to think George Clooney was really hot and now...not so much. I can't remember what set me off about him.

    Leo is goooood looooking though!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Chicky! And thanks for giving me three more hunky reasons to be especially thankful this year!

  25. Wow is it just me or did Leo finally grow up? He looks good.

  26. Thanks for reminding to be thankful about George Clooney! Have a great holiday!

  27. That explains it. We only have the original British version in the UK. ;-)

    He is rather good looking.

  28. Great post, you truly do have a lot to be thankful for! Especially hunks 1 an 3, for me the jury is still out on #2. :O) Ilove The Office. My husband doesn't really get it, but I crack up at Michael because I can stick my foot in my mouth like him, but thank God I am not quite as bad.

    I think?


  29. Cheddar bunnies fed to you by a darling little one have no calories. Or so I have heard.

  30. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    Leo will always be my favorite Romeo...sigh...he's just so dreamy.

  31. And I am thankful for those pictures.

  32. They are all too gorgeous for words!
