Friday, October 13, 2006


This is what I'll do with all that dog hair!

Learning to knit is on my list of 40 things to do before 40, so why spend the money on expensive yarns when I can knit with the hair my dogs insist on leaving on every surface of my home? Seriously, why is dog hair any more icky than sheep's wool or alpaca fleece? My dogs are clean, they get bathed regularly. Probably more regularly than a llama. Just because it came from the same animal who repeatedly licks his nuts (or the place his testicles once were) day after day, does that make the fur any more unclean? It's not like I'd be repurposing his tongue. Or his balls for that matter.

Although, I'm sure there's a market for that, too. And I bet if you dry them, grind some up and put it in your coffee it will make you an animal in the sack.

What I want to know is this, if one gets good enough at knitting with dog fur to start hitting the craft show circuit does one have to divulge the nature of the material? Can't one let the unsuspecting buyer think it's angora when it's really Snowball the Samoyed? I suppose there would be a conflict if someone was allergic to dog. Or allergic to the idea of wearing an animal that eats his own poop.

Yeah. Maybe knitting with dog hair isn't such a great idea after all.

(Thanks Kristi for the heads up about this book!)


And speaking of dogs (Alert! Shameless promotion time.): Over at Dog Gone Blog - Important information if you're thinking of adopting a dog.

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  1. My friend Jan knit a hat from dog hair. She said when it got wet, it still smelled like a wet dog. Niiiiiiice.

  2. I tried to leave a comment yesterday, but it didn't work. I said something about how I have recently started knitting, and I keep reading about people who spin their own yarn. This sounds totally cool, but I prefer my yarn to look nothing like an animal when I get it. I also said at least dog hair isn't half as gross as knitting with human hair (what? I'm sure someone has at least thought about trying it.)

  3. Hey, buyer beware. And you've already got a Dyson, which will provides easy access to what you've collected.

  4. Hah I can send you ALL the white dog fur you could ever want. My dogs produce enough long, white hairs to probably make a sweater every week. (and there's a lady in Newfoundland who knits newfie sweaters and stuff from her 4 newfies)

  5. I was hoping that book was a joke until I clicked on the link-I guess there really is something for everyone.

  6. Too funny there's a book about it! I have a friend who spins yarn out of her rabbits' fur -- and just about anything else she can get her hands on, including feathers.

    Maybe I should check that sweater....

  7. I actually know people with a keeshound who spin and knit it's yarn, and I think my mom tried it with our collie mix at some point.

    I did read somewhere on the blogosphere (maybe here?) about someone who knit tiny sweaters on doll hangers for xmas ornaments. Or what about doll sweaters? Surely Barbie wouldn't mind...

    And the line about the dog testicles is killing me - you are what you eat? "Want to be an animal in the sack? Eat Animal Sack!"

  8. I would be able to wear your dog-knit sweater..My husband would break out into three inch welts all over his body. Attractive huh? Maybe I'll buy him one, just for when he is aggravating me.

    Merry Christmas Hun...Poof.

    What happens when the sweaters get wet? I know when my dog gets wet he smells like ass.

  9. I have seen this on tv and yes, I understand the logic of it being no different than angora or alpaca, but you know it sure seems different--don't know why--but somehow it crosses some line. I mean breast milk is still milk but I wouldn't make ice cream out of it. :)

  10. Apparently anyone can write a book.


  11. Too Funny! I cant imagine ... but then angora makes me itch just thinking about it ...

  12. OMG! I can't believe there is actually a book about that....
    Maybe I should send it on to my old friend in RI....then again, since she does actually knit dog sweater Christmas ornaments, something tells me she already knows about it.

  13. Ack!!

    But the best part, is not that someone came up with the idea, but that someone else saw it, thought, "hm, that'll sell!" and greenlit it. Then someone else published it, and someone else decided to stock it on their shelves.

  14. Oh God... horrendous....
    I just can't see how the hair could work though for knitting... (I am a bit of a knitter myself...) Can we come up with another use for dog hair because it is driving me crazy!

  15. 40 things to do before 40? I better hurry up.. only 2 years left.

    As for the book..


  16. Yuck!
    Does that mean you can get fleas by wearing dog hair?

  17. Aaaaaah, a doggie hair twinset! I can't wait! I know a few people who could put that book to good use!


  18. SWEEEEET!!!! Put me down for a dog-hair scarf. Or anything that I can where remotely close to my mouth. That exactly what I need in my life right now...a mouth full of dog hair.


  19. I hear the dog-haired knits were a little itchy. Might be all those fleas.

    BTW, saw a little girl that looked an awful lot like your daughter (with matching bangs) and almost introduced myself to her mother...then I live on the east coast.

  20. Would you like me to send you my dog hair too???

  21. Dog hair knitting, too funny!

    Thanks for the heads up of bitacle. That's the second time I've heard about that.

  22. Socks made of dog testical hair. There has to be a market for those.

  23. Time to start being crafty for the holidays. Mrs. Chicky you are a funny, funny woman!

  24. So, would Poodle and Wheaton Terrier yarn be more expensive than the more allergy prone lab or run of the mill "Michigan Brown Dog" yarn (that's my dog's breed, she's a Michigan Brown Dog)? I think it would.

    And knitting for gifts is NOT an efficient way to save time or money because yarn is freaking expensive and you don't want to give someone a scarf you made out of $3 yarn you bought at your local craft store!

  25. I am not sure if this is funny, gross or spectacularly clever. But I like it :)

  26. Nice. I like it. Takes "industrious" to a whole new level.
