Monday, September 18, 2006

A TV Meme

What is a lady to do when she's knee deep in another task and is trying desperately to hold onto her title as Biggest Procrastinator EVER?

Why, a Meme, of course.

(Although, I suppose I should also be supervising my kid who is simultaneously banging on the piano while trying to give the dog a pedicure with the emery board she stole from me. But why interrupt her obviously amazing multi-tasking skills?And it's been a couple of weeks since I trimmed the dog's nails, so why stop her now?)

Kristi from Texas over at Here In Idaho (you can go ask her yourself why she named her blog that) tagged me to list my 10 Favorite TV Characters of All Time. Holy Bejeebus, do you have any idea what this did to me? I've spent the past day and a half stressing over this damn list. Why? Because it's television, people, and I am a tv-aholic.

After badgering my husband and my sister about who they would pick I think the three of us came up with a good comprehensive list. It took the three of us to come up with it because, apparently, we share the same brain. And we were drinking copious amounts of wine. Anyhooo...

My list of my top 10 television characters (in no particular order):

1. Niles Crane "Frasier" - Was there a more perfect choice than David Hyde Pierce to play Dr. Niles Crane? Seriously, were there any other actors up for the role? It's as if the writers of the show wrote this character with DHP in mind. He embodied the uptight, social climbing, lovable sad sack. All those Emmy nominations and awards can't be wrong.

2. Jim Halpert "The Office" - I love the whole ensemble of The Office but Jim, for me, is the standout. If that character were a real person I would leave my husband for him. Enough said.

Okay, one more thing, John Krasinski is a Massachusetts boy. If I can blur the line between fiction and reality I think that makes me love him even more. So what if he's seven (cough) years (cough cough) younger than me (cough cough choke)?

3. Amanda "Happy Hour" - I know, the show is still new and the jury is still out on whether or not this show is going to hang in there long term, but Beth Lacke's character "Amanda" had me laughing out loud. Truthfully, I was laughing so hard I snorted. To me that is the mark of a good character. She's funny, raunchy (as raunchy as Fox will let her be) and she's not a skinny little toothpick. I like that in a woman.

4. Reverend Jim Ignatowski "Taxi" - Yes, there were many good characters employed by Sunshine Cab but Jim was my hands down favorite. To this day whenever I see Christopher Lloyd on television I have a hard time not seeing Reverend Jim in him. Thank the lord for those "funny brownies" because otherwise we might never have had someone to love like Jim Ignatowski.

5. Lenny Briscoe "Law and Order" - Lenny, how I miss you. I miss your sarcastic wit and your catchy one-liners that started every show. When Jerry Orbach died the world lost a beloved actor and a great character.

6. The cast of the West Wing - I'd like to pick just one but I can't. Individually almost every one of them is great but together they were spectacular. Screw it, it's my list and I'm lumping them all together. However, if you held a gun to my head I'd probably say Josh Lyman. On a related note is anyone else looking forward to Bradley Whitford's new show "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" as much as I am? It's on tonight! I'm so excited!

7. Alf - You think I'm kidding? I loved that show and I loved that character. So it was about an alien named Gordon Shumway played by a puppet with a nose that looked like a penis, if you could look past that it was actually very smart at times. The relationship between Willie and Alf was hilarious. I still remember this give and take between the two of them: (paraphrased because my memory isn't that good)

Willie (on the phone with Alf) - What are you doing?
Alf - I'm standing here in a blue dress.

Willie - Well, don't go anywhere.

Alf - I wouldn't, I don't have the shoes.


8. Archie Bunker "All in the Family" - Show me another character that got away with as much as Archie did and yet still continue to be lovable. Can't do it, can you?

9. Bo Duke "Dukes of Hazzard" - Don't get me wrong, it was a really poor show and some really horrible acting came out of it. But Bo Duke was the definitive character of my fifth grade year. I had a DofH lunchbox, plates, t-shirts, posters, fan magazines, you name it. What? I was 10 years old.

10. Jamie Buchman "Mad About You" - I'll admit it, I loved Mad About You and I loved Jamie. I wanted to be Jamie. She was flawed and smart and pretty... and she had a great relationship with her husband. And then they went through that split thing where they brokeup/didn't break up. I felt betrayed. I lost a lot of love for that show after that. I want my characters flawed but I still like happy endings. I suppose the show did end happily but I was still disappointed. I guess I got off topic, huh?

That's the list. I suppose I can't cop out and not tag anyone so I'll drop this one on Chicken and Cheese, Tony, and because three is a magic number Mother Bumper.


  1. I knew you'd come come through with an awesome list. Another Jamie Buchman fan? I'm totally crazy because I don't like Jamie. Acerbic is the word that comes to mind.

    Now you can go pick one of my characters and assign an SAT word to it. Because I know you have that much time on your hands. Just like me. I think I'm supposed to be homeschooling or something right now. Gotta go.

  2. Alf??

    That snort you hear is me killing myself laughing.

    You lost me at Alf.

  3. OK, this one might take me awhile, but I'm game! :) The Dictator is already in full gear today. Sigh. We had a shower together today and one of us was fully dressed - guess which one.

  4. Great list!!

    LOVE Alf...I always admired his hobby of collecting dryer lint.

    I accept your "tag", and will have something up tomorrow-

  5. I used to LOVE Mad About You although I stopped watching when they sterted to break up. I wanted them together and happy...that is what made the show!

  6. I loved Reverend Jim from Taxi. My favorite was when he was taking the test for his license. " What does a yellow light mean", "Slow down". Still cracks me up.

  7. Oh you have some good ones though I must admit I did a double take at Alf. I'm so excited that I'm going to take my little notebook out with me when Bumper and I head out for our walk in a few mins.... I'm a total TV junkie in need of rehab - this is going to be fun. Thanks for the tag!

  8. I LOVE Lenny Briscoe! So sad when Jerry Orbach died. And Josh from the West Wing....he would be my pick there, too. I saw a sneak peak of the Studio 60 pilot a few weeks ago and it TOTALLY rocks. It will definitely fill the humongous void left in life when the West Wing ended.

  9. Love Niles Crane more than is reasonable. Would totally jump on DHP. Had to hold myself back when I saw him in Spamalot. Gah.

    BUT - Jaime Buchman mad me bonkers. Annoyed me. Really. annoyed. me.

  10. Kyle's cousin dated DHP. Weird wild stuff.

    We plan to start watching The Office this season. We're not exactly early adopters.

    Love Archie, love Bo, love Jamie. You've got some good choices there.

  11. Niles Crane - an inspired choice.

    And I remember when I was in East Germany on a high-school exchange trip, I couldn't get over the passion they had for Alf in that culture. Something about all that cuddly alien snarkiness seemed to appeal to depressed people under the shackle of Communism.

  12. I did this today too!

    I have to agree with kittenpie...Jamie Buchanan annoyed me.

  13. Oh, that is a FUN meme. I don't know if I could narrow it down to 10, but calling out Jim Halpern is a wise, wise choice...

  14. Oh, I loved The West Wing too, and would have such a tough time picking a favorite -- but if pressed it would be Josh. I love, love Bradley Whitford. I cannot wait to see Studio 60 tonight. (or, let's be honest, when I finally get a chance to watch the Tivo'd version this weekend...)

    I totally have a girl-crush on Mary Louise Parker too. Although I was still thrilled that Josh and Donna ended up together in the end. ;-)

  15. I love Niles Crane. Did you ever see the Valentine's Day episode where he's ironing his trousers? It's completely silent, but pure, unadulterated physical comedy.

    I cannot WAIT for Studio 60 tonight. I love Josh, too, but it would really be a toss up between him and Toby. I do love me some Toby. If I batted for the other team, I'd be all over CJ. But yeah, pretty much everyone on that show kicked ass. I miss it so.

    I may have to swipe this. It's a good one.

  16. Jim Halpert.

    I want to have his baby.

  17. Alf! Hadn't thought of him in years. I loved that show too. I hadn't realized that his nose was shaped like a penis, but now that you mention it....

  18. I second you on most of these. I thought that she was a bit whiny, though. And sometimes a little mean. But I loved her hair.

    Murray was the better character.

  19. Alf ... oh that is a good one.

    Had I done this meme in today's frame of mind I would have included both Niles and Jamie. Definately.

  20. Ok- I have to say I love Dr. Christian Troy on Nip/Tuck. Solely for the looks, of course. LOL.

  21. Mrs. Chicky!
    Every character I can nodd and say 'Yes, oh yes... and the I read....



    Speachless with laughter... Especially, especially because you can eve quote him... you remember a quote from that show...
    ok... have to go as I am howling... and snorting...

  22. Oh, Lennie, I miss him too. Excellent list. You might have to fight me for Jim.

  23. on Jim Halpert: me too.

    oh, my god, yes.


  24. You really love watching series! What if you were a student right now huh? That would be a big problem to handle. I beet your teacher will kick you out because you delay making your assignment.
