Friday, September 15, 2006

And the winner is...

Me, actually. After all it is my blog that got named.

I have to tell you guys, you all really outdid yourselves. There were so many great names and taglines to choose from. And that last round of voting really helped.

Last night Mr. C joked that I've obviously been watching too many reality performance tv shows where the audience calls in and votes for their favorite dancer/singer/has-been celebrity trying to take one more embarrassing stab at stardom. There I was, asking you all to vote for your favorite blog name. I did everything but sing a Taylor Dane song off-key or perform a really poor tango and give you a 1-888 number. But much like Rockstar Supernova the final say is left up to the band, and in this metaphor the band is me. Think of me as Tommy Lee, without the drums. And the tattoos. And the giant schlong.

Hopefully, this choice won't disappoint you and leave you with a nasty taste in your mouth, much like I had when they picked Lukas. Lukas f-ing Rossi? C'mon, Mr. Makeup? Am I the only person who thinks he looks a bit like an Oompa Loompa? I can tell you, that is one album I will not be buying.

Without further ado... Because of all your wonderful suggestions I've decided to name my new endeavor...

Drumroll, please.

Dog Gone Blog*

That name was the brainchild of the Irreverent Antisocial Intellectual. Go on over and give her some love. Not just because she named my blog but because, dude, she can use a machine gun. I'm just sayin'.

The tagline? Glad you asked. I'm going to use "Sit, Stay, Speak", as suggested by Kristen at Mommy Does It All. Yeah, I know it's my comment line on this blog but it's just too good not to use over and over again. Congratulations IAI and Kristen! Because she named the title, IAI gets the first choice of gift cards: Target or Barnes and Noble. Ladies, please drop me an email and let me know how to get your prizes to you.

It seems a little anti-climactic, not being able to link to my new blog. Unfortunately, I still need to finish some things on the new site. As I always say, anything worth doing is worth overdoing and overdoing some more, and then stressing out about and re-doing. I'll have it up and running some time next week and, of course, you'll all be the first to know. Just as soon as I figure out how to turn off the Blogger part of my brain so I can learn how Typepad works.

Thanks again for all your support! Cookies for everyone!

(yeah, don't think I won't work that into my new blog somehow.)

*When picking the name of the blog I had to take into consideration the tone I was trying to establish as well as search engine hits. As much as I wanted to incorporate a line like "Yo, where my bitches at" I figured it would send the wrong message and bring some less than desirable characters to my site. I already get the occasional hit from people searching for "doggie style" and "dog sex". Eeew.


  1. It was just an honor to be nominated ... uh, yeah, bullshit. I'm so doing the shocked beauty queen face now, complete with the shaking hand over my gaping mouth. Thank God for waterproof mascara!

    They like me, they really like me!

    I'm just like Lukas ... uh, no. I'd rather be like J.D. from Rockstar:INXS ... I could go for a little J.D. The boy ... well, the liquor too. The liquor's not bad.

    OK. I'll stop now.

    But dammit, I won! I won, I won!

  2. Dog Gone Blog. I love it! Congrats on picking a name. Can't wait to see the new digs.

  3. Excellent choice. I voted for The Dogosphere, but Dog Gone Blog reaches a wider audience. IAI rocks!

  4. I'm just having fun imagining you with Tommy Lee' schlong. I've seen the video.

    Can't wait to see the new blog.

  5. Awesome! Thanks and I LOVE THE NAME!

  6. Congrats on the new blog - I know I didn't pick the winner but I love Sit Stay Speak. Wonderful!!

  7. Very nice choice. Congrats to you and the winners!

  8. That is a great name for the blog! Can't wait to see it.

  9. Love the name and the tagline. There are lots of brillant ladies out there, huh? Of course, I count you among them, too!
    Congrats on the new blog. Looking forward to reading it when you are ready.

  10. Love it! Can't wait till you unveil it.

    Good forethought about the blog name. Can't tell you how many **ahem** interesting people come to my site because of the damn name.

    Who knew Rednecks could be a fetish thing?

    So, promise me you will tell me how to get my most adorable pup to pee outside like a good dog? Please. I'm begging here...

  11. LOVE it.

    Okay ... so we are thinking of getting a dog and I have a million questions to pose to the brilliant author behind the new Dog Gone Blog. So many questions. Can't wait

  12. I LOVE IT!

    I can't wait to see it!

  13. I can see where something like, "Let's do this thang -- doggie style" as a tagline wouldn't really set the right tone for the blog. heehee.

  14. I think your new blog name is just perfect.

    What's with unsuccessful Canadian posers winning Rockstar? They can't get arrested until reality TV gets a hold of them.

  15. oh, congratulations! I think the new blog name is perfect. and I hope you like typepad. I've gotten to know it pretty well, for a techie dingbat, so lmk if you need any assistance. I probably won't be of any help, but I'll be supportive if you want to bitch about how annoyed you are with having to use a new format. :P

    xoxo and yeah!

    p.s. doggone is a phrase I cherish. one of my very first crushes in high school responded to my "doggone!" after having lost at a video game with "cat here?" I loved him for a long, long time after that. stupid asshat.

  16. Mrs. Chicky, I went to a dog training class at the shelter where I am a volunteer on Saturday and it was so interesting! We did some work with a clicker (and just saying "Yes" in its place) and it was brilliant! I worked with a couple more pups yesterday afternoon and the caught on right away! It's a recurring class so I can't wait to learn more.

    Looking forward to reading Dog Gone Blog!

  17. Woo hoo! That was the name and tag line I voted for! Roxie and I are looking forward to the unveiling.

  18. Congrats! I love the name and the tagline, and I know it will be a fabulous success. Looking forward to the unveiling.

    (Debbie, that guy's response would've made me fall in love.)

  19. Darn, I'm way behind and I didn't even know that you were starting a new blog! Great name and I can't wait to read more.

  20. LOVE IT.

    (Oh, and? My husband just said LAST WEEK that the young Mr. Rossi looks like a cross between Clint Howard and an Oompa Loompa.)
