Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happiness is a warm (baby) shower

Oh those wonderful Braxton Hicks. Sometimes they suck, sometimes a pregnant woman can sleep right through them. On Monday morning I fell into the latter category. I knew they were going on but compared to the pain I usually feel while trying to sleep a few cramp-like pains weren't going to move me from the comfortable position I had finally found after six freaking hours.

I guess they were mild but deadly (probably shouldn't use that word in relation to my pregnancy, huh? I'm already having terrifying dreams.) because at my OB appointment later that day I was three to four centimeters dilated and 75% effaced. WhooHoo! Let's get this party started!

Uh, yeah. Not so fast.

When I was pregnant with Chicky this happened too. My OB at the time was convinced I was going to give birth at any second and told me I should probably take my leave at work and counseled that I might want to stay close to home. TWO WEEKS later Chicky was born.

Or, four days after her due date. Thanks, Doc.

This could take a while. Or it could happen tomorrow. I LOVE pregnancy. No variables at work here.

But I can't have this baby this week because I'm supposed to be getting my roots touched up next Tuesday. Yeah, I've got my priorities straight. Have this baby now or deal with all those wiry gray hairs and dark brown roots. You know that because I have an appointment with my stylist in one week I'll have this baby sooner, though. Right? Because God doesn't want me to be a blond anymore.

So all those things I wanted to do for myself in the next two weeks I'm now afraid to do. Prenatal massage? Could jump start labor. Pedicure? Could jump start labor. Indulging in spicy foods? Could jump start labor. Walking to the damn toilet? How many stories have you heard of women having babies in the bathroom?

Just in case I do go into labor sooner rather than later I'll thank all of you now who participated in the virtual shower this past weekend. I'm working my way through all of your posts and the advice has been decidedly ass-less (get it? Ass-vice? Yeah. I don't sleep, you don't get no funny.). I can't thank you all enough for thinking of us pregnant types and best of luck on those kick ass prizes courtesy of Liz, Kristen and Julie.

You all rock!

And because some of you asked, this is what 37 weeks pregnant looks like, Chicky style:

I think the last five pounds went straight to my cheeks and chin. Think that'll come off when the baby comes? Yeah, didn't think so either.


  1. I think you look fabulous :) Good luck with everything!!

  2. Really? Because that's what I looked like right after my pregnancy test came back positive. You look fantastic!

  3. Yowzers woman, you are such a beauty. 37 weeks with child looks darn good on you.

    You missed a couple of activities that will also induce labour. I think your schedule for the next week sounds like it will be fun should the little one decide to let you get busy.

  4. You're adorable. And how come everyone can take a picture of themselves in the mirror except me?

  5. Oh honey you are so adorable

  6. You are too damn cute! I pray that I look that good at 37 weeks!

  7. You look wonderful! And hey, you got to sleep through 4 cm of dilating. High five.

  8. Looking awesome! Love seeing baby bellies! Someone should be taking bets on you guys to see who will go first. ..

  9. I wanna snuzzle that belly.
    It was a pedicure and a ironing a shower curtain at 1 am that sent me into labor on my due date. Because that's how I roll.

  10. Is it creepy to say that I think your teeny little outie belly-button bump on top of your baby bump is adorable?

  11. You look awesome! Good luck! Can't wait to find out the baby's name!! Did you pick one yet?

  12. Yah, don't do that bathroom thing though what a post eh?

    Anyhow, I think you are on to something with that hairdresser theory - baby is already a trouble maker. That means she's cool liker her momma.

  13. Holy cow, you look fabulous mama! I'd be plastering my picture all over the blogosphere if I looked like you at 37 weeks.

    Go get that pedicure mama. Seriously. When you're feeling all bloated and messed up and sleep deprived, it's so delightful to look down and see one pretty part of you.

  14. you are so beautiful. I hope the road to meeting your next little girl is everything you hope for -- and a few pleasant surprises. Because, as you say, suprise is where it's at where cervixes are involved and stuff.

    Feel me squeeze your hand and tell your doin' great honey.. today, tomorrow, whenever it comes. I am so happy for the Chicky family.

    -- right, she now puts online doula hat away.

    Easy does it.

  15. Looking good! Here's hoping you're feeling good as well and that your cervix waits until all necessary salon appointments have been attended to :)

  16. First, you look great.

    Second, I was in premature labor with my son for 3 months, he finally showed up a day after he was due! I guess I wouldn't let him get here when he wanted, so I was forced to wait for him. heh!

  17. Lookit you! You're so cute! I wish I looked that good NOW, ferchrissake.

    And me, after 20 hours or so of labour, I was still only 1-2 cm, so I don't know what to tell you about all that...

  18. You look fab! Hang in there.

  19. You look fabulous! My face was like a balloon during pregnancy.

  20. Oh my dear and darling Mrs. Chickster. I am so thrilled for you and wishing you all the very best. I know it hasn't been easy, but baby Ruth (that's the name, right?) will be here soon enough. Enjoy this time for all its craziness and be well.

  21. I think you look pretty damn hot for 37 weeks!

  22. 37 weeks... looking chicky chicky hot!! Enjoy the last couple of weeks... then the adventure begins again!! :) Thinking of you!


  23. you're so cute! i'm sorry i missed the shower, but just wait until you have two - you'll never be on time for anything ever again.

    the second is supposed to be fast and early. i hope she is. mine was 9 days late and had to be forcibly evicted, but for you - fast and early. c'mon sweet baby!

  24. You do understand that when you don't update daily I start freaking, right?

  25. I wish I looked that good at that stage. You go girl!

  26. (grin) My dad had the GALL to ask me last night how firm was the baby's due date? As in, we want to visit, I have to pick my vacation time now, how firm is that due date?

    Thank God he lives 20 hours drive away! Saved his life...

  27. beautiful!

    What chubs in your cheeks and chin? All I see is cute baby belly!

  28. You look great!

    and I agree, a girl deserves to have her hair done before bringing a baby into the world. I like highlights and a blow-out. :) Feel well.

  29. You look great! and I agree, a girl deserves to have her hair done before bringing a baby into the world. I like highlights and a blow-out. :) Feel well.
