Sunday, October 07, 2007

No one gets out of here alive

This pregnancy is now kicking my tuckus.

I've gone from fine, to bad, to worse, to semi-comatose.

What can I say? I'm one sick puppy. I can't even drink water. I'm done. Stick a fork in me.

As I write this, I'm trying desperately to keep down those three Doritos and one sip of ice water I just consumed.

I don't think it's going to work.

The sickness is constant. It's 24 hours, and yes, that means I'm nauseas even in my sleep. I can't consume a single thing without wanting to purge it.

(You're so glad you're reading this right now, aren't you?)

The hard part? I mean the really suckass part? Mr. C left this morning for a conference and won't be back until late this week. I'm solo parenting. From my couch. With a little help from my friends T and V.

Okay, a lot of help from the TV.

Bring on the guilt.

I don't know if this pregnancy is worse than the last one or if it's just the circumstance this time around. The last time I had a job and I was still grieving my mom, who had died just a few months prior. This time, I'm home with Chicky. My only obligation, job, chore, what have you, is taking care of Chicky. Making sure she is fed, bathed, put down for nap, picked up from nap, put down for bed, picked up from bed. Not to mention our two scheduled activities a week and my training classes a couple of evenings a week.

Oh, and love. I am loving that kid up. It's not making up for the fact that a majority of my parenting is being done from a prone position on the couch, usually with my eyes half closed, or from in front of a toilet, but I'm trying. I'm failing. But I'm still trying.

I apologize a lot. She doesn't really know what I mean but I do it anyway. But she loves it when Mama is sick. It cracks her up. Eh, at least she's amused.

I don't want to bitch and moan anymore - I do enough of that all day long, thankyouverymuch - but things are going to be sparse around here until I get some help, in whatever form that comes. Hopefully, it will come in the form of Zofran.

Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease, let there be Zofran.

I need to save my strength because I've got things I need to take care of, between puking and sleeping, and I'm not quite sure how they'll all get done.

For instance, we'll be relaunching the New England Mamas blog on Monday the 15th in a new location. And as God as my witness I will finish that site! Even if I have to finish it from the floor of my bathroom!

That really tired me out. I think I'll go to sleep now. After I try to eat one more Dorito.

Keep your fingers crossed.


Kelly said...

Sorry to hear you're so incredibly ill. I hope you can get some relief soon, in whatever form it comes in.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're so sick. I think it means he or she will be another really cute wonderful baby like Chicky!

Mom101 said...

Oh I'm so so sorry. We've all been there, as you know - to greater or lesser degrees - and all I can see is this too shall pass.

Heather said...

Wow that stinks that you're feeling that crappy. Makes me happy that my craptastick feeling comes and goes intermittently. Mostly at night though, so lucky me, I don't sleep either.

Here's hoping for some Zophran for you!

S said...

I am so sorry. That truly sucks. I hope you get that drug soon. Like tomorrow.

Carol said...

I'll be right over to take care of Chicky so you can sleeeeep (and puke in peace)!


JuiceyMe said...

Im so sorry this pregnancy is kicking your tushy like that! Hope you get some relief really soon..

Best wishes~ And may your day of delivery be short and sweet~

SUEB0B said...

Yuck. It cracks me up that you getting sick cracks Chicky up. Kids!

kittenpie said...

Oh dear, honey. I wish you were nearby so I could help you out a little. and hey, my parenting this week involved a lot of the same, so I get that, alright. It's all fine the days they don't feel well, but when they have energy and you're not up to it? WEll, I was ready to beat myself to death with a shovel one day, so I can only imagine where you must be at. So sorry, and hoping things get better one way or another, fast. Hugs.

Blog Antagonist said...

Oh you poor, poor thing. I had a client who had the same condition and she was just miserable bless her heart.

Don't worry about Chickybaby. She'll be fine. I promise.

Thinking Zofran thoughts for you.

Julie Marsh said...

Good gravy. I can't imagine.

I so completely and utterly hate nausea and vomiting that I wish there was something - anything - I could do to help you feel better. Maybe some DVDs for Chicky?

Sarahviz said...

Uhhh...hello? E-mailing you right now with my schedule so that my Baby and your (Chicky) Baby can be BFFs. She needs to come over for some playdates so that you can get a break (and puke in peace)!

Girlplustwo said...

oh honey...i am so must be sick because you didn't even mention Game Three.

feel better, love.

Tania said...

There is no shame in using the TV to get you through. Lose the guilt!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm worried. Not one single mention of the Sweep of Curt or anything. You must be really sick. Wish I could help. I would, honest I would, but I'm just not well enough right now. But if you need a mother's helper or something, just call. You know who will be happy to help out.

flutter said...

Oh babe, I am so sorry

Lawyer Mama said...

Aw, babe. I was so hoping this time would be easier for you. You're bringing that traumatic first trimester with Hollis back to me. Noooooooo! Make it go away!

I'm sending you mental Zofran. Is it working yet? No? Damn it, I'm trying here!

Major Bedhead said...

Can I help in any way at all?

Don't worry about the NE Blog - really. Don't. Call the doctor, see if you can get the drugs. I can't even imagine trying to parent while feeling that awful.

ewe are here said...

Oh no! I hope you get some good anti-nausea drugs soon.

Anonymous said...

Ack. I am so sorry. I have been there. So awful. Add me to the list of people who would gladly help out if I lived closer. Chicky will not be permanently scarred, I promise.Take good care of yourself.Oh, and where in the hell is your Zofran?!?!

Toni said...

Sending thoughts of ginger ale laced with Zofran to you....

BOSSY said...

Oh sweetie - Bossy sends her love. By the way, been pondering: Will you have to change the name of your blog to Chicky Chicky Chicky Baby?

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Doritos??? On an upset stomach? Oh, you are a brave one! (or desperate, which I gather is the most likely)

I'm sending happy Zofran vibes your way. And, I agree with Major Bedhead---us NE Mamas will be here, new blog or no. Concentrate on your family and your health, ok?

Victoria said...

Oh, I feel your pain! I was sick for the entire pregnancy of my second...and caring for the first was so difficult. I was constantly crying and apologizing. Sigh. Not good times.

Take care of yourself and rest. Bring on the Zofran!

Greens and Pinks said...

Ooh. Feel better soon!

Tuesday Girl said...

I was so sick this time around for 13.5 weeks. Although I didn't throw up, I was sick 24/7 I was queasy even in my sleep. Maybe because I am older, maybe because I have 2 four year olds, but it was worse this time so much worse.

Anonymous said...

Ah, that was me with baby #1 for the first 4 months. This time, the sickness is easing up a bit, but I still do a lot of horizontal parenting.
I've heard that salt and vinegar chips do wonders for the sickness. I have yet to try them.

Cristina said...

Holy hell, it sounds bad.

Is there anyone who can come over and help? I literally paid my sister in law to come to my house for two months during the worst of my m/s in order to take care of Little Guy. While she was there, I laid on the couch the whole time. It was horrible. It is so much harder trying to do it with a toddler.

OK, I'm sure my comment isn't helping you feel any better. Just want to say that I feel your pain. I hope the drugs come through for you!

Kyla said...

A few months ago, BubTar said to me, "Mom, remember that time we were watching Cyberchase and I was SO hungry and I wanted a snack, but you just wanted to lay on the couch and sleep?" And I said, "No, when was that?" He said, "You know...when you were SO big with KayTar in your belly?" LOL!

It gets all of us. And it gives our kids these little gems to dredge up every once in a while.

Cakabaker said...

I so hate that you are not feeling well at all, if I lived closer, I would come over and give T and V a break :)

Rusti said...

I am so sorry for you!! I was on teh couch all day yesterday - with brief trips to my own toilet due to a migraine - I can't imagaine it being days and days like that... (well I can imagine it - I can't imagine how I would handle it with a Chicky around too... I only had a dog and a cat... and that was too much!) I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way. You're now in my prayers Mrs. Chicky - I do hope you're feeling better soon! Zofran - where are you???

motherbumper said...

Dora the Distractor has saved my my butt when illing many a time. I really hope the drugs work and that you feel better super soon.

Ruth Dynamite said...

OK Mrs. Chicky. Just watch the pendulum as it swings back and forth. It's so pretty, isn't it? Are you feeling sleepy yet? Watch the pendulum.

Left right left right left right

There now.

Ginger is delicious, isn't it Mrs. Chicky? Ummmm. Must have ginger. Must have ginger now. Ummmm. Yes, you do want the ginger. Ginger good. So soothing and ummmm.



Feel better Mrs. Chicky. I'm thinking of you!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I hope you feel better soon!

The second pregnancy is SO much harder....when you were pregnant the first time, it is all about you...but from then's a bit more complicated! :)

PunditMom said...

I'm so sorry. It really stinks. I wish I could do something to help.

Mommin' It Up! said...

My son used to crack up when I puked when prego with my daughter, also. He would pat my back and laugh and say "mama's sick" over and over and chuckle, chuckle, chuckle as I heaved. ahh the memories! And then came Zofran, and his fun was over! I hope you get some SOON!

NH Yocal said...

Yikes, it sounds like you have it bad. I skirted the morning sickness route with both my pregnancies but had everything else! Namely the worst gas and backpain ever. I am not sure how far along you are but hopefully it will get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry. Sending my love and best wishes for a quick end to the ongoing nausea.

And please take comfort in the fact that Chicky loves having her mama there -- she probably doesn't notice that you're feeling poorly, but focuses on your love and snuggliness.

Magpie said...

I'm so sorry - though I loved that you said "tuckus". It'll get better - it has to.

moosh in indy. said...

Did you know there's a generic Zofran now? Just released.
May the Zofran be with you.

FENICLE said...

Hang in there!!!! I've got those T & V friends too :) I use them even when I'm not sick.

mo-wo said...

Get used to Chicky being right in there with puking and grossness. In fact, have her run and get you a receiving blanket or something to clean up your barf.

She'll be right in there with the baby before you know it. Christ sounds like she'd be as tee-hee making at a home birth as Charo on the Love Boat. Bring it on for Miss Chicky.

The Domesticator said...

Oh Mrs C....

That just sucks big time. The gingersnap cookies aren't working? Hmmm.....that is the only thing that worked for me.

The only good thing about this vomiting thing....well, there is no good thing about vomiting is there? Heheh.... anyway, the good thing: you'll have another beautiful baby to show for it. That kid better be grateful *LOL*

karengreeners said...

It's so much harder when you already have one. Hope it passes sooooooooon.

Hannah said...

I think the second one is worse just because you can't unplug when you need to - because that little child you've already got needs so much. But who am I to say, I thought I had it rough but you, my friend, are suffering. I hope you get some Zofran soon. Be well.

Lisa said...

Crossed fingers that the Dorito stays down. Please get some Zofran if you can.

I swear I would hop on a plane and pick it up from your nearby pharmacy if you asked. Because, gosh that is HARD, HARD, HARD trying to take care of a child while feeling like that.

(I never had to do that while pregnant and sick but I had a year where I had 15-25 migraines a month. And there was alot of tv and wretching and laying on the couch during that time with a hubby who was traveling almost constantly. So I kinda know what you're saying, although, I'm pretty sure you've got it way worse.)

Heather B. said...

Despite the fact that I'm now craving doritos, I am so very sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, feel better.

I've been meaning to let you know that I just love reading your blog. I'm a mummy blogger from Australia.

Check out the blog from Aus -

Hope you get well soon


Crazed Nitwit said...

When I was preg with no 2 I had migraines with nausea but I never threw up. I spent much time on couch with ice packs on my head. My oldest who was 21-24 months old was terrific. He took long naps with me and would play fairly quietly(where did that sweet lil guy go!). After 16 weeks I felt infused with energy, only gained 23 lbs and had a very fast 3 hour labor with 3 pushes. Hopefully you'll have some good things happen soon.

You're in my payers.

Crazed Nitwit said...

Oh jeez all that babbling and I forgot to say I'm sorry you're feeling so bad.

Anonymous said...

Oh My! I'm so sorry you are sick. This happened to me during my 2nd pregnancy. Everything seemed worse for me as my circumstances were kind of similar.

The good thing is that you know it will go away. Just hope it's soon.

Heather said...

Well, thats just awful. I hope your Zofran brings you relief and soon.

petite gourmand said...

Oh poor you.
I wish I lived closer so I could offer to take Chicky to the park so you could rest.
hopefully it will get better sooner than later.
big hugs.

Jen said...

I am so sorry you feel so crappy. Hang in there and keep hope alive that you will magically feel better after the 12 week mark...

PinksandBluesGirls said...

that sucks. sorry to hear you're sick.
watch it be triplets!
- audrey

Namito said...

When do you hear about the Zofran? Besides not soon enough.

Huge, delicate hug, my friend.

wayabetty said...

Oh Mrs. C, I really do hope you'll get better soon! I feel your pain there with the solo parenting, as I'm here with 4 rugrats sans hubbie for 12 days as he jetset around the world for work!! Hang in there!

Binky said...

When I'm sick, I can't even compose a sentence, let alone a whole post. I've gotta give you credit. Here's hoping the Zofran delivery makes the next train from Salvation.

Jenifer said...

Well Mrs C, I opened Bloglines today to see I had 368 unread posts... my constant prone position has led me to neglect my own blog and everyone elses. We understand.

I feel like a jerk complaining that I haven't felt good when all I have is some mild nausea morning and evening and constant exhaustion. Right now that seems like a walk in the park compared to what you are going through.

Keep your chin up!

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