Monday, October 15, 2007

I may have spoken too soon

Sick again.

The drugs don't seem to be working too well. Well, let me backtrack. I know they're working because I'm not writhing around on the couch all day from the constant nausea (only half of the day) but I still can't really eat (the Crispy Chicken Sandwich must have been a fluke) and I'm still intimately involved with my toilet. I'm down about 8 to 10 pounds and my energy is gone. And for chrissake, I'm really tired of being this way.

For the first time in my life, I have considered calling my boss to tell him I can't work. I don't do that. I work no matter what. I'm a tough broad.

Okay, usually I'm a tough broad. Today, not so much.

I've even resorted to watching the View. Send reinforcements.


BOSSY said...

Not the view! Fer chrissake, now we know you're bad off... Bossy wishes she had a magic elixir. At least one you could legally consume while pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry you're still feeling that way. Hopefully it'll pass soon enough and you can get back to feeling normal. Incidentally, what did you think of Hill on The View?

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Kyla said...

Are you just on Zofran? You might want to add in Phenergan. I needed both with KayTar.

Hannah said...

OK, if you're sick enough to be watching The View - on purpose - that fully counts as a five-alarm emergency. Call for backup. Pronto. No one should have to listen to Hasselbeck's brain-dead drivel when they're sick.

Blog Antagonist said...

Oh Mrs. Chicky, poor poor you. I'd rather do almost anything than throw up. You have all my sympathy and then some. I wish I could help.

motherbumper said...

The View? OMG you must be sick, very very sick (duh). Will be sending rescue team ASAP.

Ruth Dynamite said...

Oh my. This is serious. Very serious.

Heidi Hyde said...

You poor thing. You ARE a tough nut. Hang in there sweetheart, and I hope you get some relief very soon.


Rusti said...

I'm so sorry - and hope that you will be feeling better soon... no-one deserves this much sickness - especially not you!! You've been there, done that, already - where's the fairness in that?? I know I know, life's not fair.... well it should be in some cases, and this would be one of them. I'll be thinking of & praying for you Mrs. Chicky...

kittenpie said...

Oh, god. Do you need some DVDs? I can send Sex in the City...

My dear, I do hope it ends nicely after a couple of months, and you are halfway through. I really do.

Binkytowne said...

Oh dear, this totally SUCKS.

I won't even try to tell you that I can relate but I feel for you. Big time!

Anonymous said...

Egad. That sounds really heinous. I hope the nausea abates soon. No one should have to suffer through that just to create a human.

Toni said...

Oh, no! Not the View!!!!!

Tania said...

Didn't your OBGYN advise against watching The View?

Alex Elliot said...

You have all my sympathy!

flutter said...


Whirlwind said...

Oh god, that sounds awful! I hope all gets better soon! I'd call your doctor and ask for more help. There's got to be SOMETHING they can give you!

OhTheJoys said...

so you don't mind if I eat the crispy chicken sandwich?

PunditMom said...

Try Oprah -- I hear that takes the nausea away! ;)

Kristin said...

poor girl... are you sure it's the baby and not the view that is making you sick?

Heather said...

Wow, I feel for you. Ick for the sickness...AND for watching the View.

S said...

Oh, Mrs. Chicky. That totally sucks. No two ways about it.

I'm so sorry.

moosh in indy. said...

You deserve a nice IV/Zofran fluid cocktail delivered right up your arm.

Major Bedhead said...

Is there anything else you can take for it? It's not like you have the weight to spare....

I hope you can get some relief. It sounds perfectly miserable.

Girlplustwo said...

you must really be sick to be watching The View. And you are making the Red Sox sick too (why else are they so keen on losing?)

Anonymous said...

No wonder you're nauseated. The View? It would make anyone sick!

Hope you feel better soon.

Jen said...

I am prescribing every season of Sex and The City.

mo-wo said...

The View? Maybe that batch is defective?

Anonymous said...

I hope this finds you feeling better!


b*babbler said...

The View? You really are in a bad place.

You really need to c'mon up here to Canada. We've got the good drugs.

Um, Diclectin that is.

Hope you're feeling better very soon!

Avalon said...

Oh Mrs. C~~~ I sincerely hope this passes soon and you can start to enjoy your pregnancy.

karengreeners said...

Take the day off, woman!

Her Bad Mother said...

Oh, how I wish that we lived next door so that you and I could huddle on the floor together and commiserate in our misery. And hold each other's hair back over the toilet. XOXO

Tuesday Girl said...

The View? Wow you are in trouble.

Lawyer Mama said...

If Meredith Viera starts to make sense to you, please call me immediately. I will hop in my car & have you reprogrammed in a hotel over the weekend.

Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry about the sickness. Unfortunately, I remember it well. Just try to stay hydrated and take it easy. You're a tough broad, yes, but you still need TLC.

mamatulip said...

You know it's bad when you're watching The View. When I was pregnant with Julia I watched like, spaghetti westerns because I couldn't muster up the energy to push the Channel UP button on the remote.

Damselfly said...

Aw, you poor thing. I mean tough broad. I mean poor thing. ;) I hope the nausea ends soon and that the people around you are being especially good to ya.

cooler*doula said...

Ugh. Poor Mrs Chicky.

Please try acupuncture. It works - and not in a'it-worked-for-a-friend-
of-a-friends-maiden-aunt' kind of way.

It. Works.

Jenifer said...

Did your morning sickness with Chicky last the whole pregnancy or did it sunside after the first trimester?? I know I am about 9 weeks now and I keep thinking...only 3 more weeks, only 3 more weeks... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that even if you were sick the whole time with Chicky that this time will be different!

Poor thing.

moplans said...

The View?
gawd woman you are on death's door!
can we ship you some diclectin?

Julie Pippert said...

Nothing is worse than constant draining feeling of sick. Big (HUGS). So very sorry you have this. I wish I had a magic wand.

Take care and away with this sick...on to healthy and easy pregnancy.

ms blue said...

I say tell your boss that you've had a bad case of The View and won't be in for a few days.

I really hope that today is better.

Namito said...

Hell grrl.

Call me. I'll help.

And TAKE SOME TIME! Stop being alpha chick for a moment. Please.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

OMG, you looked so small when I met you, I can't even imagine you down 10 pounds! Give yourself a break and take some time off from working. The world will not stop and your boss will understand. And if he/she doesn't, try to set up a meeting where you can throw up on him/her.