Wednesday, August 08, 2007

We interrupt this rant to bring you the following announcement:

I have hairy toes.

No, wait. That's not the announcement that I wanted to make.

I'm over at PunditMom's blog today, that's what I wanted to tell you. Yeah.

Also, my interview with Meredith O'Brien (Boston Mommy) of the Boston Herald about the New England Mamas blog is up. You should go read it. Oh, yes you should.

Also, also, the NE Mamas are currently looking for contributors from Vermont, Maine and perhaps another one from New Hampshire to add to our list of bloggers. If you are a mom who blogs (or a dad! We do need one.) from any of those states and can write real good please contact me at NE Mamas [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Also, also, also my second toe is longer than my big toe.


  1. dude, you've got hobbit feet and are quoting Silence of the Lambs in the first lines of your guest post? My turn to be scared. Going over to Pundit's to finish reading now...

  2. Strong work on that interview, my friend.

    I'll see if I can scope out some bloggers from up north/down east.

    Who knows, I might be a Maine blogger next year, depending on how the NHSC job hunting goes...

  3. Great interview, Mrs. Chicky.

    But really, enough about your feet. Feet squick me out.

  4. Ahhh yes, hairy toes. The secret shame of women all over the world. I shave those suckers.

    Also? I wish I live in the NE. It's is hotter than the devil's armpit here today. I am very grumpy.

  5. Loved the interview! I think it came out great. Your answers were spot on!

    We're goin' places, us New England Mamas!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  6. I'm so proud of you, Chicky, it's as if I know you.

    I am the poster child for SAHMs online to preserve their sanity.

    Thanks for speaking for us, Tania!


  7. all of this makes me want to lick you. except the toe part. or especially the toe part.

  8. The longer second toe........that's supposed to be a sign of genius. Or insanity. I can't quite remember.

  9. My mom always told me that my second toe being longer than my first was a sign I was descended from royalty, so all hail Queen Chicky

  10. I had a friend in elementary school who said hairy toes meant you were schizophrenic. Yes, she had hairy toes. And yes, she turned out to be somewhat crazy, not schizophrenic, but enough impaired that she's never really had a job and ended up living in a supportive community.

    But the second toe - definitely royalty!

  11. Nice interview!! I kinda wish I were in New England... and a mama :) I'll settle for being a wife in the Great Lakes State for now though... maybe I'll be promoted to "mama" next year - like say next fall?? ;)

  12. OMG about 10 minutes ago I happened to look at my toes and had to say a silent prayer that my co-workers couldn't see the hairy-ness of them, lol.

  13. OMG Sister of the Hobbit Feet! ::bows down chanting "I'm not worthy":: heheh... I hate my hobbity feets...

    I'm tagging you btw... its a MeMe on the loose!

  14. Aaaah, the longer second toe clearly means that you have above average intelligence . . . as for the hair - that's bonus points!!!

    Carry On.


  15. Finger toes, gross.
    It's a good thing you're hot.

  16. Second toes are supposed to be longer. At least that's what my mommy told me.

    I get a few hairs on my big toe but none of the others.

  17. I hate looking at my toes! I love new england! One day I want a home there!

  18. Good job all around!
    What is with all the guest blogging with everyone lately???


  20. I shave the hair off my big toes. And I'm sorry I haven't been posting or reading- work and wedding planning has been getting in the way.

  21. Hairy toes? Fer chrissake.

  22. My boyfriend calls my toes "alien toes" because my second toe is longer than the big toe, too. Just cuz he's got deformed feet, he's got to tease me! :( He also says I have "alien fingers" and "alien teeth".

  23. I have hairy toes too...

  24. You and your hairy toes are so famous

  25. Oh, I'm a total Hobbit.
