Friday, August 17, 2007

Very" Bad Newz" for Michael Vick

**Updated below! And you're going to looove it.**

Michael Vick is so screwed.

And I could not be happier.

Two of Vick's co-defendants turned on him today. In court papers filed today, the two men testified that Vick provided money for the dog fighting ring,"Bad Newz Kennels", based on Vick's Virginia property, and all three men "executed approximately eight dogs that did not perform well in testing sessions" in April alone.

In other words, the dogs would not fight to the death - they were not tough enough for that bloody sport - so they were hanged or drowned. In April alone. I wonder what was done to other dogs in the six years since the dog fighting ring was begun? This is a case where I would definitely rather not use my imagination.

Why would a man worth millions of dollars do such a thing? Ego? Greed? I'm going with stupidity and complete lack of regard for life.

If Vick takes the plea that federal prosecutors have offered to him he would spend at least a year in prison. However, if he rejects it and is found guilty of additional charges he could spend up to 20 years in prison. I'm almost hoping he rejects it, because from the sounds of things no court is going to find that scumbag innocent, and he deserves to spend more than a year of his pathetic life in prison.

I look at this picture and I see is arrogance. I see a man who had it all and threw it away. But most of all I see a killer of innocent animals.

Now I'd like to see him behind bars for a long, long time.

** If you've got an old Michael Vick jersey lying around and just don't know what to do with the thing (besides burning it), you can donate it to your local humane society or shelter like they're doing in Atlanta.

What are they doing with the jerseys? They're cleaning out the kennels with them!


Take that, Vick. Your jersey ain't hardly worth shit no more.

Well, they're useful for cleaning up shit.

I'm giggling, I'm just so giddy over this.


  1. I just read that report on some news site, and I felt enraged--and I didn't even see the "in April alone" part.

    Sayonara sicko.

  2. I've said it can tell so much about a person by how they treat children and animals. He is a vicious and cold hearted man. You can see it in his face. That's not arrogance...that's evil.

  3. A true sociopath, that one.

  4. Funny enough, as a criminal lawyer I can handle the jerks who beat their wives, their kids, but show me someone who's been cruel to an animal and I'll suggest they see someone else.

  5. Ack. I'm glad they flipped on him. I hope he rejects the plea, too.

  6. I see arrogance, too. I mean, look at that face. How can you *not*?

  7. There is something seriously wrong with that man. I have my doubts about football players in general- it's such a violent sport, but this is just disgusting.

  8. I see pride.
    The fall is sure to follow.

    So sad and insensitive.
    Just ... cruel.

  9. I couldn't agree more!!

    And I love someone's comment that I will copy -


    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues

  10. Amen sister! He thought that his "friends" would never give him up but they sang like songbirds.
    I hope they do not offer him a plea, and he gets years in jail and loses ALL of his contracts.

  11. Amen Mrs. Chicky.

    I'm embarrassed that I'm a born and raised Virginian because he did this in my home state. How dare he.

    "Why would a man worth millions of dollars do such a thing? Ego? Greed? I'm going with stupidity and complete lack of regard for life."

    I've been wondering this same exact thing....

    Have fun in jail - L O S E R.

  12. I'd like to see him ripped to shreds

  13. His ass is going to rot in jail.

    What kind of a person does this? He's sick.

  14. Hard to believe scum like this would have no honor.

  15. Adding another Amen! No regard for life. No remorse. Sick. Enjoy watching Monday Night Football in jail, Sicko.

  16. That is so disgusting. I hadn't heard about it until this, and I am so creeped out. You're right, too, you can see it in his face, the lack of caring for anything but himself and his nice suit. Yech.

  17. If MV and his ilk feel the need to "entertain" themselves this way, I just don't know what to say about them that would be bad enough.

    I feel for those shelter volunteers who have to try to clean up the damage that assholes like this do to animals...nurturing dogs that have been abused and trained to be mean, putting dogs down when no homes can be found because they aren't safe around people... I have been there and it sucks.

  18. That is fan fucking tastic. There I go with the swearing again. But he deserves it.

  19. I hope he gets the 20 years too. I looked on Ebay...people are selling his jerseys...they should do what you said and donate them to the kennels.Great idea.

  20. Not only should M.V. do more than one year in prison, he should also be forced to do community service. Have him clean those kennels with his old jersey number. I can't wait for the NFL to ban him from the league as well.

  21. I can't believe he might get away with just one year!
    It makes me sick! I just wanted to let you guys know that at the Humane Society website there is a petition to sign to get to stop selling dog fighting DVD's and Magazines (including cock-fighting). The CEO of Amazon told the Humane Society it was the right of the company to sell these items...I signed the petition and am suspending any purchases from Amazon until they change their policies.

  22. Blog Antogonist nails it: you can tell a lot about people. Sociopath is also an apt description. Good for Atlanta SPCA. That's better than he deserves.

  23. That is good stuff.

  24. These are the news stories that give me nightmares. I hope he spends the rest of his life in some sort of hell.

  25. I needed to hear this today, especially about the jerseys! I would happily line my litter box with it if I owned one.

    I wish they could hang him, but I would settle for twenty years. Let's pray his arrogance is that bad and his lawyer is just as stupid as he is.

    That picture is scary. He is a monster

  26. He is fucking disgusting. Part of his sentence should be to clean those kennels with his jerseys.

  27. Does this man have children? It scares me to think that someone with so little concern for life may have kids. Scumbag. Hope he rots.

  28. I'm all for the eye for an eye thing... maybe we should hang him underwater??


  29. a quote from my 95-y-o granny, "he's a damn ass. i hope they throw away the key."

  30. Did you hear his speech today? I'm sure you did. What's with the "I was immature..."?? Immature? You mean stupid, cruel and inhuman.

    They should have thrown the book at him!!
