Saturday, July 07, 2007

Where Have All The Towels Gone

Hey there. Julia from Major Bedhead here. I started to write this cute post about how I was blog sitting and how I was going to just curl up on Mrs. Chicky's couch and revel in the clean lines and crisp spaces of her blog, but instead, I spent the day with a cranky almost-thirteen-year-old daughter and this is what you're getting instead. With my apologies to Pete Seeger.

Where have all the towels gone?
Long time missing
Where have all the towels gone?
Missing so long

Where have all the towels gone?
Girl has used them
Every one
Why won't she ever wash them?
Why won't she ever wash them?

Now where has the young girl gone?
Chores aren't finished
Where has the young girl gone?
Should have been done long ago

Now where has the young girl gone?
In her bedroom every time
When will she ever do them?
When will she ever do them?

Where have all the popsicles gone?
Box is empty
Where have all the popsicles gone?
Bought yesterday

Where have all the popsicles gone?
Eaten up, every one
When will that girl learn?
When will that girl learn?

Where has the girl's good mood gone?
Long been cranky
Where has the girl's good mood gone?
No smiles today

Where has the girl's good mood gone?
Sullen is the new norm
When will she smile again?
When will she smile again?

Where have all the towels gone?
Long time missing
Where have all the towels gone?
Missing so long

Where have all the towels gone?
Girl has used them
Every one
Why won't she ever wash them?
Why won't she ever wash them?


  1. LOL
    I love your version of the song.
    Aren't teenage hormones just the best?

  2. wow, i'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day, and someone'll hear me singing about towels and think i've gone completely nuts.

    thanks! ;)

  3. Cute! Hope things improved in your house soon though!

  4. That's great! I think I like your version better.

  5. Holy crap, you are living my life. Last week there wasn't ONE freaking towel for me to use after a shower. I tell the Girl to go get some out of her room and wash them. She claims she only has one. I march in, find 5 in about 2 seconds, but she STILL hasn't washed them. I had to buy new ones just to take a freaking shower.

    Never mind that the dishes sat for 3 nights because she kept disappearing into her room for hours at at time. I swear it, parallal lives.

  6. Ah I am so gald to know I'm not the only one going thru the almost 13 angst.

    My DD just unloaded towels from her bedroom, I couldn't figure out why the linen closet looked empty?

    You should copywite and sell your tune, many a Mom could so relate to it ;-)

  7. My daughter is only 10 (which some days seems bad enough, to tell the truth!) but I remember eating all the popsicles!!! Very funny! I guess what comes around goes around right? (I'm in for some real trouble!)

  8. That is funny!
    I remember being a teenager and using all the rowels too!

  9. I just spent the last two days with my fifteen year old sister, so I know whereof you speak. She is something else.

  10. My first time visiting here and I just had to comment on this post because it cracked me up so badly! What a hoot!

  11. dVPHOM The best blog you have!

  12. Nice Article.

  13. Nice Article.
