Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Don't get rid of that puppy just yet

...Puppies can come on a bit strong under the best of circumstances, but to a little kid a jumpy puppy can be really intimidating. To a pre-schooler they can be downright terrifying. This - introducing children to dogs - is a delicate situation that needs to be handled with care. As a parent, the last thing you want is a child (or two) who grow up with a fear of dogs and as a dog owner you don't want to have to give up that cute new puppy. [Read More...]


  1. Very informative Mrs.Chicky...
    I would print this out for anyone thinking of getting a puppy with a toddler...

  2. Great suggestions. It's amazing how many people don't think about mixing little kids and puppies...

  3. Great advice. We were actually just discussing getting a puppy. Diminutive One LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dogs and has been pining for one. We were considering getting one for his birthday, but we are hesitating because of the cats. Got any advice on that?
