Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Let's get nekkid

Chicky has a new habit. She likes to get naked ("I nekkid!").

It started soon after this incident so I think the natural toddler curiosity about her body phase coincided nicely with seeing me sleeping in the buff.

She likes to pull her pants down - which is easy to do now that it's shorts weather - and run around trying to choke herself with her own shirt by trying to get it off by herself, but she especially likes getting naked in exchange for attention.

For instance, at night when she doesn't want to go to bed she'll wait until I put her in her crib and leave the room and then she'll strip herself down to nothing more than what the good lord gave her and wait for one of us to come back to get her dressed.

(We have a video baby monitor. A blessing and a curse? Oh yeah. The damn kid has figured it out.)

I reenter the room, "Mommy, I nekkid!"

"Yes, I can see that."
I pick her up and give her butt a squeeze, because wouldn't you? Then I get her dressed again, deliver her to her bed, and leave her with this admonishment:

"Hey, when you're in bed at least keep your pants on."

I didn't think I was going to have to say that to her until she was at least 16 years old.


  1. Such good advise, at any age!

  2. *snort* The last line SLAYS me.

  3. R. went through that phase too. Now she just takes off her shirt when she sees her brothers with theirs off. She also thinks she has a penis.

  4. so funny.
    we haven't hit that stage yet, but lulu does love running up and down the hall before her bath yelling "I nudie! I nudie!"
    it cracks me up every time.

  5. The conversation goes like this:

    SM: BC, put on your pants, we are going to the store

    BC: Why, I don't want to put on my pants.

    SM: You can't go out naked. Put on your pants.

    BC: Why can't I go out naked?

    SM: Because you'll make all the little boys jealous. PUT ON YOUR PANTS!

    Am I a bad mom? I'm a bad mom, aren't I!? (Don't answer that.)

  6. Haha! Glad to know my son isn't the only one obsessed with his naked body!
    We should NOT let the two of them meet...

  7. Always good advice. For any age!

    We are just starting to have the naked phase. Curse those increased fine motor skills!

  8. Oh yes. My child spent the better part of a whole weekend running around naked at my mother's house. Lord knows what the neighbors thought.

  9. Oh, ours kicks off her covers adn then hollers for them to go back on. Everybody's got their tricks, right? And in the morning, she likes to change clothes a few times before we leave... Gah!

  10. A famous refrain at our house as well. My youngest is our streaker.

  11. Puhlease....I really thought I had years before she was nekkid with BOYS too....If Stinks is anything like her mother..I'm in trouble with a capital T!

    If Chicky is anything like Stinks...you better watch out.

  12. I love that she knows that you can see her, so she gets nekkid and waits for you to come dress her again. That is the most innovative bedtime stalling tactic I've heard yet.

  13. ROFL. I can just imagine it. And yes, toddler butts just invite squeezing. My Diminutive One started sleeping naked at a very early age and I gave up trying to keep pajamas on him. He sleeps in just boxers. His Dad is the same way. Can't STAND to have anything on in bed. Me and PPO get bundled up like we're going on an arctic expediton when we sleep.

  14. giggle!! We just made due with safety pins on the pj's vital areas. Thankfully none of them figured out how to open THAT!

  15. That is just too hysterical

  16. Until she poops in her bed and fingerpaints with it (not me but a cousin) this shall remain a funny habit to everyone but you. (Nah, poop would be funny to us.)

  17. AGH!!!! I loved it when our son was a toddle & got out of the tub, then ran around naked as a jaybird yelling the same thing :) So innocent & modest at that age.

  18. Boo used to do this. Well, she'd do it and then she'd poop in her crib. Yeah. Fun times. Oy.

  19. We have at least a half hour of nekkid time a day and I'm sure that will be augmented in the summer. I'm sure the kids will have it as well. ;-)

  20. WB loves the nekkid. LOVES. THE. NEKKID.

    And now you tell me that it only gets worse? Nice.

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  22. snortle.

    The Impling makes a mad dash out of the tub every night just so she can run around like a maniac in nothing but the water dripping off of her.

    Who am I to squash that delight? Not gonna happen anytime soon.

  23. I squeeze the butts too. I yell, "ORANGES" and pretend to pick each cheeck off the tree.

  24. Hmmm. Kaitlyn doesn't take her clothes off, but she does like to run around for a bit after her bath. Am I depriving her of important "nekkid" time? LOL

  25. I love the nekkid babies. Ya have to squeeze them. My 3 year old is naked as I'm typing. He even has a naked dance.

  26. Everytime Ittybit walks in the door all the clothes come off. I have to say it really makes me wish I were three again.

  27. ha! I love that last line.

    I went through that and started wrapping masking tape around her diaper at night after she wet the bed 3 times in a row.

  28. Video Baby Monitor. All I can say is Thank God I never had one.

    For me - or on me.

  29. hee hee

    I love me some squeezable baby butt cheeks.

  30. We are taking a pass on this though at going on three Miss Fancy is starting to get it in her head.

  31. Irish Twins I say our two girls are.. naked is so in this summer that I'm afraid for the teen years. This post confirms it.

  32. Are you saying nekkid time is wrong? Man, I revel in nekkid time. It's my KIDS who are always telling me to put my damn clothes on.

    I heart Chicky Baby. She rocks.

    (Oh, and naked baby bums...that's God's special gift for us mommas. What's better than a baby bum?)

  33. What is it about being nekkid? MF just loooooves being nekkid and running around the house.

    But, like you, I'm desperate to keep him from getting nekkid at bedtime. Because I'm not ready to face nighttime puddles.

  34. Well, see, you've done a fine job of raising a girl who is comfortable with her body.

  35. My son pulls his pants down and does the "Booty dance" I only mooned hubs once! Gosh they pick up on all our bad habits!

  36. OMG!! I would LOVE to see those videos of her naked, little naked girls are my fav

  37. I am always looking for pics of them naked

  38. so many folks saying their kids love being nkd please please please please send me pics or video

  39. and me please, love them nkd from baby up to 13
