Friday, June 01, 2007

May ROFL awards

I don't know what it was about May but I am in serious need for some funny and I hope you are too.

My nomination for a May ROFL Award needs to be read to be appreciated, because if I told you that the post was about a conversation between a Jug 'O Pee and a container of orange juice you'd probably want to check my medicine cabinet for opiates.

I'm nominating The New Girl's latest post What You Missed While You Were Sleeping (yes it's from two days ago and that, my friends, is procrastinating at its finest) for this month's ROFL Award. That lady is fuh-uh-uh-nee. And very pregnant. Go give her some love.


Here's the list of nominees for May's ROFL Awards. Please support your local blog humor and take a gander at some of these witty posts.

(As always, if you'd like to be added to the ROFL email list to get notifications and information about upcoming awards please email me at Chicky Chicky Baby 2 at yahoo dot com or my partner in slapstick Metro Mama at Metro Mama at hotmail dot com.)

Congratulations to this month's nominees!

Metro Mama awarded The Kids are Alright

Slouching Towards 40 awarded Where's My Cape

Mommy Off the Record awarded Mama Tulip

Marcia's Take Charge Blog awarded Ali la Loca

Oh, The Joys awarded I Am Bossy

Not So Sage awarded Under the Mad Hat

Polliwog's Pond awarded Absolutely Bananas

I Obsess and Under the Mad Hat awarded Mary Murtz

Mrs. Incredible awarded Kevin Charnas

Queen of Mayhem awarded Mom O Matic

Cheaper Than Therapy awarded Jonniker

A Child is Born awarded The New Girl

Fenicle awarded Oh, The Joys


  1. As always, Chick, thanks for doing this.

  2. Great list. And two awards for The New Girl? That is one funny lady!

  3. And I am totally late. But Oh. My. God. Add Dribblingwitt???? to that list for this:

    My stomach hurts. And I CRIED people. CRIED laughing so hard.

  4. Thank you so much, Mrs. C. (and Kelly). I am *humbly* grateful!

  5. Ok, I just spent my Fri evening (loser that I am) watching a Mandy Moore movie and now reading the ROFL posts. The latter was fully and completely oh-so-very-satisfying (I laughed till i cried... literally). Thank you for hosting and posting etc!

  6. Yay! Yay! Yay! More fun stuff to read!

  7. There are so many good blogs to read, I appreciate the readers digest version that the ROFL awards give me!

  8. Can't wait to read them all! Thanks for keeping the laughs coming!

  9. WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!! I can't wait to have some time to actually go through & read them all...FUUUUNNY!!!!!

    Most excellent way to start the day, I think. Well, the day tomorrow. It's midnight and I'm going to bed right now. :)

  10. Thanks for doing this. I really enjoying nominating and reading the funny posts!

  11. 2eAVsn The best blog you have!

  12. BhUhon Wonderful blog.
