Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hub today, Goon tomorrow

Today I taught Chicky "Little Rabbit FooFoo", complete with hand motions and exaggerated expressions. Desperate to take her attention away from Raffi's extensive song list I had to dig deep in to my bag of tricks for that one. It's been years since I even thought about that children's song with the strange moral "Hare today, Goon Tomorrow" but I remembered enough of the words to have Chicky giggling madly.

After I put her down for a nap, her still singing the song to herself and bopping her invisible field mice, I continued to hum the song, too. It struck me, as I got to the part where the good fairy threatens to turn Little Rabbit FooFoo into a goon, that the word "goon" had been lost from my vocabulary for a long time. "Goon" was one of those childish insults we used to throw around a lot while growing up. But now it seems to have gone the way of gauchos and bikes with banana seats.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

Is goon a regional thing? I've never heard anyone else outside of Massachusetts use it before. But it got me thinking about all the other words, and bastardized versions of words, that I grew up using.

I've always found regional language to be an interesting topic, ever since I was a kid and my southern relatives told me that they didn't call Coca Cola soda. They called it pop, or just Coke. And then they went on to say that I talked funny, which ignited a heated discussion about who talked funnier, us or them. Since they were visiting and there were more of us, we won. But they were on to something. The New England accent, in all its different forms, at its worst can be really ugly. Throw in some strange words and it seems down right foreign.

Mr. C and I recently came across a whole list of Massachusetts slang and we were amazed how many parts of our vocabulary were native to our region. Words and phrases we never thought twice about. For instance, when I was younger (you know, before I got wicked smaht) it never occurred to me that you don't actually "take a left, or bang a left, at the stoplight", you "turn left at the stoplight". I feel sorry for any person visiting our town from outside of New England who I may have given directions to because I probably told them to bang a u-ie at the rotary.

It never entered my mind that others didn't put their trash in the barrel or drink from a bubbler. We had dinner when others would be eating lunch and supper when others ate dinner. Our living room was referred to as the parlor and our basement was called a cellar. We drank frappes in the summer and put jimmies on our ice cream. Unless we were eating a Hoodsie, then you just ate it plain from the cup. And my Nana makes a mean whoopie pie.

If someone said something outlandish we'd reply with a "No suh", to which the other person would reply back with a "Yes suh!" Then, of course, you could add a wicked pissah to the end of that conversation if warranted, said in the negative or the positive.
"Hey, Bobby just got bagged by the police." "No suh." "Yes suh. I was just at the packie and I saw the cop throw him in the cruisah (cruiser)." "What a pissah."

I'm a member of Red Sox Nation and I also root for the B's, the Celts and the Pats. And there's also a good chance that any of those teams could get smucked by their opponent (which is a lopsided game).

When I went off to college friends would tease me about my "Boston accent". They had it all wrong since my accent was very different from the true Boston dialect, but I did start to make a concerted effort to change the way I spoke. Pretty soon I shook all audible connection to the place where I grew up. It served me well when I got my first job in radio and then voice-over work, but I never lost the references, the slang, that connected me to those from my home state. It brings me some comfort that even though you could drop me anywhere in middle America and not tell by my accent where I'm from, if you listened closely for a while I might drop a "so don't I" or a reference to the Pike or the Garden and you'd know I, too, was a Masshole.

It feels good to belong to something bigger than you. Now tell me, what connects you to your home? Is it language, accent, food, or something else entirely? And please, someone else must have used the word "goon" before. I can't be the only one, can I? Because that would be a wicked pissah.


  1. There are 'goons' in hockey. We tend to call people 'goofs' in our house, though. Not sure why. Honestly, I prefer JACKASS.

    I am fond of little bunny foo foo. I sing it to the monkey, but change the words to "Little Jacques-y-poo-poo." He finds it hilarious.

    He's a pretty easy audience, though.

  2. I love a Boston accent. My sister-in-law married a boy from Mass and they live there now.

    I'm terrible for saying the Canadian, eh. I

  3. Pizza. That connects me to home. Good 'ole pizza pie. I love my hometown's Pizza...

    How does the rest of bunny foo foo go?

  4. Ohio really doesn't have an accent, or a lot of our own slang. Those in southern Ohio tend to sound a little more southern, and those in the north tend to sound a little more upper-Midwest, but in central Ohio, we're pretty neutral.

    However, in Ohio, when it comes to belonging to something bigger than you, it has to be sports, especially Ohio State sports. I swear it's a religion in Columbus.

  5. I think one of the true tests is what do you call a large sandwich on a long roll, with deli meats, cheese, oil & vinegar. To me it'll always be a hoagie, not a sub.

    When I moved to Wisconsin I found "stop-n-goooooo light" to be a hilarious term (imagine Fargo accent).

  6. We just moved to CA from Boston a year ago - we lived in Bedford (Bedfahd) and loved it. I'm not a MA native, but grew very fond of the New England lingo/accent. Whenever I wear my Red Sox hat, I get stopped on the street by MA transplants. Nothing like Boston.

    P.S. Love your blog. Makes me smile every day!

  7. I've lived in Chicago, Philadelphia, and Boston, and each accent has its own charms. The Boston accent is home, though - literally, since my husband's returns every time he starts talking about sports.

    Just last week, though, we heard THE BEST Boston accent on "This Old House," when they went to visit a sod farm. Oh, sorry - a saaawwd faaaawwm!

  8. All I can think of when I hear the word "goon" is "The Goonies" movie with the incredible scary giant-dude who turned out to be nice.

    Regionally, we're a pretty bland group up here in the Pacific Northwest. Unless you count "Starbucks" as a regional dialect, in that case I'll take "venti double split shot skinny sugar-free extra foam vanilla latte" thankyouverymuch!

    Oh, and a side of apples and salmon of course!


  9. Goon was never a word I used. It makes me think of The Goonies though, so I get the reference.

    I had a Southern accent for much of my young life and deliberately lost it when I moved to the North, but some slang sticks. I still say y'all and I never, ever call a Coke a pop. Some of the most interesting slang, I learned from my mother, a New Orleans gal. A slide is a "chute to chute" and a median in the road is a "neutral ground." But what really connects me to my roots is the food. Give me a good pot of gumbo or a nice shrimp creole and it feels like home.

  10. I call my sons goons...or maroon, as in "what a moroon" a la Bugs bunny. I can't explain it, I just live here.

    I LOVE a good southie accent. Or a good Carolina drawl. In California, we like, have no accent at all...totally!

  11. Although I don't have an accent, if you get me back in the same room with the rest of the PA clan in no time at all my southern PA accent is thrown about with wild abandon. I didn't even live there year round, just the summers but it was enough...

  12. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE accents and regional words! Fun! Great post.

    When we first moved to the Deep South, I almost laughed at the person who offered their "buggy" (grocery cart) to me. And you don't carry a purse, it's a "pocketbook". I could go on and on.

  13. I grew up in Western Mass, so I totally agree with the 'wicked' thing. EVERYTHING was wicked. Wicked cool, wicked fast, wicked bad. My grandmother lived in Eastern Mass and called soda, 'tonic' which I never understood. Also, we ate grinders, never subs or hoagies (wha?). And, I insist that there is NO accent in Western Mass.

    My mom is from Austria, so I grew up with 'wacuum', tum (for thumb), and many other variations of English words.

  14. I don't think I understood any of that. *lol* But we say y'all down here!

  15. LOL!

    Pop for coke of any sort.

    "Go by Meijer's" = go to Meijer's (store) also works for someone's house.

    "ain't so"

    "too yet"

  16. Haha. I grew up on the Mass/RI/CT boarder and always called a fountain a "bubbler". My friends in college looked at me like I had 3 heads when I said that.

  17. Little Rabbit Foo Foo? I thought it was little bunny foo foo and there was no fairy in my song? Especially not one turning someone into a goon!

    We traveled to New England a few years back and the whole left turn thing really confused us. I can't remember what they are called (turn abouts?) but ohmigod did we have a hard time making a left turn.

  18. whoa thats weird. I just finished blogging about this. that's really, really weird.

  19. We had "Little Bunny Foo Foo" who was turned into a frog.

    Down here a Coke is a Coke.

    We use buggies at the grocery store.

    We "bless" a lot of hearts. "She didn't make it to the store in time, bless her heart."

    We like to shop at Wally World (Wal-Mart)

    Tea is sweet by default. We don't have to order "sweet tea", just tea.

    Gravy is white and goes on biscuits for breakfast.

    We mow our yards - not cut our grass.

    I can't think of any more!

  20. Being from the upper midwest I can't compete with that. I'm sure we have strange ways of speaking but I'm drawing a blank.

  21. Grew up in Dover, Mass and later moved to Florida. Crazy screw ups here thought the accent was WRONG... apparently lions DON'T waaaaar? They slapped my brother and I in speech to beat the accent out of us! haha! The terms stayed with me even if the accent didn't.

    Bunny Foo Foo just recently popped into our sons life on some CD we got in the mail... he thinks it is wicked cool! :)

    Nothing wrong with your state heritage! :) Stand tall fellow Bostonians! And Cowboy UP!

  22. Well, you forgot grindahs and clam chowdah, but that's ok. I love confounding my Canuck in-laws with regionalisms. I lay it on a bit thick when they're here.

    Ovah heyah in Wista, it wasn't even soda, it was tonic.

    I've evolved past bangin' u-eys and now I yang booeys. No idea where that one came from, but I'm on a mission to get as many people as possible to use it.

    And is it just me or is it a New England thing to say half past, a quarter to, a quarter past the hour?

    This was a wicked fuckin' pissah post, dood.

  23. I don't know if I'd call them regional dialects since they are mostly throughout Canada.

    We say "Eh?" Kinda like Americans say "Huh?" It's cold out today, eh?

    A sofa or a chesterfield is a couch

    Soda is pop

    Tea is served hot. Iced Tea is "sweet tea".

    we say "take a left" like you - but I've never heard "bang a left"

    Can't really think of any others right now.
    This is a great post! Thanks for the smiles.

  24. My guys from Boston. Red Sox nation, indeed. Even in Calfornia...in fact, MLBTV is on right now, showing today's game because we don't get NESN (I am seriously trying to impress you now) out here.

    Now THAT is a wicked pisser.

  25. You have no idea how much we love a little rabbitt foo-foo around this house... BUT the first time I sang it to Jake (so what? 8 or 9 years ago?) my husband was all, "Goonie"? WTH?

    He is sadly out of touch. ;-)

  26. Um, make that rabbit. With one "t".

  27. I'm southern. Don't get me STARTED on the crap we say.

  28. Damn you woman, it took six years and the death of one kid to get that damn Bunny Foo Foo out of my head and here he is hopping all about again, bopping me on the head.

    You goon. I'm gonna be humming that all damn night now.

    It's the crack of nursery rhymes. Highly addictive.

    I call my kids goons all the time.

    Now, when I tell my hubs to bang something, I'm generally in the bedroom, generally referring to me...

    But I'm a Canadian redneck. Whaddya expect?

  29. Little Bunny Foo Foo. Oh my. I sang the version that you do - complete with the moral "hare today, goon tomorrow".

    Ditto Christina regarding Ohio, where I grew up. Any accent I have was acquired via my time at Pitt (with my friends from Philly) and my time in New York.

    But inexplicably, I sometimes say "y'all". And Kyle, who is from Oregon and has virtually no accent, pronounces "ag" as "ayg". Rayg, bayg, layg. BUT, when he says "bagger" (as in, "this new deal is a six-bagger"), he pronounces it properly.

    However, he does give me shit for enunciating more clearly than necessary. I'm not quite on par with Ross Geller, but close.

    But the accent affected most often around our house is a British one. Even the Barbies speak in British accents. It's rawther entahtaining.

  30. Julia - "quarter of" - never, never quarter to - that's almost too proper.

    Chicky - bangin' a uie at a rotary will get you killed - ya gotta go around all th' way around to go opposite of where you were going. And no uies on Rte. 9.

    Regardless of where you're from, if you work in Boston, you work "in town" or "downtown." You get there on the T or the train (commuter rail that goes to Woostah and beyond - i.e. rich people train).

    Goons have been goons since I was in elementary school (1970s) - most have been and always will be loosahs. Some might have been useful idiots in that they were legal and could make packie runs.

    The best hot dogs anywhere are not Fenway Franks, but can be found at Kelly's on Castle Island in Southie. Best fries too.

    I could go on and on, but I'm wicked tie-ed.

  31. Interesting - both your post and all the comments! I'm with you on the goons, and also have the same version of Little Rabbit Foo Foo.

    That may be where the similarity stops! The most obvious one I can think of offhand is the way we pronounce words ending in er. Just drop the r on the end of any word, replacing it with a short a. So paper becomes papah. Hard to explain. But my Canadian husband used to laugh at me. I asked my niece for a beer once and she asked me what I wanted a bee for.

    Language and lifestyle are the most place-connected things for me.

  32. I used goon plenty. Goon was right up there with tahd and quayuh for the ultimate in insults.

    I'm so happy I'm not the only representative of the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

    In other news, Did you see the globe? Everyone was saying schilling picthed bad because he spent too much time blogging. (www.38pitches.com is his blog, on wordpress)

  33. I'm in the midwest and I remember "goon" being around... Like spaz or dork... And we had dinner at lunch and supper when others had dinner. And here? We "hang" a right or left. And if you didn't well, (and its 1990-something? That's just a pisser...)

  34. Not that you'd be able to tell from my voice now, but there was a time when I was well on my way to having a very distinct Mass. accent (My mother's family is from Beverly "Bevahlee" and I spent a fair amount of time before the age of nine living there). It would totally amuse my Idaho relatives to hear me ask where to put the 'rubbish' instead of trash or garbage.
    I also, very fondly, can hear my (Mass.) grandmother telling me not to act like such a goon. That's just wicked awesome.

  35. I moved to MA in 1976, on July 1. What an introduction to Massholes and wicked maroons! I remembah waiting on line for hours just to get on the T to get to Havaaad, where I was going to grad school. I was living near Fenway right off Audabon Circle in Brookline. What a pissah naybahud.

    So I've been here most of my adult life, and although I've picked up all of the colloquilisms, I don't have much of an accent. But I love the accent and it's just so easy to tell people to bang a u-ee at the packie (or the Spa) and then get on 128s, which really goes west.

    And I second the recommendation to read Shillings blog. It's brilliant. BRILLIANT I tell yah. He's wicked smaat and pretty damn funny, is our 38. Even if his opening day was a disastah.

    As for Bubblah, when we moved back to CA for a couple of years, I could not remember what a bubblah was really called. At the dog park we frequented, they had a doggie bubblah and every time I said something people thought I had lost my mind. Never mind asking for a frappe and jimmies on my cone.

    I posted a good one yesterday about a classic masshole, btw.

  36. It seems that the Massachusetts settlers migrated to the Canadian Prairies because I grew up with at least half your slang. I now tease my mom about the dinner/supper thing because she cannot conceive the idea that dinner would be served in the evening.

    We also love to set out trays of dainties for dessert. When I use that word in eastern Canada people think I’m talking about tampons or something and they look at me quite funny. (Ok most people look at me funny anyway.)

  37. I want to move to the south (or Ireland) somewhere where I can catch an accent. I have no accent (other than an American one or so says my British friends). I grew up in Utah and said both goon, and coke.

  38. I totally can relate to some of these & am somewhat surprised by it: bang a left - totally. And jesusmaryandjoseph! Whoopie pies?!?!? I thought we were the only weird family whose grandmother made Whoopie pies!!
    Although, when visiting my B & S-I-L, who live in Mass, I was totally perplexed by the rotaries.

    And Jimmies?!? Hell YES!

  39. Awesome post. You and Bones are like the cosmic posting twins today.

    I was thinking maybe we need a Mass Blogging. ;)

    For me it's all about:

    * There's more than one town in MA.

    * There's more than one Cape, too.

    * There's definitely more than one accent.

    * But the vocabulary doesn't vary. Much.

    * Do you need a passport to drive outside of 128?

    And the rest I said over at Bones' place.

    I demand a North Shore edition!

  40. Have lurked for a while and enjoyed reading. Thought I’d give my take. I’m from New Jersey originally, and have lived in several other states. So I have a different take.

    First, the “Jersey” accent most people are familiar with is South Jersey. Everyone I have ever met is surprised when I tell them I’m from Jersey, because I don’t have an accent. We are not all the Sopranos either (which I have, in fact, never viewed). But we do say fuggetaboutit.

    No one from Jersey says New Jersey. EVER. We never joke about “what exit”, because we know there is a lot more to it than that. NO ONE goes to the beach. We go to the shore. Don’t know why, but that is the way it is. If you say you are going to the beach in NJ, you must be going somewhere out of state.

    We had circles, which are the same as roundabouts. We know how to use them, but no one else seemed to, so they took most of them out years ago. We do not have left turn lanes, so if you want to go left, you get in the right lane and make a U turn. Don’t know why, and when I moved it took me forever to get used to that. To this day (20 years later), I sometimes still start to go right when I want to turn left.

    We drink cawfy. Co-workers in Denver thought that was hysterical, and wouldn’t get coffee until I said it.

    Being from North Jersey, the City is NYC. I can not, to this day, get used to saying NYC. Because, the attitude of people from that area is “there is another city?” So, I just grew up that way.

    There are lots of little things, some of which have already been mentioned. Thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

  41. I blogged about this too, when I cringed the first time I heard my son say "Mahch" for the month of March! Hubby is a native Bostonian, I'm from upstate NY (which is a whole blog in itself with THOSE accents!) Plus Hubby and I both lived in NC and SC before we had kids.
    The weirdest thing I heard down south? A toboggan is a hat??? Up north, it's a sled of course!

  42. Little Bunny Foo Foo! I sing that one sometimes ... my husband thinks I just made it up!

    My accent is 'flat' as I grew up in California. And 'very flat' according to people in the UK...sometimes I struggle with the various accents here, and they struggle with mine. ;-)

    I thoroughly understand the Massachusetts vocab, though, as both my parents are from Cape Ann and I have numerous relatives there. And we, too, grew up having 'dinner'.

  43. OK, our thing in (northern) Ohio is ending a sentence with a preposition - "where's your coat at?" That kind of thing. We eat subs, not grinders or hoagies. We take the freeway, not the pike, parkway or beltway, and we tell people how far away a place is by minutes - oh, it's about 20 minutes away, instead of say, 15 miles. It's pop for any kind of soft drink, tea is hot tea and iced tea is cold, and it's not sweet - you have to add stuff to it!! The first time I met a girl from Wisconsin and she asked me where the bubbler was - I said, WHAT???? :-)

  44. Good God,woman, if you ever told someone to bang a u-ie at the Rotary, you owe them more than an aplology... they're most likely dead now.

    You nailed nearly all my faves
    "Where'dja go this weekend?"
    "Oh, I went down the Cape with Sully"
    "Fluffanuttahs, and a couple Hoodsies. Then we went to Thompsons Clam Baaaah in Hahwich"
    "How was the Sagamoh?"
    "Och, it was a friggin pahkin lot. Sweahtagod than Great Woods after Aerosmith- what a pissah. Luckily Sully and I hit the packie so we has some beeahs for the cah. We had to be careful tho, the Staties were all ovah. Wicked"

  45. for me at least its the need to defend NJ as not just a series of turnpike exits. Yes we have a complex down here.
    We dont have accents if we are from NJ, the accents are imported from Brooklyn and Staten Island.
    Though we do say take a left, jimmies and I am proudly a memeber of Red Sox Nation, even if I have only been their once.
    Now you wanna talk accents, listen to people from Philly talk, sheesh

  46. Another Canadian living in the People's Republic of MA. Some more I've noticed:

    What I call a stroller, Massholes call a carriage.

    A purse to me back home is a pocketbook here.

    The washroom north of the 49th is the bathroom or restroom here.

    DH is from Rhode Island: How's about a cabinet, some coffee milk, quahogs or a New York System?

  47. Very funny post!

    Rain connects me to home. If I've ever been a little homesick on business travel, when it rains, I feel a sense of comfort. Beer too, 'cause we got wicked ass beer here.

    I love accents. I once took one of those online tests about what kind of accent I have and it came up with "Western" or something, which basically means NO ACCENT. The only thing I've said that people from the east coast have remarked about is "spendy" so I guess we have one regional word in these parts. ;-)

    My mom's family is in ND & MN and whenever I run into someone from that region and hear them speak, I just get all fuzzy inside and assume I have some connection with them since I like their accents ;-)

  48. Yup, I'm part of the old goon generation.

    I too, lost my accent somewhere along the way, but man, get me in the kitchen in my aunt's house in Easton over the holidays, and it's like I never spoke another language.

    "bang a u-ie". ah, nostalgia.

    And if you were ever late, you had to "book it" NO idea where that one comes from...but there it is.

  49. Nope never said the word goon, but I did drop all my R's T's and never stopped saying Wicked.... that is until someone pointed out to me at about 25 years old that I say Wicked constantly.

    My first real job out of college, had all my co-workers asking me to "Talk" because I didn't have an R to save my life, and I just cracked them up, since I had to answer the tech support hotline.

    Oh yes, I do quite remember telling my mom who grew up in Boston, that it is not "Shots weatha" its "Shorts Weather".

    These days, I don't have much of a New England accent but I do call my female relatives "Aunt and not Ant"

    I think a Rotary is supa fun....and it never occurred to me that people outside of New England don't "Bang a Left"

    To use an over used comment--

    This post is Wicked Fucken Pissah!

  50. *I* use goon, Mrs Chicky. That question of what connects me to home--that's a big one for me, obviously. Mama Tulip recently asked me about my accent--and yes, it's definitely still Engerlish. I call my husband "love" which just reminds me of my Mum and Dad. I also have been known to call someone a Fucking Gobshite, which also brings a tear of nostalgia for home...

    Other things--Tea with milk; digestive biscuits, yorkshire pudding, english "sweeties," I could blather on and on. sigh....

  51. Oh I love a good bawston lawga (boston lager) at bawston beeah wooks...its wicked awwsome. Yeah, I'm from Salem, MA...so I have that oh so delicate accent...

  52. One of my best teacher friends is from Dorchester and recently moved to SC. Talk about communication problems! Her class stared at her in confusion for hours after she told them to "take out their mahkas". She finally had to pull out one of her Sharpies to demonstrate what a MARKER was. Here in WI we have "stop and go lights"...anywhere else have those???

  53. Oh-a moy gawd. (That's what I would say if I had a Long Island accent, which I don't, despite my roots.) Wicked awesome post, Mrs. Chicky.

  54. Here they are red lights, even if they are yellow or green!

  55. First of all, GO SAWX! Red Sox nation member here...

    I would have to say food. food. and more food. bagels, rugelach and lots of other carby fattening things make me feel at home.


  56. Never used 'goon' before.

    My fav Southern Indiana (on the KY border) words that are included in my vocab are:
    fire-tire (as in fire tower)
    come-apart (meaning meltdown)
    ice box (our refrigerator)

  57. I remember the Little Bunny FooFoo song! But when I think of "goon" I think of mob bosses & organized crime.

    There is just too much to discuss about Wisconsin quirks. Bubbler vs. drinking fountain, Soda vs. Pop, Irregardless vs. Correct grammar...and where else would being asked to "Drive Car" for someone's wedding be considered a great honor?

  58. This is a great post!

    What connects me to my home is definitely my Canadian dialect and accent. Without a doubt.

  59. I'm not sure that I have much of an accent, it's pretty neutral.
    or so I've been told.
    I do my best not to say "eh" being canadian and all.
    I think it makes you sound like a "hoser"
    I love boston, nyc & jersey accents.
    Tanawanda NY-not so much.
    I have family from the east coast (newfoundland) and they have a really interesting accent.
    kind of irish with a ton of slang.

    "hey bye- where you at?"
    hi, how are you.

    "I laughed so hard I almost soiled me fork"
    I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.

    "how ye gettin on me old cock?"
    how are you feeling?

    "lord, tunder and jezus!"
    oh my!

    oh I could go on, there are so many funny expressions.
    I do love accents though, I find it amazing that from one state/provence to the next, a person can sound completely different from each other.
    great post.

  60. Are you serious that saying "take a left [or a right]" is regional? I mean, I knew that phrases like "bang a left" or "flip a bitch" were probably not widespread, but "take a right" just seems pretty general and accepted. Hmmmm. Interesting. It's always good to know what people are attuning to when they say I talk funny. Which I don't. No Boston accent here. I'm from CT. I talk like they do on TV.

  61. Food, food, food - donairs (don't ask), bud the spud fries, greco pizza, slices of 'zza with don sauce... okay - a plethora of pub food that makes my mouth water (and my Tums jar call) just typing about it. I miss the east coast so much sometimes.

    Oh yah, and I suck in before I start talking which is the only part of the accent I can never lose.

  62. Weather Forecast is a set of all the phenomena occurring in a given atmosphere at a given time. Most weather phenomena occur in the troposphere, just below the stratosphere. Weather Today refers, generally, to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, "weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.


  63. haha thats so true about southie! until i was about 13ish i never thought we were any different...talking wise. one day i was visitin my brother, nieces and nephews up in bridgewater and i refereed to the palah and the kids were like huh? and then my brother was like kids shes from southie...its a whole differnet language. LMAO.

    but the whole masshole thing...really? Im proud to be from southie & im never leaving!! :)
    but it has changed dude. not as irish anymore. &the white kids are walkin around like thugs. not as family oriented either. but we will always have that kick ass attitude...great friends but dont get on our bad side or mess with our guys lol
