Monday, April 30, 2007

Becoming a Mom Part Deux

Motherhood was a big transition for me the first time around. My husband & I lived a casual life, enjoying the freedoms of student living. I worked nights and midnights, sleeping the day away, enjoying the computer throughout the night on my nights off. It was a fun, laid back life.

Along came Becca. We decided that there was no time like the present to start having children. I do not think we really knew what that actually meant to our laid back lifestyle. Yet Becca seemed to fit right in. I adjusted to living in the light of day and J totally slipped into the role of Dad, participating in the daily tasks of raising our little pumpkin. Becca is a routine kid. She thrives when she knows exactly what to expect, so we have followed her lead and life is good.

Now here we are two and a half years later with a new bundle of joy. Ethan our second child arrived a tad early but with perfect timing. Becoming a Mother the second time around has been a different experience for me.

I am savouring every little moment with this little. Short of divine intervention, we have decided that two children complete our family. This is my last opportunity to hold, nurse, burp, wear and love a newborn of my own.

Becca has a very calming effect on me. I am a better person now that I am her mom. I did not think it was possible, yet little Ethan has done the same, just more. I am more calm, laid back and happier since he came along! Still my husband remarks how he thought I would be more anxious about things than I appear to be. Becoming a mom again has been good for me.

We are about to continue our crazy travelling adventure soon. Everything is up in the air and all vague until we receive "official" news. This would have sent me into a tizzy pre-children. I would have fretted and drove my husband nuts with questions and what if's. However, at the moment I am relishing every little detail about being a mom to Becca and Ethan ... And trying to get some sleep, balance chores, crafts, playdates, diapers and so much more.


Chelle is a Canadian girl, living it up in California with her cute husband and two adorable children. Keeping her blog Crazy Thoughts by Chelle, as a creative outlet and a connection with home. Keeping it real with her beloved Apple computer, designing blog templates and going on endless adventures with a smart, shy toddler and an ever hungry newborn. You can find Mrs. C your amazing blog host over at Crazy Thoughts by Chelle today.

You can see other Blog Exchange posts here.


  1. So wonderful Chelle!

    You really have this "mom-thing" down...You are too cool.

  2. Motherhood looks good on you girl!

  3. Amazing post. Isn't it neat how are children just fit right in with us? I know it's an obvious idea, but when I think about it, I feel like Dawson just fits the family well.


  4. It's wonderful to see how you appreciate the changes kids bring. Good luck with your new adventure.

  5. Given Jillian is suppose to be our last too I have found myself savouring all the little things. I cant believe she will be 2 in June (sniff sniff).

  6. what a great post on motherhood Chelle!

  7. Chelle - "wear" a newborn. I just loved it.

    A wonderful piece.

  8. What a great perspective! As I'm writing this I'm sitting in a hotel room in the middle of a road trip with a 3 year old, a 10 month old and my husband :)

  9. Wow, Chelle. You are too cool. :)

  10. great post - there certainly is a mellowing component to motherhood. glad to hear it only gets mellower with each addition :)

  11. Chelle, I am so happy that Ethan has brought you even more serenity. I can't wait to read about your traveling adventure...

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