Thursday, March 01, 2007

Has anyone seen my spleen? It was just here a minute ago.

Food poisoning. Ever had it? No? Would you like some? Here, you can have mine.

Please, take it. I'm begging.

I am assuming that this sickness is food poisoning, though I can't think of where I might have gotten it. Do you think you can get food poisoning from Boston Creme Pie? Just those words are making me green so I'm going to say yes, it is possible. And probable.

I spent the better part of last night lying in some sort of prone position on my bathroom floor. When I wasn't resting my chin on the bowl, that is. It got so bad last night that I stopped running back and forth from bedroom to bathroom and instead had Mr. C help me make a make shift bed on the cold tile floor. And let me tell you, I'm too old and my back is too bad to be lying on a bathroom floor like I'm some college kid coming off a bender.

But what choice did I have? After retching my guts up I had little energy to walk the six steps back to bed. I think I may have thrown up my pancreas. Or maybe it was my spleen. I don't know, it was dark and I was woozy.

Mr. C graciously (read: he had no choice) took the day off from work to watch Chicky so I can try to catch up on some sleep and attempt to keep my lower intestines from falling out. I hear cartoons playing. Tomorrow I'll have to explain to her why she can't watch Noggin while eating gold fish crackers all day.

On a bright note some lovely ladies saw fit to nominate two of my posts for Perfect Post awards. Domestic Chicky nominated "Dear Friend" and JayJenny and Paula from Rock the Cradle nominated "2004". Ladies, I am touched and honored. And more than a little overwhelmed. But in a good way. This is the best I've felt in at least 16 hours. Probably longer.

A Perfect Post - February 2007

To see more Perfect Posts visit MommaK or Suburban Turmoil.

Now I need to shut my eyes for awhile. Who knew typing while in lying in bed could be so exhausting?


  1. What an AWFUL night!

    Get some rest, make Mr. C take care of you and we'll see you back when you're better!

  2. After going through this back in December, believe me, you have my utmost sympathy.

    (Perhaps it's that dreaded norovirus though, making the rounds and wreaking its nasty havoc.)

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and some much-needed rest.

  3. There's nothing worse than praying to the porcelain goddess when you don't even have a great night out to show for it.

    Congrats on the perfect post! Hope you feel better soon.

  4. you poor, poor thing.

    i don't even know what to say. that sucks all kinds of hairy balls and such.

    i hope you're feeling better!

  5. So I guess now would not be a good time to tell you I like to read my blogs while enjoying my breaky...a runny omlette, greasy bacon and toast with rasp. jam.

    Although after reading this post, I am decidedly not hungry anymore.

    Must be sympathy queasiness.

    I'm sending good thoughts your way, Mrs. Chicky. And hugs. Lots of hugs.

    Now I have to go. Nothing worse than cold runny eggs...

  6. Oh you poor thing! I had the food poisoning when I was 8 mos pg with Diminutive One, and I've never been so sick in my whole life. I ended up in the hosptial with pre-term labor brought on by sever dehydration. Yech.
    Needless to say, you have my most heartfelt sympathy.

    I hope you're feeling better today.

    And congrats on your nominations! Very well deserved.

  7. Congrats on the nominations and Boo on the food poisoning. I really hope you feel better soon.

  8. Congrats on the perfect post nomination. Too bad it doesn't make up for what sounds like a very gruesome night.

  9. Oh Mrs. C~~ Here's to a fast recovery and a quick detox from Boston Creme Pie. We used to see food poisoning patients in the ER.....a lot. They were truly sick as dogs. My sympathies.

  10. ah...sister. feel better. i came back from El Salvador w/ a bug. I've decided it's a parasite, and i've even named him Oscar - seeing as he's been here a week and helped me lose four pounds. in fact, i might keep him for a while longer.

    feel better. and those posts, well...i loved them and it's very well deserved.

  11. I hope you feel better quick!

    Congratulations on the perfect posts!

  12. I had food poisoning so terribly once that I ended up with a horrible side effect from throwing up that I won't go into except to mention that it involved my nose because I was throwing up with such fervour that my poor innocent bystander of a nose became involved. I don't recommend that.
    Get better!

  13. Get better soon. I've never had the food poisoning. I hear it sucks. to be you.

    Sleep it off, girl. Enjoy your time in bed while you can get it.

  14. Uh food poisoning sucks. I got it pretty bad back in Colorado, I too slept next to the toilet.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  15. Food poisoning ... tuna sub from Subway, 2000. I still vividly remember the makeshift bed on the bathroom floor.

    Be sure to hydrate today - I hear you need lots of water to regenerate a spleen and pancreas.

  16. Sounds like food poisoning to me. I've only had it once, and it was from my own cooking. Come over for dinner sometime, won't you?

    Congrats on the Perfect Post award!

  17. Oh, geez. I hope you feel better. Food poisoning sucks. Mr. C sounds more dreamy all the time -- although my husband's idea of watching our baby involves TV, too, oh well.

    Rest and liquids!

  18. I had food poisining ONCE. And it was enough. Hope you feel better soon!

  19. So sorry you're feeling so horrid!

    I'm excited to hear about your nominations though - well-deserved!

  20. Hope you begin feeling better soon. Congrats on the nominations!

  21. Feel better soon! And no more Boston Cream Pie for you!

  22. so sorry about your stomache issues!!

    congrats on award

  23. Oh, I feel your pain. I spent last Saturday night making out with my toilet and it was pure misery. I hope whatever you have is over and that you're on the mend :)

  24. Oh god, girl, that sounds just wretched. I hope you're feeling much better today.

    Congrats on your PP's; they are much deserved.

  25. Food poisoning is the worst. Sean and I both got it on our honeymoon.

    Hope you're better soon!

  26. Oh, man! I really hope you are feeling better by the time you read this!

  27. Oh! You poor thing! And Congrats on the perfect posts! You deserve it.

  28. Food poisoning is AWFUL. I'm so sorry!

    And those two posts were totally outstanding. I am behind on my commenting because my freelance work is massive right now, but your post about your mom made me cry. It was dreadfully familair.

    I wish we lived nearby. I'll be on the Cape for a month this summer - let's definitely have that drink, OK?

  29. ack, hope you and your spleen are feeling better soon.
    congrats on the pp - well deserved.

  30. Kudos on the PPs. 2004 moved me deeply.

  31. I have food poisoning twice. Don't eat seafood in Texas.

    I thought I was suffering another bout of it this week but then I discovered there is a stomach virus that is going around. It truly sucks.

    Congrats on your perfect posts! I've been thinking about you.

  32. Been there done that. Hugs.

  33. you have my sympathies. I got salmonella three weeks ago and my guts still aren't quite right. Be brave!

  34. but, on the upside - my jeans are falling off!

  35. That sucks! Look at the bright side, you'll lose a few pounds.

  36. Hope your feeling better! Hope it's not some stomach bug that goes through your household, ugh. Get well!

  37. arg! i feel your pain, or else i did at one point. i was 30 weeks pregnant and had a bout of the FP after a burrito at chipotles. it's been 2 years and i havent been back. had to go to the hospital with labor pains and the shot they gave me to stop contractions had me barfing. fun! then onto zofran pills. hang in there, you may never think of boston creme pie with kind words but you will get over it!!!
