Friday, March 09, 2007

February ROFL Awards

Welcome to the February ROFL (Roll On the Floor Laughing) Awards - the same great humorous taste you've come to expect, now in a sparkly new package.

Okay, not sparkly exactly. Certainly not any more sparkly than when they were hosted at Mommy Off the Record's place. But new. And not a package, exactly. A new blog. Two new blogs, really.

What was I saying?

Oh yeah.

I think I speak for my co-hosts, Metro Mama and IzzyMom, when I say we think MotR did a spectacular job of creating and nurturing the ROFLs and we are only too happy to pick up where she left off.

My nomination for this month goes to a woman who never ever (ever ever ever ever) fails to make me laugh. I actually wish she would post more frequently because my ab muscles could use the work-out, but she's got three kids now so she's sort of busy. Just a wee bit.

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I nominate Jozet from Halushki for her post "Come for the Cheesesteaks, Stay for the Potholes". The post still didn't convince me to move to Pennsylvania, but I might consider visiting if it meant I could meet the lovely Jozet.

Congratulations to this month's winners!

Fenicle awarded Theory of Thought

Oh, The Joys awarded Kevin Charnas

Kevin Charnas awarded Moobs

One Plus Two awarded Don’t Make Me Get My Flying Monkeys

Crank Mama awarded Avery Lane Experience

Cheaper Than Therapy awarded Anne Nahm

Mama Tulip awarded Redneck Mommy

Mad Hatter awarded Not So Sage

Mothergoose Mouse awarded Irreverent Antisocial Intellectual

Slackermommy awarded Midwestern Mommy

Mayberry Mom awarded Under the Ponderosas

Dirty Birdie awarded Oh, the Joys

The Ravin Picture Mavin awarded Piglet of Fire

Meena awarded Suburban Turmoil

A Child is Born awarded Mom 101

Mo-Wo awarded Mommymatic


  1. will check it out! Laughter is the best medicine!

  2. Mrs. C, Jozet is unfailingly entertaining. And she's even better in person. Honest.

    I can't wait to read the rest (although based on blog titles, I must have already done...still can't wait to laugh out loud again.)

    Thanks for carrying the torch!

  3. Jozet is indeed unfailingly HYSTERICAL. All of her posts deserve this award!

  4. Jozet rocks! I know now not to drink any beverages while I read her posts because I unfailingly spurt them through my nose.

    Which is a) kinda painful and b) kinda messy.

    Great choice. Now I'm off to kiss Tulip's ass for thinking of me....

  5. I am glad to see you fine women are carrying on this ROFL Awards tradition for Cristina. Yeah! Now I am off to read some funny stuff.
    I hope Chicky baby is feeling better today, and that your house smells good

  6. Awwww shucks! Well, thank all y'all!

    And thank you for being our mistress of ceremonies for the ROFL.

    I'd like especially to thank PennDOT for the easy material. Keep it comin', guys!

    BTW, if anyone would like to visit, my home is yours. And while you're in your new home, please paint the bathroom. ;-)

  7. Oh I can't wait to read all these. I could use some funny.

    Such lovely hosts you and MM make :)

  8. Next month I'm going to join in on this fun! It will help make up for all the chocolate I've been eating.
