Friday, February 23, 2007

speed of lightning, roar of thunder, fighting all who rob or plunder

Between the trainwreck media frenzy surrounding the death of Anna Nicole Smith (Ack! Clowns!) and Britney's extreme breakdown (She's in rehab! Now she's out! She shaved her head! She got bad tattoos! She's back in rehab! Now she's out! She attacks a photographer's car! She's back in rehab! Can't we just remember her as she was?) I skipped last Friday's links. I know, it ruined your whole weekend, but never fear! Super Links are here!

Super Links? Seriously? Oy.

(Admittedly, heavy on the iFilms. Like that's a bad thing?)

- Perhaps you'll think twice before throwing a cup of ice at the car that just cut you off in traffic. I know I will. Beware - The McMissle.

- Proof that the more you fucking swear in your muthafucking movie the better your fucking chances are of winning a goddamnmuthafucking Oscar. Bitch.

- Oh, this is so wrong. So, so very wrong. Why am I still laughing?

- This is so sad. This man guaranteed that McDonald's didn't lose thousands, no possibly millions of Catholic patrons and what did he get for his invention? Nuthin'.

- This is what happens when you drop acid before going on David Letterman's show. (an oldie but a goodie)

**Added** - Shoot, almost forgot this one. So far the only thing interesting about this season's American Idol contestants is when one of the girls goes wild. And topless.

And since comments are my bag, baby - the funny ones, the thought provoking ones, the ones that make me piss my pants - I've got to thank Dirty Birdie for not one, but two comments on two separate posts that had me running for the Charmin. Her comments on this post and this one made me laugh out loud, and that's hard to do these days. Thanks DB, you're one funny beyotch.


  1. You are the incredible super linky woman!

  2. Linky love and the Dirty Birdie.

    It's no wonder I like to come and visit you, Chicky.

  3. whoa, I had never seen the Letterman video, I LOVED IT.
    Great links! THANK YOU!

  4. That Crispin Glover interview is unbelievable!

  5. Heh - Underdog theme for a title. I imagine, however, that you're far from being Sweet Polly Purebread.

  6. My head has been spinning all week between Anna Nicole & Britney! The Letterman video rocked!

  7. That chick in the hot can't even take it.

  8. I now officially have my evening planned. Thanks for all the links. And fancy ifilm no less - none of this youtube crap.

  9. Okay, I have seen that American Idol chick's tits, I've seen her taking a crap, giving a blowjob and strutting around in her underwear. Who posts that kind of stuff on the Internet?

    The Crispin Glover clip is GOLDEN! LOL!

  10. Ohh.. that poor girl in the hot tub, lol. I feel bad her and even worse that I'm laughing about it.

    The American Idol chick.. I was so hoping she would be history this past week. I'm not sure why.. she's such a class act after all. *rolls eyes*

  11. Hot tub chick. Oh. My. God.

  12. Great links! I like them!

  13. Girl, you are my favorite motherfucking bitch today. That shit cracked my motherfucking ass up.

    (I'm ready for my acceptance speech.)

  14. Where do you find these? OMG, love them!

  15. god, i've missed you. you. funny. sister. you.

  16. Whoa. Holy linking action. Impressive.
