Friday, February 09, 2007

Paying it forward one link at a time, and without that annoying Haley Joel Osment kid

It's Friday. Not that that means jack when you're a stay at home parent, except for the next two days I'll have someone else to share the parenting/household responsibilities with. Hurrah. But this weekend, this glorious Sunday, my sister, my husband and I will be spending the afternoon at the Boston Wine Expo getting pissed snackered loaded crocked looped plowed recommendations for new wines my sister might want to include on her restaurant's wine list. I'm just kidding, we're not going to get drunk because, duh, I'm a mom and everyone knows that mom's can't be trusted with alcohol. Sheesh.

Since it's Friday that also means links, lots of them. Enough to keep your idle hands and minds busy enough to keep the devil at bay until Monday when the internet finally gets off its fat ass and gets creative again.

This week's links are inspired, in part, by all the love that other bloggers have been paying me recently. Since it was mighty kind of them to link to me it only seems right to pay it forward, so most of these clickable goodies are bloggers that I read that I think you should pay a visit to. Try them, you might like them.


The Bloggy Goodness -

- What? You haven't read this guy's personal site? You don't know what you're missing. Go there. Go there now. And then come back here.

- This fine lady, and fellow MA resident, nominated me for a Best of Blogs award. I think that deserves a link. And cookies. Thanks Margalit!

- Please go vote for the always inspirational (and furry) Redneck Mommy at the Share the Love Blog Awards. Especially since her mom just found out about her blog. Yikes!

(And, no, I'm not disappointed that I wasn't a finalist for the Happiest Blog or the Blog You'll Never Stop Reading. But I'm pissed I wasn't a finalist for Best Commenter. I may never recover.)

- So, I recently started reading this lady, then she invited me to join her book club - The Super Coolest Book Club Evah. And that's not just a name, that's an attitude - and then I find out she lives practically within shouting distance of me. Now how do I get up the nerve to ask her out on a blog date? Do I pass her a note in class and hope the teacher doesn't catch us? Do I call her on the phone and then hang up? Do I drive past her house until she notices me? I'm so out of practice.

... And the rest of it -

- Let me get this straight. You're asking me to chose between sex and a whole new wardrobe? Is that even a choice?

- Just another reason why I love Anthony Bourdain. (via

- Was I shocked that Anna Nicole Smith died? No. Do I think Rosie O'Donnell has really bad timing. Hell yes oh God yes a thousand times yes.

- Somebody get this woman some oxygen and a tongue depressor. STAT!


  1. Wine expo~Oh the jeaousy.
    ...get a nice Barolo...
    OK, that's EXACTLY what I do when I go to the gym and work out. Don't make fun!

  2. nicely done, madame chick. you link like no other.

    and gratitude is always, always a lovely thing.

  3. Thanks for the link to Cry It Out, I read a few posts and the writing is really good. And his baby is cute!

    Any chance you could finagle me an invitation to that book club? I love the blog, love the books they pick, the whole thing. Put in a good word for me!

  4. Have fun with ya sista!!!!

  5. What's up with Kristen calling you a "little known blogger"? Just because she's just discovering your brilliance doesn't mean the rest of us haven't been enjoying you for years. :)

    You are a rock star, baby.

  6. I was totally disappointed for you about the Best Commenter screw. You totally deserved it.

  7. Your weekend sounds better than mine... I am off to Colorado (fun!) with the kids (um... fun?) to visit my mother in law(?)

  8. Quick! pass the note... nobody's looking!

    Back at ya and then some, girlfriend!!

  9. Kara doesn't mind a little stalking - I can give you her address, phone number and car make. If you do decode to some drive-bys, make sure you have Billy Squier blaring from your stereo - she has a thing for him and this will quickly endear you to her. Not that I've ever tried it - I've just heard things.

  10. wine expo?! Damn it, I want to go to a wine expo.

    Not to drink obviously, being that a drinking mum is possibly one of the worst thing ever, but just to soak up the...umm...atmosphere.

  11. You know what would go really nice with that steak on my jaw?

    A nice rich red.

    Thanks for the linky love. And man, if Kristen thinks you are a little known blogger, I must be freakishly invisible. Hmm, wonder what kind of trouble I could get into with that type of super power...

    Swish and spit one for me, kay?

  12. and why are you not on my bloglines??? huh?

    my first read of you, mrs chicky--although i think you and i stalk all the same people. now i'll add you to the list:)

    i love all these links--'sepcially the bourdain one.

    hope you are good and pissed right now (and in the good, british way;-))

  13. You are fab. And funny. Thanks for the links.

  14. UMM...I have a burning desire to pepper spray the workout chick.

  15. Holy creebus -- that is very nice of you. Too nice. Thank you so much for the link -- and for keeping me entertained every day!


  16. I totally voted for you for best commenter. You're the best commenter in my heart part.

    And I wish I was with you getting super drunk wherever you are. Because that would be a whole lotta fun.

  17. I LOVE the blog you linked to -- Cape Buffalo. Thanks for including her. I would have never found her without you.

  18. Loved the other links!!! Thanks. It's always cool to find a new read.

  19. great to find some new posts, thanks!

  20. Great links. I had found and enjoyed Anthony's blog as well. I just love him and really enjoy his show on the Travel Channel.
