Thursday, January 04, 2007

Nice kittie

These days if I want to get a shower before noon I have to take Chicky into the bathroom with me, or turn the television to that insufferable red muppet and keep the bathroom door open for her to wander aimlessly in and out. While in the shower, with the warm water washing away the memory of that morning's tantrum, I'm always wondering what I will find when I get out. I like to live dangerously that way, living for the element of surprise. But there are those days I just know that if left to her own devices Chicky will grow weary of Elmo and start redecorating, so it's better to lock the door behind the two of us and let her play with my birth control pills.

Today was one of those days.

The water was running and I was stripped down to nothing more than what the good lord gave me - and the rest that the birth of Chicky made unrecognizable. Her vocabulary might not be impressive, but she's fairly good at identifying her body parts and is appropriately curious about Mama's.

She took one look at my furry monster, of the not-so-Sesame-Street-friendly type, pointed to it and said,"Bum."

"Well, no honey. That's not Mama's bum. Thats..."

She sized me up while I stumbled and groped for the right descriptive words.

"Mama? Bum?", she said again.

"No, um."

That's when the look of recognition crossed her face. She took one look at me, pointed again, and said,

"Mama. Meeeoooow."

Close, hon, that's pretty close.


  1. This is the best laugh I've had all day.

    (Sorry, but it is.)

  2. bwaaahaaaaaaaa! That kid kills me!

  3. I'm telling this one to husband because that is too funny not to share. Bumper points at mine and screams so I'm not quite sure what that's all about (suppressed memories of a vacuum birth perhaps).

  4. :O OK, I'm done laughing now!

  5. Ahhh, that was funny. And cute. What a smart girl!

  6. LMAO! That is too funny. Thanks for the laugh. :)

  7. What page of the baby book do you put that one on?

  8. oh, that is TOO funny.

    PS. we've had the same conversations.

    what IS the right answer?

  9. Hysterical. :D

    Boo just says ewwwww when she sees mine.

  10. HA! That is so frickin' funny, I almost spit!

    Have I told you the story of when SF told me "she doesn't like my bosoms because they hang!"

    great. Thanks. Beyotch.

  11. That deserves a genuine LMAO. And I don't throw that acronym around willy-nilly :)

  12. LOL! It's amazing how unabashed children are with their and everyone elses body parts!

    My Monkey now knows that I have a "yoni" and Daddy has a "penis"... but she's extremely facinated with Daddy's 'cause they hang like decorations on the christmas tree!

  13. Hah cute. I'd have stood there without an answer. So seriously, what's the right answer?

  14. Oh that smartie Chicky. She's the best!

    We sometimes call that a Regina (the capital of Saskatchewan.) It makes for fun conversations when we fly to see the Grandparents.

    I think we'll sing a Chicky Baby inspired version of "Head and Shoulders" tonight during bath time.
    "Hair and Belly Button, Meow and Feet, Meow and Feet.
    Hair and Belly Button, Meow and Feet, Meow and Feet.
    Elbows and Fingers and Boobies and your seat.
    Hair and Belly Button, Meow and Feet!"

  15. Ha! Pumpkinpie once came up to me as I sat on the toilet, poked me in that area, and declared, "Fur!" Um, okay, yes, despite all my waxing business, yes. Sheesh.

  16. Hilarious.

    Cakes stares at mine wide eyed but she isn't speaking much yet so I can only guess what she thinks of it.

  17. oh. my. goodness.

    friggin hilarious, lady.

  18. Well that was a good chuckle, I seem to recall my own DD thinking the front was also the "bum", so one day she says to me Mommy I don't want hair on MY "bum" like you have. Kids gotta love em.

  19. Holy Shit, I just lost a contact lens from laughing so hard and crying it out!

  20. Miss M has called it "Mommy's wulva" and has said "Mommy has a beard" but she's never put the purr back in the pussy cat. Nice. Very astute.

  21. Well that's funny cause the other day while I was getting dressed Girlie Girlie started petting my nether regions trying to figure out the whole hair thing.

    Meow huh?

  22. Yeah, I'm so glad to hear others who have no privacy in the bathroom either. I have a friend whose daughter is 10 and still doesn't know about two year old is constantly trying to give me pantyliners and I had to just explain the purpose of a period to Mr. 4. I keep trying to tell myself these lessons are good to get out of the way now.

  23. Meow!

    Nice one. Have a huge dorky grin on my face.

  24. That is the funniest thing I have heard all day.

    Our two year old calls it a ' took many discussions with my husband to settle on this name...he kept suggesting calling it cookie or cupcake or some other edible thing. Uh, no.

  25. Well, my daughter has not asked what it is called yet, however the other night after her bath... while changing her into her pajamas, she thought of a better use for her toothbrush..... I'll let you use your imagination....

  26. Oh hell to the yeah. LOVE IT! Someone needs their own blooooog.

  27. Meow, indeed. We're all having a good laugh over here. I can't wait to share moments like this when they happen to me.

  28. such a smart one you have! lol

  29. Noooooo waaaaaaay!


  30. so funny!
    My 16 month old discovered my mons pubis (aka pubic mountain) the other day...he kept pulling down my pj's to run his hands thru my scary hairy mary. I finally had to put on jeans to keep him out!. If he's not trying to crawl up it, he wants to play with it...

  31. Oh my god....

    How cute!

    I really needed a laugh today. TY!

  32. out of the mouths of babes....


  33. That made me laugh out loud! Too funny!

    Chicky baby's a quick study!

  34. Hee hee! She's a fast learner.

  35. I think I am just going to call it my "meow" from now on...

    Thank Julia for the good laugh!

  36. Oh. My God. Can't Talk....laughing too hard right now....


  37. hahahahahahahahaha

    still laughing...

    thank you.

  38. DAMN but I needed that laugh. Damn.

  39. That was the best story I've heard all year!

  40. Holy crab too funny -- way, way too funny.


    That Chicky is a smart cookie.

  42. Oh man, I SO needed that laugh!

    Off to a WAY over due nap...

  43. OMG, freakin hilarious! This is o'ficially my new pet name for the vagina "Meeeeeeooooowww!"! Love it! LOL!

  44. Ha! I love it!

  45. Oh MY GOD, that is hilarious! Bwaaaaahaaaaaaa!

  46. That is HILARIOUS!!! So clever!!

  47. oh. my. god.

    that is freakin' hilarious!!

    what a smart little chicky you have there.

    thanks for the laugh - this was my first time visiting your blog, now I can't wait to read more. :)
