Friday, January 19, 2007

Attack of the cheese-tacular 80's videos!

I just can't write a real post today but I can't stand the idea of all my needy whining being left up all weekend. Although, I really appreciate your pick-me-ups. Really. I do. Gosh-oh-golly-gee, you guys are really great. But I'm making myself vomit and it's never a good thing to make yourself sick. However, it can make you famous for life.

So please enjoy these links until I can extract my cranium from my rectal area. Delicately.

- Maybe if I watch the very special Scrubs musical episode I'll learn how. Especially if everything really does come down to poo. I've got to get my head out of there. STAT. (And why do I giggle whenever anyone says "Gotta drop the kids off at the pool"? Why?)

- You crazy Germans. If everyone where to drive off a bridge, would you drive off of one too? Well, quite possibly yes.

- I may be evil, and I just might be going to hell, but I couldn't stop laughing. Could. Not. Stop. Laughing.

- If only this woman had a blog. She could have been the next Dooce. Instead, she's just a dumbass.

- The Patriots are the new Yankees? I. Think. NOT.

- I'm not a violent woman by nature, but I could seriously hurt a person that would do this to an animal.

- Does it get any cheesier than this? God, I hope not.

- Not so fast! It does! What the hell did I ever do before YouTube?

- I can tell you what I wasn't doing. I wasn't watching this over and over again. And I was probably getting more done.

- And, in closing... Parents, you can thank me later. After you've picked yourself up off the floor. I must have watched it a hundred times, though I don't know why since I get the real thing at home every damn day.



  1. Ok. The story of the buried alive dog? Makes me want to strangle people. That's one of the most horrible things I've ever heard!!


  2. You are so funny with your links...Thank you!

  3. That whole vomit sceene is something I've STILL managed to avoid throughout all of these years. Thanks and all for the link but that's the only one I WON'T be checking out. (Because eeek! Barf!)

  4. wasn't so keen about the Scrubs special.

    more of a Office kinda gal.

  5. Yeeeeah, the chick in the drunk video sounded a little too much like annoying Stewy, only instead of Mom, it was "Evan, evan, evan, evan, evan, do you know where you are? Evan, evan, evan, evan, evan,.."


  6. Oh noooooooo...the exorcist girl. I clicked the link, saw her face, and x'd it as fast as I could. My husband is on third shift so I have to sleep here all alone, ya know!! Now I'm going to be up all night. The rest of them were pretty damn funny, tho.

  7. Annoying Stewie video is the story of my LIFE. Grrrrrrrrr.

  8. Love Scrubs and loved the poo song. I mean where else would you hear a song about poo.

    Thanks for the videos!

  9. Who even thinks about Chicago videos? That's a DEEP cut...

    But I did laugh at the cheerleaders

  10. You have just brightened my day 1000%! And solved the mystery of what my family should wear next Halloween. There are 4 of us, so Pepper can be the girl from that Art of Noise video and the rest of us can find goggles, suits and power tools. No one will get it, but *I* think it would be awesome!

    Now I need to go take a shower, because that Billy Squier video left a NASTY aftertaste.

  11. Oh my God. The Chicago video? It's like a cross between a rape scene and a Cops outtake.


  12. I'm hugging my dog just a little tighter right now....damn it, Nixon, quit know your momma loves ya!

    Anyhoo, if they ever find that son of a (I'm not gonna use the word bitch because it's not nearly good enough) freak, I hope they tie him/her by their toes...I'm getting vicious now, I'll just stop.

    Thanks for the links. Another freaking reason not to clean my house. I love you!!!

  13. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

    Tori..I'm anonymous because it isn't letting me log in as me!

  14. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  15. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  16. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  17. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  18. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  19. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  20. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  21. I recently put Buffalo Stance on my ipod. Because I'm cool like that (not).

    Cool links, minus the dog one which makes me want to cry.

  22. cheerleaders falling on their ass? excellent.

    if that chick had published her journal as a blog, i'm just sad enough that i probably would have read it.

    and the art of noise video was actually mildly scary. the way they moved was just too unnatural for me. i may have nightmares about it.

    thanks for sharing!

  23. Chicago?! How did anyone EVER think they were cool?

    Much props for digging that one up.

  24. you're killin me..
    I'm laughing so hard right now.
    -I'm glad I was never a cheerleader.
    -I used to like Chicago (in a waiting in the dentist office listening to muzak kind of way) but now I'm not so sure..
    -and the last one was tooooooo funny.

  25. Wow! Great to see that Art of Noise clip again. So fun and creepy. Velma, I also thought it would be perfect Halloween fodder. Unfortunately, our household doesn't have the bodies to pull it off. Unless we recruit one of Kevin's coworkers...

    Girlfriend...whatever inspired you to dig up Chicago? I couldn't watch the whole thing. It made me itch. LMAO though.

  26. Mrs C,
    Sadly, I remember all those music videos! Oh my God! Sadly,I remembered why I wasn't a big fan of Peter Cetera from Chicago. It was that awful video.
    And what is up with the Yankee/Patriots comparision??? *shudder*" oh I so can relate to THAT one!
    Thanks for the laughs!

  27. You found some of the cheesiest videos ever, though Buffalo Stance is still the bombdiggity.

    -Pulling on my red sox hat-The Yankess only wish they were as good as the patriots :)

  28. Damn. Chicago AND Billy Squier, with the weirdest seque ever into that freaky Art Of Noise video. Dood, that, like, totally ruled. Like, totally.

  29. The cheerleaders! I can't stop the laughing.

  30. you are funny.

    and um, yeah..nothing from boston is like new or old yankee anything.

  31. Oh god, the cheerleaders! How many broken tail bones do you think there were in that clip?

    heh heh

  32. This is serious entertainment. Buffalo Stance takes me right back.

    Thank goodness that poor dog was rescued. I couldn't imagine what kind of person would do that?

  33. I loves me some youtube. And I thank God everyday it wasn't around when I was an idiot teenager.
