Sunday, December 03, 2006

I am nothing if not accommodating

The incomparable GGC (and her delectable little man, Archer) tagged Chicky and me for our first ever mother/daughter meme. Since the woman has made me weep with her words I figure the least I can do is comply with her request: List Five Things You Didn't Know About Mrs. Chicky and Chicky Baby.

Since I'm the Mama and I bore that child, I get to go first. That seems like small consolation for my pain and suffering but I'll take it.

Five Facts About Me:

1. For my entire life, up until I got pregnant, I had ridiculously skinny feet (quadruple A). Not only were they skinny but they are also long and because of those two attributes my father called me "Kangaroo Feet". Thanks Dad, the bill for therapy is in the mail.

Last week I tried on a pair of dress shoes that I have only worn twice, once right before getting pregnant and once during my pregnancy - and guess what? They don't fit anymore. Thirty something years of bitching and moaning about having such skinny feet that most shoes wouldn't fit me, and finally finding pretty shoes that fit and don't look like old woman orthopedics, and the damn things don't fit anymore. Ain't that a bitch? On the flip side, I guess Dad can't call me mean names anymore.

(If he dares make a joke about my expanding ass I'll kill him.)

2. I love fried bologna (mmmm, fried pork parts) and picking at the turkey neck on Thanksgiving. Heh, don't knock 'em until you try them.

3. I have an unnatural fear of heights. Never, ever, ask me to go on a rollercoaster or ferris wheel. My husband calls it a "crippling" fear, and he's correct. It's so bad that if there were a million dollars on one side of a ravine and I had to cross a suspension bridge to get to it... Well, let's just say that there's no shame in being poor.

4. I'm currently drinking a 2005 Marlborough (New Zealand) Pinot Noir, and you know what? It's not half bad. I bet it would go nicely with fried bologna.

5. I watched an AKC dog show on television while in the hospital in labor with Chicky Baby. What? I'm a dog trainer, people. (see #1 about CB)

Five facts about Chicky Baby:

1. Even though we have two dogs, and seem to find dogs wherever we go, Chicky Baby has little interest in them. In fact, she's more interested in cats. I wonder if she's bitter about the dog show and this is her first act of rebellion? What's next? Black hair and white makeup?

2. Her speech has been slow coming but in the last few days she has deduced that whatever goes in to or comes out of the microwave or oven is "Cook", the rain drops on the car windows is "Wet", and today she patted her chest and said "Hep" (help). I teared up. I was so overcome with relief.

3. She has the most expressive face of any toddler I've ever met.

4. Her favorite foods are cheese ("eeeese"), graham crackers or any type of crackers, actually ("Cah cahs") , bananas ("banas"), apples ("Ah-pulls"), peas and chicken. With the exception of the last two I think she prefers the first foods because she can ask for them by name.

5. She's going to hate us when she's older for this year's holiday card:

Yes, that is the actual card that we are sending out this year. With the greeting "Wishing you much happiness this holiday season". If my in-laws have a problem with it they can blame Mr. C. I just took the picture.

I have to give props to those of you who gave your two cents and especially to Penelopeto who came up with the brilliant tagline for the screaming picture: "She just found out she's not getting that pony". That line made Mr. C and me laugh out loud. If we hadn't just ordered the cards right before I read your comment we might have gone with it.

So, there you go. Don't you feel like a better person now that you know these things about us? Huh, don't you? Punk.

Now, (rubbing hands together. Laughing maniacally.) who do I want to know more about? Hmm?

*tapping fingers together like Mr. Burns*

I tag Jen and her little one, Jonathon and E., and ECR and the Boss. Don't let me down, people.


  1. That card is awesome. The world needs more babies captured in their natural state for holiday cards.

    And Thalia likes ah-pulls too. It's her first two-syllable word where she actually uses both syllables and it might just end up being my favorite word ever now.

  2. What the heck was happening to Chicky Baby in the "Naughty" photo? Because I just want to swoop her up into my arms and kiss her little face! And the "Nice" photo-she's so cute! Excellent card.

  3. I just want to know - when will my younger child talk? Some words are clear as bells - "mommy", "baby" - and others are mush that only I can understand.

    Anyway. I LOVE THAT CARD. Do you still have my address? BECAUSE I WANT ONE.

  4. the card looks great - definitely one for the blackmail pile!

  5. gulp.

    a meme.

    i mean, wow. i would do most things for madame chick...

    ah, hell. ok...this week. but you owe you have to get married (come on over and see what i mean)

  6. Woooohoooo! Oh and that card? Perfection.

    By the way, my word verification contains the word "VAG" as the first three letters. Hot.

  7. The card is FABULOUS. I want one! I'm so glad you decided to use the "Naughty" one. It's just the best picture!

  8. Husband and I are getting into Pinots lately too (Thanks, Paul Giamotti) and I grew up on fried bologna. And I freaking LOVE your Christmas card. I am so glad you used that picture. It was too precious not to. Oh, and, Diminutive One didn't speak a word until he was 3.

  9. I love that card. You rock woman. That would totally be something I would do and my family would get so mad at me.

    Great meme too...Fried bologna huh? If only I ate pork products and goose neck, I'd try it out.

  10. GREAT card! Clever!

  11. That card is so, so wonderful.

  12. I LOVE YOUR CARD. I love it. It's priceless...

    It reminds me of the Christmas card we sent out last year. Julia was screaming and holding a plastic teapot (that the photographer had given her in an attempt to get her to stop didn't work) and it looks like she's dumping hot tea all over Oliver, who was also screaming.

    Maybe I'll post it closer to the holidays. :)

    I love the "Naughty or Nice?"'s great.

  13. We might be going with a "crying pose" for our Christmas card this year, too - I tried over the weekend, and tell me how you get a 5 year old and an 11 month old to smile at the same time? Impossible.

    Anyhoo, fried bologna? But I'm with ya on the fear of heights! I have trouble on the 3rd rung of a ladder.

  14. Wicked cool card :) I must reiterate my love for the pouty pic.

    Thanks for thinking of me and The Boss for this. I am a few things besides accommodating, but none of them will get in the way of me responding to your MeMe/SheShe tag :)

  15. You make me laugh so hard sometimes... I almost woke Bumper with this post. The card is absolutely PRICELESS.

  16. Awesome card. Perfect, really.

    Save a couple for yourself so you can show future possible boyfriends.

  17. i'm in love with the card. it's GREAT!

  18. That card is perfect! I love it!

  19. I Love that! Absolutely perfect for this time in life for the little chickys. You should go into marketing!

  20. Ahhhh, a woman after my own heart ... I am definitely going to try that Pinot and bologna combo! ;)

    As for the holiday card, she'll forgive you -- someday!

  21. Too funny.

    So, enquiring minds want to know....

    You're saving up for the chicklet's future therapy bills right?

    Because I'm predicting she will spend a lot of time on a couch in her future.

    Talking of fried foods, hairy parents and a disturbing love of bizarre christmas cards. All the while stroking her kitty cat, and talking about how she wants to have a hundred house cats to make up for all the dogs she had to live with over the years.

    You send her to me, and I'll show her where to get the tattoos and piercings.

    It's my gift to you, Mrs. Chicky. Because I am nothing if not generous...

  22. Love the card. LOVE it!

    Oh & H&H are both obsessed with dogs. Why? Because we have 2 cats. The rebellion does start early.

  23. OK, I have two questions for you:
    Can I come over for some Pinot and fried bologna? Cuz I would totally appreciate that, you know.
    Second: That card is GREAT! I LOVE it! I wish I were on your Christmas list. You just gave me a great idea, though. Maybe I should pinch my kids or something to get a pic like that...Hmmm...would that be wrong?

  24. LOVE IT!!! I totally had to share the previous post with my whole family. LOVE IT. LOVE IT. LOVE IT!!!

    If the in-laws don't think it's funny... well....

    F*ck 'em if they can't take a joke.

  25. Perfect!

    I'm still trying figure out if I've gotten 'the shot' of MF for our card yet. Sigh.

    Why do toddlers have to be so!?! ;-)

  26. That card is awesome. I just opened a beautiful bottle of south african red called goats do roam, and MAN is it wicked.

  27. Kangaroo feet! I love that Christmas card!

  28. I love the card. Totally love it!

  29. I LOVE your card. I didn't have the nerve to do that last year with the screaming santa photo and I still regret it.
    Good work.

  30. Yeah, hey do I get one!!! I want one! Shouldn't that be enough of a reason?

    And that card will eventually be one of the things she wants to send YOU a therapy bill for. Pay it forward, that's all I'm sayin. :-)

  31. The card the card! Love it. And, I am with ya on the heights thing. My MIL gave us a hot air balloon ride for an engagement gift. I enjoyed it as best I could from the van that followed the balloon.

  32. That is quite possibly the best Christmas card I've ever seen. LOVE IT!

    I also have an unnatural fear of heights. And skinny feet. Thanks for the heads-up about what pregnancy does for that issue!

  33. Oh my god. That card is awesome! I wish I had thought of it! Love it!!!

    p.s. fried bologna? seriously?

  34. Oh yah. That is the best card Ev-Vah! She makes both of Santa's lists.

    Chicky Baby knows it is more fun to torment cats.

    The feet as well as nose and ears just keep on growing. It's crazy but's true. By the time we are in our senior years, we turn into sideshow freaks.

  35. I love, love , LOVE your Christmas card idea! So glad you were able to use the one of her crying.

    Fried bologna? Hmmmm, personally I go for a bologna ketchup sandwich.

  36. I will get over the turkey neck because of the BEST CARD EVER!

  37. That is the cutest card I have ever seen - and I'm putting that ABOVE the one I'm sending of my three adorable children!

  38. That card is the BEST!
    Hmmm, I may have to use that idea.... "fried bologna?" Deep-fried or pan? I'm interested now. Pork + fried = yum. 2nd only to fried chicken in buckets

  39. By far the best holiday card ever.
