Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Eat your heart out Salome

This week in Chicky holiday pictures (because I'm totally copping out of writing an actual post):

Bring me the head of Frosty the Snowman

So that I might give it a big smooch.

Yeah, it's a snowman pillow. I have a snowman pillow in my home, and Chicky loves it. You wanna make something of it? It makes her happy and when it comes to that face...

"Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee."

Even if it is horribly tacky.


  1. Very cute!

    Who doesn't like a headless snowman?

  2. Hell. If a snowman pillow is the worst of your aesthetic crimes, you're not doing too badly. I caught myself fondling some stuffed elves in a shop the other day. I fear that the end is nigh.

  3. What we wouldn't do for our kids...............

  4. You're funny AND artsy. Frosty and Salome, very clever :)

  5. Gratuitous Chicklet pics.

    Fuzzy Frosty heads.

    What more could I want from a post?

    Now, if only you'd teach my dog not to piddle on the neighbour's kid's jacket, all would be right with my world...

  6. It could be worse, way worse so I won't put you in the realm of tacky anytime soon. And damn she sure is cute.

  7. Mrs Duck would soooo want that now, like at this age, like this year.

  8. I love that last picture. LOOOOOOVE it.

  9. So cute I can barely stand it. Your cop outs are the best. more pictues please :)

  10. Don't take this the wrong way -- but I love you even more for relating salome to the snowman.


  11. And who would ever fault you for that???
    Too cute.

  12. Not such a cop out when you give us a cute picture of Chicky baby. Love the snowman head - will his body ever make an appearance?

  13. If it makes little chicky happy I say keep it out ALL YEAR LONG!

  14. So cute! And not nearly as 'tacky' as forcing your toddler boy to actually dress up as a snowman for a photo op!

  15. Ha! Sometimes tacky can be fabulous.

  16. That is adorable. And nothing is tacky in the arms of your chicky baby.

  17. Oh my gosh, what great photos! These would have been equally fabulous on a holiday card. So cute.

  18. First of all, as long as you don't own the matching applique sweater, you're still a-okay.

    Second, adorablest pictures! (Did you get my card BTW?)

    Thirdly, and almost unrelated, I am listening to "On Beauty" by Zadie Smith on audiobook right now, and the narrator prounounced "salome" like this: sah-low-mee. Like salami. Totally bizarre that nobody could point it out to him that that's just wrong wrong wrong!

  19. As long as she doesn't stick the head on a post to scare other snowmen away. Fear me and my wrath against all snowmen!!

  20. She is SO beautiful. That sweet little smile just made me melt!

  21. you have a snowman pillow in your home and a bible verse to boot.

    madame chick. i bow.


  22. LMAO...we have that!
    My MIL gave it to the kids last year....I just found it when I was getting out the xmas gear.

    Adam has it on his bed now.

  23. We can't be hip and cool all of the time, especially around the holidays. Oh and by the way, can you say "adorable?"

  24. 'Tis the season for tacky! And be able to get away with it, too.

  25. Things I swore I would never own have suddenly been creeping into my home since I had kids. She is adorable!

  26. What...
    Not Santa
    No Elves?
    It's just the start of a fantastic collection!!!

  27. Dude, repeat after me: when it comes to Christmas, there is NO SUCH THING as tacky. kitsch is Xmas's middle name.

    and that girl, that delicious girl, ought to have all the kitsch in the world handed to her on a silver platter. with kisses.

  28. Love the snowman head. Definitely NOT tacky.

    I think that second picture right there is your holiday card.

    (Thanks for the Bobby Brown video in your previous post.)

  29. Terribly tacky, but incredibly cute.

  30. Wow. I have a stuffed snowman body with no head. Okay, just kidding. Cute baby. Weird stuffed thing.

  31. The cuteness obviously melted the other two thirds away. It certainly melted my heart.

  32. Oh! That's so adorable! I love these photos!
