Monday, November 13, 2006

You know you're a mother when...

... Your young toddler sleeps in until 8:45am on a rainy Monday morning and instead of thinking:

"Holy crap! It's 8:45 and she's still sleeping? This is great! I feel so well rested."

You think:

"Holy crap! It's 8:45 and she's still sleeping? Is she dead? I need to go check on her now!"

Jeesh, how my priorities have changed.


  1. yep. she slept til 9am today. at least she was in my bed. and I was still freaking out.

  2. and I thought I was the only one that thought that way.

  3. I remember almost having a heart attack the first day I woke up and realized teh babies slept through the night. I flew to the bassinets to check their breathing.

  4. i remember that period well. now my lovely 11 year old little fella sleeps till 11 at the weekend - bliss!

  5. 8:45?? You suck. Boo is up at 6 a.m., sharp. Doesn't matter what time she went to bed, either. I can't wait til she starts sleeping in a bit.

  6. oh yes!! yes yes yes yes yes!!
    Glad its not just me. ANd you tell yourself, don't be ridiculous, she's just sleeping, and you press your ear against the intercom to check for snuffles, it's all fine, you reassure yourself, you put your head back on the pillow, or step towards the bathroom and the idea of the private shower . . BUT NO!! YOU MUST CHECK even if it threatens to disturb the cosyed up sleepy creature, which could lead to premature waking, and whining and grumpyness from all parties.

  7. Must be something in the air...Cakes slept in today too. God it felt good.

  8. My train of thought usually goes something like this:

    "Holy crap! It's 8:45 and he's still sleeping? Is he dead? Well, I'll give it another 30 minutes and THEN I'll go check. I'm sure he's fine..."

    God, I'm such a BAD mom.

  9. I remember the first time any of my kids slept for longer than four hours - because I woke up in a cold sweat and was CONVINCED that the poor little thing had perished. Nope, just sleeping.
    Having written that - 8:45? Huh. I feel grateful if the baby sleeps in past 5:30. Grateful and tired.

  10. I have a mixture of both! i wake up thinking is he still breathing, go and check, then go back to sleep.

    yea i like sleeping!

  11. As a mom, I do a rain dance before I go to bed. I love to sleep in.

  12. The very first time GC slept through the night, KAATN and I were up staring at her every four hours to make sure she was breathing. She slept, we did not.
    Now as a toddler, if she sleeps late (rarely), KAATN has to stop me from going in her room. OK, he tries to stop me. I hear ya, sister!

  13. I used to drive my husband bonkers when MF slept longer than usual when he was still a baby - because, of course, there was obviously something wrong! He had to be checked to make sure he was still breating!

    Now at the ripe old age of 18 months, I've just been relieved he made it to 7:30 the past couple of mornings. No checking required. ;-)

  14. the number of times i've ruined a perfect sleep in is un-count-able. i SO hear you.

  15. But once you find out she indeed is still breathing, you go right back to sleep yourself.

  16. Great time to cut those fingernails, I say!! Hee Hee, couldn't help it.


  17. hee hee hee that's the first thing I think of....I peek to see if she's breathing. Ugh. Motherhood can be so stressful.

  18. Isn't that the truth! One of these days, I swear, I'm gonna sleep in...Til 9!!! Oh, won't it be glorious!

  19. Oh, man am I jealous. I got up at 6:15 this morning to try and do some writing and The Poo woke minutes later. How does she know?

    Hope you enjoyed it just a wee bit!

  20. Repeat after me, if she's not crying, let her be. If she's not crying, let her be. If she's not crying, let her be.

    Yeah, right, I can't do it either.

  21. Same here. Thank you for the reassurance that I'm not crazy to still worry about whether my toddler has succumbed to SIDS.

  22. I alternate between that and thinking "Oh well, if they're dead I can sleep some more." (Not really, but you know what I mean!)

  23. I agree- I thought I was a psycho for thinking that. I feel so much saner now...that or we're all crazy together?

  24. My sentiments exactly. It's amazing how things change.

  25. Been there, done that, lol.

    There was one time that I woke up and it was 10:14am, I'll never forget it. I freaked and was in his room in about 1.2 seconds, just to wake him up by rushing in, lol.

  26. I actually woke up my two month old son because he had been sleeping for 4 hours straight...and I just knew something was terribly wrong with him!!

  27. My son once slept until 10! I think I checked on him every 10 minutes. You would think since I always complain how tired I am, I would have just slept, but that just wasn't possible. Being a mom forever changes who you are.

  28. Wow--8:45 a.m. My 2 1/2 year old has only done that...well, NEVER!!!!

  29. Well it does change...
    and now I have to wake her up for school everyday....
    Oddly enough she never had a problem before...

  30. Oh I hear ya. I haven't still been sleeping at 8:45 in more than 5 years. I totally would have had the same reaction.

  31. Soooo true, Chicky. So true! I couldn't help laughing.

  32. Ha! I have totally had the exact same thought and gone sneaking in filled with dread.
