Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Waving the white flag

Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Chicky Baby had an awful day today. She refused to nap, decided to wage a physical war on the dogs (taking a page from Shanna Moakler's book of bar etiquette, perhaps?) and was just a huge crank all day. Cranky Pants, that's her new name. Pussface Pissypants was the other choice. I can do little more than huddle in a corner in the fetal position, whimpering, and clutching a glass of riesling (from a local winery, no less. It's quite nice).

Maybe it's all the teeth she's getting all at once. Six teeth! Six, people! Six motherslappinwhilenotnappin teeth! Four molars and two incisors. I think I'll add a shot of gin to that bottle of wine I'm going to finish tonight. I hope it's not an ear infection brewing. I noticed that her ear was a little red while putting her to bed tonight. I sincerely hope it's red because I dug my finger in there to clear the canal of all that wax we always miss during bathtime.

Maybe I'll save that gin for tomorrow. I'm sure I'll need some extra liquid fortitude if she's as cranky as she was today.

So what I'm trying to say is... I've got nothing fun to post about. Unless you want to talk about teething tablets and Tylenol (or maybe share some of your pain numbing secrets? Hmmm?) you should go over to Dog Gone Blog and check out some ways you can show your support during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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  1. That totally stinks! My son was complaining today that his ear was hurting. He's 6 and not "supposed" to get ear infections any more. I think tomorrow will be a doctor day. Save some of that gin for me!

  2. You may want to share that Gin with Chicky Baby -- just kiddin'. Although, as my mother used to say, "Just rub a little rum on her gums, that's what I did for you. That, and dip your binky in the vodka" seriously.

    This too, shall pass. That's the only bit of enlightening advice I've got to give!


  3. um, please, for eff's sake, don't be apologetic for not being entertaining when you have spent a day in teething hell.

    I'm not kidding.

    meanwhile, please note that you were hilarious without even trying. it just comes that easy to you.

    so, to recap. you: effortlessly hilarious. you: deservedly given a blank check for phoning it in iffen ya feel like it. also, you: able to phone it in and come off like the pro that you are.

    hugs, and some sympathy thrown in for good measure for you, doll. I, too, am currently residing in the valley of the shadow of teething. yea, may I walk in a different valley. I plead, I beg, and my lord and master denieth me. he insisteth on teething, just to spite my exhausted ass.


  4. Teething is excruciating pain for the parents. It's not a walk in the park for the babies either, but what the *bleep* is up with teething times six?!?. Sending you good thoughts when I should be sending more booze.

  5. And here I'm complaining b/c Cricket is getting 1 molar in. ONE and you are dealing w/6. I should be ashamed.

  6. hylands? check.
    baby tylenol? check.
    booze? check.

    Sorry lady, you've got it covered. Hope the misery passes quickly.

  7. Ice...
    I would smash up ice and put it n my daughter's gums...
    She liked the feeling of the tiny chips and it gave her a bit of relief.
    Not fun...

  8. Molars are EVIL.
    Wait until the Canines come in. You'll be ordering an extra shot of gin for Chicky Baby.
    Hang in there. Remember, Tylenol is your friend. Tylenol with an Orajel chaser is an even better friend.

  9. You poor thing - I hope today (Thursday) is better for you!

  10. Well, you know I used scotch once when I had no other options.

    Ditch the Tylenol and go for the Motrin instead. Ibuprofen is MUCH better at helping teething pain, and lasts longer between doses, too.

  11. Six teeth at once! Oh ... you need more than gin sister.

  12. Isabella got her first two and we were like, "hey, the baby has teeth! this is going to be easy."

    we spoke too soon. those top motherfuckers are gigiantic and caused tremendous screaming and crying and whining (from me and from her)

    hang in there. it sucks!!!

  13. Christina totally beat me to it, but kick the Tylenol to the curb and go for the ibuprofen! It definitely helps more, and we got to the point (okayed with the pediatrician) where we just gave it every 6 hours on a schedule until the teeth were through.

  14. I really can't blame Shanna, I'd have to smack Paris too!
    I hope Cranky Pants turns back into Chicky Baby by tomorrow, good luck!

  15. We're just getting into the nasty part of teething---I feel your pain. Any tips?

    Thanks for stopping by my place - it's nice to meet you!

  16. I'm with ya, little dood is cutting molars too...

    Ditto on the motrin, and ya got the teething tablets, so my only advice is a cold wet washcloth-Cameron loves to gnaw on one when his teeth hurt. Plus, you can put it on your forehead when she's done with it!
    Oh, and a hard cranberry lemonade never hurt anyone!

  17. Oh yeah......sharing your pain.

    Was up all night with Caity last night because we are sick of her hourly demands for milk all through the we said no and that was it.....

    biiiiiiig fight.

    And I have been shoveling down muscle relaxants for a sore today is kind of trippy...specially with the wonderpets on right now.

  18. Hey, at least she went to sleep tonight.

    I hope tomorrow she returns to the sweetness.

    Call Dr. Daniels (first name Jack) and have her meet with him if she doesn't.

  19. Oh, I'm sorry. There is nothing worse.

    You need: for her--Hylands; for you--double gin and tonic. Put hubby on duty tonight and wear your earplugs.

  20. Molars are the worst. Have you tried rotating ibuprofen and Tylenol? I also used to freeze a wet washcloth (about 30 minutes in the freezer)and let my son chew on it. Didn't last long, but it helped.
    Hang in there.

  21. Just remembered, I put the washcloth in the fridge. Don't let it get frozen, just cold. :-)

  22. Little Guy is getting four teeth in right now too. Ugh. Poor them. Poor us. Hang in there!

  23. Poor baby!

    (That little kid has to be in some pain too).

  24. Cranks all day are very tough to deal with. I know we have had a few of those at our house too. The corner in the fetal position sounds like something I have done myself.

    Hope today is a better day.

  25. Missing a nap guarantees we mothers need a drink and a buddy to provide support.

  26. OHhhhh the pain. So sorry about all those teeth!

    Hang in there. Ella's working on four as well. Not fun!

  27. our girl went through multi-fang-sprout-fests.

    I always tried the cognac but it never seemed to help her so I kept it all for me.

    this was plenty fun.

  28. My daugther has 6 right now too! She looks like a vampire. Or Mike Tyson

  29. I hear you. And I'm sure I could hear Chicky Baby too if my own little crankypants wasn't making so much goddamn noise.

  30. motherslappinwhilenotnappin - perfection.

    Sorry about your day. I know that day, and it slaps you around like a bad ... well, a bad dog.
