Sunday, October 01, 2006

Shock and aawwwwww

It pains me to do this but you said you wanted to see pictures of what Mr. C did to Chicky's hair.

First I'll show you the pictures that my husband shocked me with - under the premise that he was doing me a favor by not making me wait until morning to see what he had done - soon after walking in the door.

I really don't want to do this. Are you sure you want to see them? They're pretty bad.

You might want to put your hands over your eyes.

Ohhhh-kay, here it goes....


What the...?



If you're still here after witnessing the heinous act of hair mutilation that my husband inflicted on his daughter - my sweet, beautiful child who is more gorgeous than all others. The child whose sheer beauty I am not ashamed or embarrassed to profess my awe for, nor am I ashamed or embarrassed to base whole posts on the exploitation of that beauty, especially when I am fresh out of witty blog repartee - then I have another picture that I am begrudgingly going to add.

It hurts me to do this because it is evidence that the haircut was not as bad as it first seemed and I am worried that Mr. C will wipe those other pictures out of his mind (or, at least off of his hard drive) and get the inkling once again to take shears to precious golden locks when I am otherwise unavailable to protest.

I guess the haircut didn't turn out too badly, Mom. Now we don't have to fuss with those cute hairclips you just bought me.

Sure, it looks like she's finding the whole thing funny but inside she's crying.

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  1. I have never seen a little one with such a range of expressions. The predominant one, from what I've seen is a kind of amused skepticism. What does that say, I wonder?

    Personally, I think the new haircut is adorable.

  2. I think the bangs are cute! She is always going to be beautiful, no matter what her hairstyle is. But really, it's not bad at all.

  3. She'd be cute no matter how badly he bungled the shears.

    That said, after three kids I've learned (actually it only took the eldest) that all decisions about when, how and how much to cut cute baby- and toddler-type hair rests exclusively with Mom. I don't profess to know why, it just know unequivocally that it does. :o)

    To Love, Honor and Dismay

  4. I haven't seen a Chicky Cut I don't like :)

  5. I know, I know. Dammit. The haircut turned out pretty well. I just need to trim the back a bit to even it all out but, darnit, my husband did a decent job. You don't know how much that hurts me to admit.

    A friend of mine had a good line after explaining the haircut fiasco to her. She said "What made him think he had that kind of authority?".

    Yep, that about sums it up.

  6. Ummmmm....

    I really like it (ducking).

    That said, Mr. C is still wrong, wrong, wrong for having done it. Wrong. Did I say...wrong?

    Bub is right...she has a very expressive little face.

  7. What a beautiful little girl. I LOVE her expression in that last photo.

  8. The jury is in. She is cute. And the hair is cute too. Ah, women would die for golden locks like that!

  9. Holy crap. If that's her with a BAD haircut perhaps the world is not ready for her to have a good one. Because seriously...could she bee any cuter?

    She'd probably be knifed by the other little girls her age. Jealousy is a scary thing.

    And the last picture? She has your sense of humor.

  10. She has the most expressive face I've ever seen on a child! And the hair isn't too bad, either. It looks better after the first set of pictures, after you've styled it a bit. But that still doesn't mean your husband should ever pick up scissors again.

  11. Oh man, that last shot is priceless.

    It's not a horrid haircut, but I'm totally with you on the Never Again thing. Some things should just be left to mum.

  12. Oohhhh- it's not so bad!She's so lovely you don't even notice her hair.

  13. OH my! (But, she looks SO CUTE!)

    My dad did that to me, the morning of my 5th bday party. I still go to therapy because of it.

  14. I know you feel the pain, but she's so totally adorable I wnat to put her in a pie.

  15. What a cute little one! Love the expressions...and the hair, it's cute.

  16. You better buy a big stick, because you are going to be beating the boys off with it in a few years. She's a beaut!

    As for the hubs and the haircut, well, he did ok. But isn't hair the woman's domain?


  17. I want to know if Mr C got Chicky Baby to expressively cover her mouth in that photo with the new daddy hairdo. It screams "What did you do Daddy?"

    It would be hard to stay angry when looking at such sweetness.

  18. Ha! You're right, the top ones look awfully mullet-y, but it gets better in the light of the next day. It'll grow out in no time, but meanwhile I'd hide all the sharp object and offer Mr. C a rubber ball next time he asks where the scissors are.

  19. Well, Chicky Baby is so adorable, it wouldn't even matter if she had hair at all. But don't tell that to Mr. Chicky.

  20. She's so cute!!! It'll grow out quickly and you can put it up in the back if you want ;).

  21. She'd be adorable and beautiful with no hair at all, although I wouldn't admit that to yur husband for fear he'd do more "trimming"! What a cutie!

  22. She looks like a 50s baby. My mom's baby pictures have her bangs cut up to high heavens. What a cutie!

  23. That is not at all what I pictured when you wrote about the "botched haircut". She looks beautiful! Although, I agree with everyone else, these decisions are best left to the moms!

  24. Your daughter is beautiful! The haircut is cute! You should see my daughter's hair...we're trying to grow out her bangs, and her hair looks AWWWFUL!

    PS, Congratulations on MOTW!!

  25. She's beautiful!

    And at least your daughter actually has hair!

  26. Oooh, she is still so unbearably adorable!

  27. I think you'd really have to work hard at making her not look cute. I'm sure it'll will fade faster than you realize. But cuteness? Pretty sure she'll always have that.

  28. Aw, if only ours had hair enough to cut. I like the improvement...definitely headed in a Mia Farrow circa Rosemary's Baby direction.

  29. No matter what happens to her hair, she'll still be adorable.

  30. Let him think that he messed up, even though mom got her hands on it and made it all better. Really though- she's just so cute that how could she NOT pull it off? She could go bald and be cute!

  31. She's still a little beauty!

  32. I agree with many of the commenters...she could be bald, or sport a nice wig...have green hair maybe...she would still be ADORABLE!

  33. Awww. Precious. And see? Not bad at all.

  34. holy mullet, batman!
    kidding, of course.

    she's GORGEOUS. really, she is. and it will totally grow back!

  35. Only the cutest babies can rock the mullet.

  36. Oh, she is absolutely adorable! I never let my husband cute my son's hair or take him in for a haircut without me present. If I did, Snuggle Bug would end up with a buzz. YUK!

  37. oh, yeah, sure, I'm repeating what everyone has already said about three hundred eleventy times. and I don't care.

    just watch me.

    she's GORGEOUS AND I WANT ONE OF HER. can I have a copy? a knock-off?

    she's FABULOUS.


  38. she still looks adorable!
    But I have to admit, I think I would freak if big daddy decided to pull a Vidal Sassoon...
    I agree with kitten pie.
    Hide all sharp objects.

  39. Hey Chicky, congrats on the ROFL Award. Enjoyed this post then and now!

  40. omg, those photos are a riot! And not because I think the haircut is bad, but because your daughter is such a little actress! The expressions!

    What a cutie!

    And congrats on your ROFL award!

  41. My husband has "cut" my sons' hair twice. If he ever does it again, it will be the last thing he ever does. Mark my words! He says when he retires from the corporate life he'd like to be a barber. Until then, he must vanquish the thought of using our flaxen haired offspring for guinea pigs. Well done on the ROFL.
