Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Depends company stock just went through the roof

There are times in a blogger's life when they, by happenstance or good fortune, stumble upon a particularly inspirational, life changing post by a fellow blogger that changes their outlook on the world forever.

This is not about one of those.

It is, however, about a very funny post by a very funny blogger, one Ruth Dynamite, who rocks my world with her wit and humor. Her post about excrement, or lack thereof, was so funny and, to use the word for a second time in one paragraph, witty that I just had to nominate her for a ROFL award.

Congratulations, Ruth, never has poop been so damn humorous!

ROFL buttonChristina and Izzy for coming up with another way in which bloggers can add more flare to their sidebars! You can see other ROFL award recipients on their sites.

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If you're not reading this on www.chickychickybaby.blogspot.com or a feed authorized by the author then you are viewing stolen content. Please read this on the site it was legally published on and not on a splog like Bitacle who steals other people's work for their financial gain.


  1. Great choice - the line about the mole in the hole is what really cracked me up.

  2. You are too kind, Mrs. Chicky! (You too, Bubandpie!)

    Thank you! If I couldn't laugh at myself and my parenting foibles, I'd be in big trouble. Many, many thanks.

  3. I need a good laugh. I missed this one of Ruth's I think (or I am getting THAT old). Off to check it out.

  4. I couldn't think of a better recipient...nicely done, chicky, nicely done.

  5. Oh my god I think I love her! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love these awards... such a brilliant idea!

  7. Excrement hath no greater poet than our Ruthie. Great pick!

  8. Great choice! Love her!

  9. That was hysterical! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. good Job! :)
