Monday, September 25, 2006

It was fine, fine, fine

I've never been so glad for a weekend to be over.

On Saturday Mr. C and I hosted a birthday party for his grandmother who had just flown in from her home in Wisconsin. We didn't so much voluntarily host it as we were volunteered to provide the house for the occasion by my mother in law. Yeah. She called a few weeks ago and told us that she had offered our home for the party.

Okay, no stress. I just have to make sure that all the dog hair is banished and the house doesn't smell like a barn. I suppose this is a good time to get rid of all that clutter. And when was the last time I cleaned the bathrooms? I guess now's a good a time as any. Sure this is a party for Mr. C's family and I don't even really know some of them and I'm doing most of the work to get the house ready, whatever. This is fine. No problem.

It was supposed to be a casual party for 10 and it ended up being a sit down lobster dinner for 12. My 87 year old grandmother in law wanted lobster on her birthday. Who can blame her? Did I mention we don't have room in my house for 12 people to sit down and have lobster? So we decided to have it outside. It will be fine, said my husband the eternal optimist. Fine, fine, fine. If he said fine one more time I was going to hit him with a lobster pot. I wanted a united front of misery and he wanted to be Miss Mary Sunshine. It will be fine, fine, fine...

Yeah, it rained most of the day. The steam was beginning to seep from my ears by about noon.

By 1:30 I was calling my lawyer to draw up the divorce papers.

Thankfully, the weather cleared up in the nick of time. By 4pm when all the guests were arriving the rain had stopped and the sun actually came out for a while.

It was fine, okay, now shut up.

Um, Mom, what am I supposed to do with this thing?

I thought I ordered the chicken?

It was better than fine, actually. We had a wonderful time drinking boat loads of wine and gorging ourselves on crustaceans. We layed newspaper on our tables and got our faces and fingers messy with melted butter. And for dessert? The most heavenly carrot cake you have ever tasted. Chicky Baby was a huge hit, and just a bit clingy due to the amount of strange people in her home, and even the dogs were on their best behavior.

The carnage.

Yes, a good time was had by all. I spent more time helping my mother in law cook the lobsters (Poor little lobsters. They valiantly gave their lives for our dinner. And they were dee-licious.) than actually visiting but it kept me busy so I was happy. My kitchen is still a mess and we've got a bag full of lobster skeletons stinking up our garage, but the butter made my skin so soft and Mr. C's grandmother was thrilled by her birthday celebration. I guess it all worked out in the end.

Next up, Thanksgiving dinner for 10. Bah. That's nothing. It'll be fine.


Over at Dog Gone Blog - doggie pictures! Who doesn't love pictures of cute dogs?


  1. Lobster. I love lobster. If you served me lobster, I wouldn't care if your dogs sat in my lap while I ate it.

    Sounds like the planning was a nightmare but the execution was miraculous - as all good project management should be!

  2. Ohh, now I'm jonesing for some seafood...

    Chicky is adorable.

  3. I'm drooling, I'm drooling. And what an incredibly cute baby you have.

  4. Those pictures of Chicky Baby with the lobster are PRICELESS. I love the look on her face!!

    I'm impressed -- by 4pm I would have been in the corner of my house with a bottle of wine. Correction: I would have been passed out in the corner of my house with an empty bottle of wine beside me.

  5. Wow, and I thought my party planning for a 2-year old's birthday was tough! I don't think I would have made it through the day without cracking under the pressure. But it looks like a wonderful time was had, along with some tasty lobster.

  6. That lobster looks soooo good. But since when did Chicky Baby become Chicky "looks like a toddler now"?

  7. Chicky is so cute I want to put her in a pie! I hope that mean old lobster didn't scare her too badly... She looks so much like my wee Violet the pics made me smile.

    I compare hosting dinner parties to banging one's head against the wall --- it really does feel so good when you're done.

  8. Yeah. I always want to host things. And then in the middle of getting them ready, I remember why my hubby always says, "No freaking way!" Stressful. But it feels so good when you're done!

  9. Oh I just loved the pictures of Chicky Baby with the lobster on her highchair tray. Those were so cute along with your comments below.

    Glad that the dinner party went well and that the birthday girl enjoyed her celebration.
    It's always my house that ends up being the one where all the parties are held so I know where you are coming from on trying to get all the clutter that lives around me in order before the company arrives only to clutter it up all the more.

  10. mmmm lobster.......ah to live in new england.
    lucky you.
    and could chicky baby be any cuter?

  11. Oh yes, that is certainly grounds for divorce. And alimony. A buttload of it.

    But I'm glad it turned out so well! Those pictures are hilarious! And she is an absolute doll.

  12. Those pictures are priceless. I fear I will never have the opportunity to freak my kid out with lobster.

    you are brave to host such a shindig. I rarely go beyond burgers.

  13. That was an awesome photo! Sounds like a good time. Remind me to RSVP for the next one!

  14. Chicky Baby is so funny with the lobsters. Best photo I have seen all day.

    I am so proud of you! I would have had a heart attack.

  15. Great picts!

    Man, I've been craving lobster for a few months (hint, hint)..

  16. I love the shot of Chicky baby with the lobsters!

    My inlaws have "appointed" me the the person to plan their 50th anniversary party for 35 people .. in Mexico...and just yesterday let me know I am expected to emcee too. Um...what about your FIVE children...or one of their spouses?!?! Fine, fine, fine

  17. So basically your house was commandeered like Tara by the Yankees.

    PS. I LOVE those pictures. It was worth it just for the look on your little ones face!

  18. I LOVE that picture of your daughter with the lobster. that face is PRICELESS.

  19. Oh! Chicky Baby and that lobster... it is so good I may use it for my Christmas card.

  20. Those pictures of Chicky Baby are priceless. I can picture her thinking that her high chair tray has crustacean germs. "Ick, ick! Quick Mom now scrub this area with bleach."

    Lucky for me I'm heading to the East Coast this weekend where I can dine on Lobster and I don't have to clean our bathrooms! Yippie!

  21. YUMMY!
    This post is just a reminder of something I truly miss about living in New England.
    LOBSTER! One of my favorites. Sounds like a good time was had by all.
    Chicky Baby looks sooo cute looking at that lobster. My kids probably would have cried at that age *LOL*


    This post just made me so hungry.

  23. I always completely stress about entertaining -- which makes the anticipation of the holidays (Christmas and Thanksgiving) almost unbearable. But usually after the first half hour of the event, I've calmed down and it turns out OK. Now if I could just remember to chill out each time!!

    Love the pictures of Chicky with the lobster. Too cute!

  24. Wow, what a feast! The look on Chicky Baby is absolutely priceless. She's just not impressed! I started salivating the moment I saw the chopped up lobster (poor lobster, pshaw!) and wine!

  25. Wow I am completely impressed by this. A lobster dinner?! Wow. Lobster is one of my favorite foods. I'm currently drooling on my keyboard. Mmmmm.

    (bad vegetarian, bad. i know)

  26. Sounds like a good time was had by all -- and don't worry, those lobsters didn't feel a thing.

    Okay, wiping drool off chin now!


  27. Hmmm...your daughter and I seem to agree on lobster. That's the face I make too!

  28. yum. sounds like an amzing time, and am exceedingly jealous.

  29. That picture of ChickyBaby and the lobster is priceless.

    And you have tons of good karma coming your way for making your grandma-in-law a happy happy lady.

    I'm hosting Thanksgiving for THIRTY FIVE. Everything will be fine fine fine...

  30. Wow, amazing you. And what a gracious, if volunteered, hostess.

  31. Ah mothers in law. are there any more vile creatures?

    Last thanksgiving we decided to introduce our (polar opposite) families to each other. We had moved in only a few weeks before, were both sick as dogs and barely able to get out of bed and now we had to arrange for a smooth meeting. Plus his mom was staying overnight. Amazingly we pulled it off, but I'm still unsure as to how.

    (blogger wouldn't let me comment until now)
