Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm doing this with both hands over my eyes...

... But I'm peeking through my fingers, of course. This is also my preferred method for watching scary movies.

The beginnings of Dog Gone Blog are up.


If you love your dogs, are planning to get a dog, or just admire watching them from afar, go there now and give me ideas for what to write. Yeah, you heard me, give me material. You didn't think I was going to do this alone, did you?

In all seriousness, I hope you enjoy my new endeavor. Please keep the snickering to yourself.


  1. I would never snicker about you.

    Not if you can solve my doggie incontinence problem.

    Now I'm off to go sit, stay and speak.

    Maybe I'll throw you a bone...

  2. Ok here's my only post idea. How on God's Green Earth do you keep a stubborn, and not-so-bright borzoi off of your bed? He thinks it's his, and every time we catch him there we tell him bad dog and put him on his dog bed (which, may I say is a very nice dog bed!) and say See! Good dog!

    Plus? My dogs are funny looking! I'll send you pictures! The new blog looks great!

  3. Wow, you did that quickly! So impressed.

  4. Fantastic. As for material, I always love discussions about what people feed their dogs. And lately I've been obsessed with canine medical issues (wonder why!) But I suspect the topic possibilities are endless.

  5. congrats on your new blog! it is too cute :) can i ask--did you do the header?

    on your last post--the same thing happened to me. we could change a few details and the names and write the same book. it hurts, doesn't it? i hate the fact that i know my soul mate of a friend is out there and i'm not a part of her life and she's not seeing the most important part of mine. but i guess it is just part of it.

  6. Good on you Mrs.Chicky...
    It looks great and my dog, Elvis, gives it 2paws up!

  7. The site looks great! Best of luck to you :)

  8. I caught yah accent ovah at Mamacita Tina's and figahed I'd stop by anothah Boston Blog. We share a bunch of similah bloggahs on our blog roles.

  9. On a more serious note, I have two Golden Retreivers and one, Jackson, is old and sick. He went blind, maybe six to eight months ago and coupled with his anxiety goes in and out of very bad stretches.
    A topic concerning dogs that we all eventually have to deak with is when do you take the step to put them out of their misery.
    Morbid, but a doggy problem I have been wrestling with.

  10. I am proud to say I was your first subscriber. I emailed you a photo AND a question. Get to work, woman! And - thanks!

  11. Congrats.
    I'll go check it out.

  12. Oh hooray! Congratulations! I've been away so I missed this "launch". Off to become a loyal reader :)
