Sunday, August 13, 2006

Shining, Gleaming, Streaming, Flaxen, Waxen

There are many, many important topics that I could tackle in this blog. For instance:

What is the geo-political ramification of the UN brokered cease-fire resolution in Lebanon?

What was the machete-wielding woman doing outside the White House?

Where is Baby Suri?

And because terrorists are trying to blow up planes again, thousands and thousands of dollars of make-up and haircare products, innocent mascaras and powders and mousse, that are at this moment being tossed in trash cans at international airports. And those plastic bags of beauty products are bound for landfills and incinerators. What, dear God, what did those piles of Lancome and Bobbi Brown beauty supplies do to those terrible men? Why must they take out their differences over oil and land on all that beautiful lipstick? Oh, the humanity.

(hey, you deal with stress in your way, I'll deal with it in mine.)

However, I will not be dissecting and analyzing those topics in this blog post. Instead, I will tackle the toughest of all topics.

What to do with the Baby Mullet?

It's a problem that all mothers of young toddlers face. Especially those with daughters. It's certainly an issue here in the Chicky Household. What do you do when your child's hair is growing out, but has not yet taken form as the real, awe-inspiring child hair that women in salons across the world try to emulate? There is the illusion of a hair style, but really it's more akin to Uncle Louie's bad come-over than anything that Jennifer Aniston will be sporting anytime soon.

Recently, I've been kept up at night with thoughts of what to do with Chicky Baby's growing locks. On a good day, and this isn't saying much, she looks a bit like Kate Hudson's son. On a bad day... Well, let's just say that someone wakes up from a nap looking like they've been on a bender.

Not quite sure what I mean by the baby mullet? Let me show you.

Aw yeah... This one's nice. I call this style "The Nolte".

The cute face won't help your cause, kid. It's still a mullet.

Although, it is kind of cute when she's all hot and sweaty and her hair curls in the back. Proving, once again, that this kid was planted in my womb by an alien life force. Neither Mr. C nor I have any curl to our hair.

This is what I usually do to tame the beast(ly hair). The "Pebbles". C'mon, you know you think it's cute...

... And it is cute. Except when my husband tries to do it himself. Then she ends up looking like this. Can you see the hastily gathered mop on top of her head, hanging over the top of the high chair? Yeah. This is what happens when you leave your child with your husband overnight. At least she wasn't in her pajamas.

I was forced to make a decision. I could continue to put clips and rubber bands in her hair - but every time I did I would find that barrette or elastic in her mouth, sooo safe - or I could bite the bullet and get her hair cut. I certainly wasn't going to be the person to take a pair of scissors to my kids head. I loathe cutting her nails, trimming her hair was not an option. So we took her to a professional.

Okay, she wasn't thrilled. Honestly, I think she was more freaked out by the cape than the scissors. Or maybe it was the Dr. Seuss motif. And the loud kids music. And the bad cartoons about a hairdryer named Flyer Joe Dryer.

In less than 5 minutes it was done. I almost balked when the stylist (stylist? Can you call them stylists?) said that from the sound of what I was describing to her I wanted the "Pixie cut" for my kid. Hmmm, when I think Pixie I think of this. I knew it wasn't going to be like this. I mean I wish my 15 month old could be so cool. But it came out like this...

It's hard to tell from that picture, what with the tears and everything...

But it came out like this. How cute is that? So it's a bit pixie-ish. But after $18 (including tip) that though I can't say was money well spent, at least there's no more mullet.


  1. *thud* (falls over from the sheer force of the cuteness)

    She looked adorable as Pebbles, and she even looked adorable in the photo where she's crying, but she looks REALLY adorable with her new haircut!

  2. we had the dreaded mullet issue too - the sides seem to take so much longer to grown in. So I just kept cutting the back short, waiting for them to grow in. I was actually brewing a post of my own about how she suddenly grew *real* hair, thick, pony-tail-ready, shiny, big-kid hair in place of the baby wisps.

    And the cut? Cute! But doable at home, with a little coaxing, promise.

  3. Sooo adorable. I was going to say cut it.

    We have that here too - except hers curls up so it's not too bad.

  4. So cute! I started Em at the hairdresser's early. She has a cowlick in the center of her forehead that requires a lot of attention!

  5. we do the run after her with scissors and end up with a bob/bowl cut....

    We have given up growing the hair out.....

    we don't even do bunches or any hair accessories...she won't stand for it.

    The neighbours kid was boggled that I cut my kids hair.

    I did Adams till he was 2.5 then he visited Julie....and has been happy with the manly cuts she does.

    Caity would not be so mom and the bob with bangs is it....

    she looks like something from the depression.

  6. Oh that was soooo totally worth the money. How cute is she!! I love the cut. But I have to say she also looked pretty cute with the mullet too.

  7. I do agree with mommy off the record. Your little girl looked cutie too with the mullet :).

    Maybe you'd like to check out this one, The Bobs and the Pixie. Hope you like it!

    Kisses to your Pixie-girl ...

  8. How Kee-Yoot is she???? Mullet or no Mullet, she is a doll.

  9. Oh she's goregous. Love the hair (actually the pebble-do is my fav but the pixie cut is beyond cute). Love love loved your post.

  10. Love the new cut! (of course, I also loved the "Nolte") Sophie's hair is starting to enter mullet territory and I'm thinking I need to nip that mullet in the bud. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Julia rocked the mullet for a long time...I got to the point where I was almost afraid to cut it off but when we did I couldn't believe how CUTE she looked. Much like your little sweetcheeks. :)

  12. no matter what she's doing or the expression on her face, she has to be one of the top 2 cutest kids. i would say cutest but you know us parents can NOT say that about someone else's child! the haircut is too cute! i don't want to have little bit's cut ever but i'm sure it'll get to that point.

  13. Oh, the sweetness!

    But Kate Hudson's son ... that's just wrong.

  14. Hey, maybe you should give Nick Nolte that stylists number.
    It is WAY too cute for words!

  15. laugh-out-loud funny. i wish my hair were that cute after a bender.

    My daughter, unfortunately, sports an awful looking mohawk (so I have no sympathy for you and your child whose hair is oh-so-gorgeous. do you know how much I'd pay for my hair to have that--"just rolled out of the crib do"?).

    Love love love the new look. So chic, yet very wearable.

  16. I liked the pebbles, but I LOVE the new haircut! Just beautiful!

  17. Adorable! Love the attempt by dad. My husband is pony tail challenged as well. I mean, come on, is it that hard? Apparantly it is. Love the new cut!

  18. So cute!! I love the photos in the stylist's chair.

    Eva also just got her firt "real" haircut (I am not counting the previous attempts of mine to tame the mullet... we, btw, pronounce it as "moo-lay" and with a really bad British accent)... Eva has what we are calling a "sassy" cut.

  19. I work in the criminal courts, so it's always SO exciting to me to see parents who take their responsiblities as parents seriously. If only every parent did what you had done I think I'd be a lot less busy at work.

    Also, while getting my hair highlighted and a wedding hair trial done I had occasion to ask my stylist what she does when people request a mullet.This guy had come in for his trim. He had super short spikey hair up front, and HUGE LONG to his butt hair in the back. It hadn't occurred to me that hairstylists would encounter such ethical dilemmas.

    Oh, and what a cutie!

  20. I never say this, but MY GOD THE CUTENESS IS BLINDING. That final picture? She is STUNNING.

    And the first tearful picture in the haircut series - absolutely adorable. What a doll.

  21. Okay, she's the cutest ever. Now can we get back to the lipstick? They had to throw away even lipstick? Yikes.

    And I'm serious. She is the cutest little doll ever.

  22. She is gorgeous. And how did you ever get her hair in a ponytail? Cordy won't let me near her with a hairbrush or rubber bands.

    Cordy has a mullet also, but with her super-curly hair you can't see it as much. So we have some time before the first haircut, hopefully.

  23. THANK YOU! This was exactly the dilemma I've been mulling (or maybe I should say mulleting?). Anyway, you have convinced me that a cut with bangs is the way to go. Not only that, but I can't wait to get it done! How freaking cute is that baby girl? I will tell my daughter that we're taking her for her "chicky cut." Maybe she'll grow up thinking that's what a haircut is called. Won't you feel famous?

  24. We're dealing with the mullet over here too, but I'm gritting my teeth through it. Leah has curly hair like mine was when I was her age, so I (think) she pulls it off. Can anyone TRULY pull off a mullet? Well, I just refuse to cut it because in my head I'll be back where we started when it grows out, and then, how will her hair ever get long and luscious? LOL.

  25. Don't even get me started on airline security!

    The new Chicky cut is the Sweetest! And oh so stylish... The Pixie cut originated in the sixties with models like Twiggy
    and actresses such as Mia Farrow. But what I really love is saying the word Pixie. Even better "Chicky Pixie!" It has a nice ring to it.

  26. She is SO adoreable. You calling the one pic The Nolte, made me laugh out loud!

  27. oy. the one of her in the chair, making the sad face? made my heart fall out of my body.

    thanks. now I need heart replacement surgery.

  28. oh how your post spoke to me... my daughter's hair refuses to grow. well, anywhere but on the top of her head. we have a little action going on at the back forming a nice billy ray cyrus look. oh, and she has TWO cowlicks. what did i ever do to deserve this? in a former life i must have been an 80s hairstylist.
    keep up the great writing.

  29. I am happy to see someone is as concerned about these world issues in the same way that I am, oh the death of travel size toiletries just breaks my heart. The senselessness of it all! Anyway my daughter is not quite mullet age yet, but I know the day will soon approach, and now thanks to you I am prepared for that day.

  30. Oh yeah, Cricket, king of the whitey jheri curl mullet. Every day I look at it and wonder when I'm gonna trim the excess 7 inches off the back. But then it springs up into tight little curls and I just can't.

    Your money was well spent, she's adorable.

  31. awww - so cute. But I do love 'The Pebbles.'

    And such a deal at 18 bucks! I must try your hairstylist. A few months ago I paid 75 for mine and came out looking like Emo Phillips.

  32. Love the new 'do.

    Also a fan of the pebbles look.

  33. Love the haircut.
    We got Girlie Girlie's bangs cut the other week and I have to agree she was far more afraid of the cape than the scissors coming at her face. Go figure.

    I'm holding off getting her hair cut completely for a little while longer. I guess she sort of has a baby mullet as well but it's not too pronounced yet.

  34. Hey Chicky Baby, you are CUTE!

    My son absolutely lost it during his first haircut. He wimpered during the scissors part, and screamed bloody murder during the trimmers, the sound perhaps.

  35. I think that we can all safely say that this exercise in mullet-chopping was well worth it, if only for the PRESHUS pictures!

  36. you are funny. where have you been all my blogging life (like about 12 weeks now)?
    my kid has the same problem, only it is a reverse-mullet. the back is just now catching up to the front.
    funny, i never ever thought of giving her a haircut. instead i stick little cindy-lou who pigtails all over the place. but she won't sit still so, really she just ends up with barettes and stuff just hanging off her head, hair still in her eyes.

    sorry. point is, haircut! novel idea.

    p.s. what a cutey cute muffin.

  37. My 2 year old currently has a mullet. I'll be posting pictures on my blog soon. We tried getting his hair cut last weekend but he would not cooperate. We are trying again next weekend.

    She is a Cutie! :)

  38. Oh Chicky, she's adorable! And with a little styling goo, her bangs will remain in the "swept to the side" look like in the pic! Yes, we too, weathered the mullet without a haircut, with a trip to the ER for removal of clippy from nose (I will blog about that one of these days), and with numerous days of bad toddler hair. It is finally starting to look up over here too and Katie's bangs are doing their thing!

    Again, too cute for words!


  39. Damn she's cute.

  40. She is so cute. Of course, I have a certain inexplicable bias toward little blondie kids... ;-)

    My husband swears that all toddlers go through an awkward stage. I think it has a lot to do with the hair growing out -- with girls, before it gets long enough to look girlie, and with boys, before it's long enough for a real cut.

  41. Your kid IS cute, so don't be ashamed to use the word. I absolutely love the crying shot... such a tender little heart. Again, as always, I want to eat her up! Nice job, mama for saying good-bye to the mullet. You are a good example to us all.

  42. Love the haircut! She really is scrumptious.

  43. We are rockin the mullet too! Picture number 2 could be my daughter. I think it is time for the first haircut

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